
Dark Paladin to farm Jaden, Chazz, and Alexis

update 04/10/2017


There's a high chance that you can Fusion Summon Dark Paladin on turn 1 by using this deck. If you do so, it's almost guaranteed that the farm will be successful.

Example deck

Jaden Lvl 40

King of the SwampBlue Dragon SummonerBuster BladerBuster BladerBuster BladerGravekeeper's Vassal
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsDark MagicianDark MagicianDark Magician
Fusion SageUnion AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Emblem of Dragon DestroyerSecret Pass to the Treasures--Dark PaladinDark Flare Knight

Note: Don't use Fusion Gate when you duel against Jaden Lvl 40. He performs fusion summons if the field spell is face-up even on your side of the field.

Chazz Lvl 40

King of the SwampBlue Dragon SummonerBuster BladerBuster BladerBuster BladerGravekeeper's Vassal
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsDark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianFusion Gate
Fusion SageUnion AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Emblem of Dragon DestroyerSecret Pass to the Treasures--Dark PaladinDark Flare Knight

Alexis Lvl 40

King of the SwampBlue Dragon SummonerBuster BladerBuster BladerBuster BladerGravekeeper's Vassal
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsDark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianFusion Gate
Fusion SageUnion AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Secret Pass to the TreasuresSecret Pass to the Treasures--Dark PaladinDark Flare Knight

Note: Summon Dark Paladin in defense position to prevent Cyber Gymnast from destroying it. Alexis will negate the 1st activation of Secret Pass to the Treasures by using Spell Shield Type-8. Add 1 more copy of the normal spell to successfully achieve Over 9,999 Damage.

Bastion Lvl 40

King of the SwampBlue Dragon SummonerBuster BladerBuster BladerBuster BladerGravekeeper's Vassal
Beastking of the SwampsBeastking of the SwampsDark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianFusion Gate
Union AttackUnion AttackAnti-Magic ArrowsPolymerizationPolymerizationPolymerization
Emblem of Dragon DestroyerSecret Pass to the Treasures--Dark PaladinDark Flare Knight

Note: Don't destroy Bastion's monsters so he wont deck out faster than you.

Set skill

There is no necessary skill, but skills like Restart, Balance, Reinforcement, Draw Sense: High Level, Fusion Time! help you farm them consistently.

How to use this deck

Dark Paladin

Dark Paladin is the core of this Deck. The farm will be almost successful once you Summon this card early on. Its high attack can't be surpassed by the monsters of GX Legendary Duelists and it gets rid of key and nasty spells like Jaden's Polymerization, Chazz's Lightning Vortex, Alexis' Machine Angel Ritual and Bastion's Riryoku. Just be careful on discarding cards when you activate its effect, don't discard the cards that you need for the final turn. Special Summon this card by doing a Fusion Summon.

Summon Dark Paladin

Use these cards to speed up the Fusion Summon of Dark Paladin. Fusion Sage and King of the Swamp lets you get a Polymerization from your Deck. King of the Swamp and Beastking of the Swamps can be used as a Fusion Substitute but the other Fusion Material should be the correct one. Blue Dragon Summoner and Emblem of Dragon Destroyer is used for getting the Fusion Material monster and to thin out your Deck.

Final Turn

These are the essential cards for your Final Turn along with Dark Paladin. Dark Flare Knight, Dark Paladin and Gravekeeper's Vassal should be on your field in attack position. Use Secret Pass to the Treasures on Gravekeeper's Vassal so it can attack your opponent directly. Follow it up by using 2 Union Attacks so it can gain twice the attack of Dark Paladin and Dark Flare Knight. By doing this you'll have the Duel Assessment Score of Over 9999 Damage and Win by Effect Damage Only. Finish the duel by attacking directly.

Other useful cards

Anti-Magic Arrows
Anti-Magic Arrows
Use it against Jaden and Bastion to prevent Negate Attack and Magic Cylinder.
Trap Jammer
Trap Jammer
Can be used an alternative for Anti-Magic Arrows
King of the Swamp
King of the Swamp
It's better to have more copies of this card due to its versatility. Replace other Fusion Substitute with this card.


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I think E-Hero Neos Knight is better than DFK. His ori. ATK is 2500 and can gains more ATK depending on Warrior-type (Buster Blader) u fuse with King of the swamp or any fusion substitute monster and can attacks 2 times without inflicting battle damage is necessary if there is annoying monster to destroy and succesfully win by effect damage only using GK's Vassal
<< Anonymous(candend)
Anonymous Reply
Yep. Red-Eyes Slash Dragon is also an option (with the benefit of giving Dark Paladin slightly more ATK). That being said, this list was put together before either card existed in Duel Links.
I'd rather a Horus deck. If you summon Horus, it's done.
<< Anonymous(Guigeek)
Anonymous Reply
I like more Exodia deck. If you summon Exodia, it's done.
So ptw solution.
<< Anonymous
Regiultima Reply
It makes perfect sense. Farm the LDs you can farm to get extra Gems. It's the F2P solution when resources like stage increases and character leveling are no longer an option (those gems are limited, but gems from LD drops are not).
<< Anonymous
slash0x8 Reply
but that doesn't mean that this deck should be called a p2w solution..
<< Anonymous(slash0x8)
Anonymous Reply
It is when the main focus of this deck is dark paladin. Dark paladin is UR.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Did you forget that you only need 1 Dark Paladin? It would seem so.
I don't have the cards to make this deck and test it for myself, so can someone explain why dark flare knight is necessary?
<< Anonymous
SmartASS Reply
It's not necessary. It's, meant as a second fusion monster to bring up vassal's attack. You can use 2 dark paladin if you have.
<< Anonymous(SmartASS)
Anonymous Reply
ooo, ok cool thanks!
I lost to alexis 500 times with this deck. If you go first u lose all ur resources before u can do anything to stop her!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude just take the damage unless u don't have balance
when Alexis summon Cyber GYmnast, she can easily destroy Dark Paladin since we dont have any counter, so perhaps we can focus on spellaand trap that can block ritual summon instead of Drak Paladin
<< Anonymous
Ulle Reply
That's why you put your Dark Paladon in defense position. Gymnast can only destroy attack position monsters.
damn, i got the point where i mentally cant resist using these decks to farm lol, as much as i would have loved to make my own superior succesful farm deck on my own, i just dont have the patience anymore, i just want to get the drop rewards and move on
<< Anonymous(A)
Anonymous Reply
Why no patience? The main attraction of this game is building your own deck. Hope u r not trying to make this into a card collection game.
Either I have bad luck, but Dark Paladin was 50/50 for me. I have better luck using the Lab Builder with 3 copies of curse seal of the forbidden spell. It nullifies both Alexis's Ritual and Jaden's Fusion spells.
This deck is pretty consistent. Even without balance skill, you can manage to summon dark paladin on the first 2 turns pretty easily. Tested to work 8/10 times for me.
Come on dude. This topic is not relevant. Not everyone have dark paladin.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, it is relevant. Dont assume that other people wouldnt be interested just because you dont have DP. Besides, they are not saying you can olny farm thaem with DP. If you want other decks, go tô the charcaters page
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
then go get 1 u fk
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your life is not relvant even this comment is not relevant '-' Get the 🔥 off
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is, I managed to pull two dark paladin on my first 10 packs (rest after the 1st one of course). Now I have a terrible farm deck that loses 3 out of 4 times
I got this deck without paying to win. I did take advantage of a few sales but never anything over $1.99
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I am, however, addicted to the game and play it very regularly
Unles you combine it with restart or balance the win rate is about 60%-70%. Trust me, I've tried. This deck is more reliant on first draw than Unhappy Girl or Labyrinth Builder.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
totally agree with this, if u want concistency on this deck u must play it with 3x king of the swamp.
For bastion i suggest ojamas and for alexis beckoning light labyrint builder, for chazz and jaden sadly this is the best deck to farm them (althoug i've seen the same succes with horus vs. chazz).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I farm Jaden & Chazz with horus. The win rate is higher but duel assessment 7000 is the hihghest I can manage.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For Chazz just use Labyrinth Builder, it has 100% win rate and will get you 9000+, depends on how many glossy you have, I got to 9300.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The only problem with Chazz is that you need to grab a 2nd Dimension Gate ASAP or include cards to protect it. Otherwise, Stamping Destruction + Armed Dragon Lvl 5/7 will mess you up.

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