
How to beat/farm Yubel Lvl50

Duel Links tips to defeat Yubel Lvl 50, decks to farm Yubel Lvl 50, and rewards.
update 20/03/2019

Updated Information

  • Ra's Disciple Farm Decklist Updated

Ra's Disciple Farm

SkillNo Skill Neccessary /LP Boost α
Essential cards

Example Deck

This Farm deck is credited to D Gamelinks

The Winged Dragon of RaRa's DiscipleRa's DiscipleRa's DiscipleGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugDouble SummonRain of MercyRain of MercyRain of MercyEnemy Controller
De-SpellStormSolemn WishesSolemn WishesSolemn WishesJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.

Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaSkull-Mark LadybugSkull-Mark LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Creature SeizureDouble SummonWorm BaitLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-Garasu
Solemn WishesSolemn WishesGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----


  • Activate Solemn Wishes so that you heal everytime you draw a card.
  • Use the effect of Golden Ladybug in your hand to heal every turn.
  • All of Yubel's monsters have 0 attack meaning you do not need to summon anything to stall. At most they will have 500 attack because of Mystic Plasma Zone
  • Use Legacy of Yata-Garasu, Good Goblin Housekeeping, and Jar of Greed to draw into your deck and heal with Solemn Wishes.
  • Reveal your draw cards when Yubel activates Ante so that you do not lose any key cards. The best to reveal for Ante would be Good Goblin Housekeeping or Skull-Mark Ladybug.
  • During your final turn, summon your Golden Ladybug and activate Worm Bait to summon 2 tokens in attack position.
  • Use creature Seizure to give a token to Yubel and activate Double Summon so you can summon The Winged Dragon of Ra.

Yubel Lvl 50 Decklist

Notes: Yubel will start off with Yubel - Terror Incarnate on the field.

Exclusive Rewards Obtainable

Note: You can obtain one copies of Yubel - Terror Incarnate by defeating Yubel Lvl 50 first time.

Yubel - Terror Incarnate [UR]

Yubel - Terror Incarnate
Yubel - Terror Incarnate
DARK Fiend ★11
ATK 0 / DEF 0
Yubel Unlock Event [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned by "Yubel", and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card. Before damage calculation, when this face-up Attack Position card is attacked by an opponent's monster: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's ATK. During your End Phase: Destroy all other monsters on the field. When this face-up card leaves the field: You can Special Summon 1 "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" from your hand, Deck or Graveyard.

Card Rewards


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I just accidentally stumbled across a great way to cheese this fight. I played reptillane viper, wanting her to 🔥 it so I could use tokens to summon Ra, and got control of Yubel. I had Showdown of the Secret Sense Scroll Techniques already down when she destroyed it with Tribute to the Doomed, so she didn't get to summon her final form. Not what I intended to happen but it worked out.
you activate solemn wishes to gain LP, use forbiden chalice on yubel to negate her effect, summon cyber-stein to special summon a card like blue eyes ultimate dragon since it has 4500 ATK and attack
I haven't watched GX yet but 5D's. This make me wonder Yubel vs Time Lord deck. Who would win...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Timelord win. Timelord don't require tribute, can't be destroyed by battle / card effect and they designed to disrupt opponent board while Yubel can only burn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
moh Reply
Timelord has 0 attack power sooo even if they attack yubel they would won cuz you wont get dmg or even destoryed by effect
timelords cant be destory by effect
<< Anonymous(moh)
Anonymous Reply
Timelord is really op!
Mister Y
Hi everyone,


İn new patch anyone gets bug like this?

<< Anonymous(Mister Y )
SPect8 Reply
Yeah, steam version is a mess rn.. dont know why, it was fine before the patch, now u get floating giant gems an Mai's head(??) all around :D
<< Anonymous(Mister Y)
Anonymous Reply
I have the same problem, someone have the solution????
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just uninstall duel link and your problem was gone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It asks 2,000 gems to uninstall.
I have made an insane deck and i need help finalizing the deck.

skills currently cyber style
1 yubel terror incarnate
3 yubel
3 fire king yaksha
3 elemntal hero ice edge
3 fire king island
3 mask change
1 drowning
2 paleo canida
1 trecherious trap hole
3 masked hero vapor

their isnt much to shift around but any suggestions on anyother skills or cards to swap around would be nice. i took this to legend 2 and im one away from legend 3 defenetly not KOG material YET and i emphasize yet becasue im still working on it anyone can help that be great.
Goal is yubel incarnate and vapor on feild to 🔥 everything else and chip with vapor. ice has the sweet ability to discard to attack direct and 🔥 set backrow and its a target for mask change. yaksha and island trigger yubel effect to bring out incarnate the rest is self explanitory.

ANy thoughts?!?!
<< Anonymous(KingOfGamesMS)
makrov krauz Reply
remove one ice and add 1 witch raider( works well with cyber style) for backraw instant clear + Anki, drowning is good but you can replace it with cheese play Econ or 2nd treacherous or sphere kuriboh maybe
<< Anonymous(KingOfGamesMS)
moh Reply
add 2 pheonix and 2 econ
econ is better then drowning
i would remove 2 candia 1 ice edage and 1 drowning and add these
i think this would work
Am I the only one using Phantom Rock Lizard to beat him? No sweat!
<< Anonymous(Binerdy)
Anonymous Reply
nice idea
Supreme King
Might not good enough to you guys, but mine several got easy win with this deck if each of the cards played in a right time
<< Anonymous(Supreme King)
Supreme King Reply
Forgot to mention there also Ojama Knight and Ojama King in Extra Deck
<< Anonymous(Supreme King)
Anonymous Reply
Ojamas :D !
<< Anonymous(Supreme King)
Anonymous Reply
I use Aromages I lost once out of 30 duels
<< Anonymous(Yubel)
Tian Reply
What's your deck recipe?
<< Anonymous(Yubel)
Anonymous Reply
deck man? deck? :D
Lord Pancake
I just Space-Time Policed the lvl 50 Yubel :p
<< Anonymous(Lord Pancake)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Lord Pancake)
Anonymous Reply
:D haha space time police is such a fun card, I just schooled many with it
Not sure if anyone else has caught this, but I foundout that the vassal combo still works on the ulimate nightmare for of Yubel. Based on how the card is worded, the other two forms do not take any damage, but Vassal's ability to deal effect damage still works on ultimate nightmare. 10,000 damage. Yesh!
<< Anonymous(Batman101)
Anonymous Reply
why use this bricky farming method when you can have a p2w stall deck?
I beat her 2/2 so far with a VWXYZ Deck. just put stuff un def and wait for a Heavy Mech Support Armor and 2 fusion tag. I then summon VWXYZ and destroy any Yubel on the field. For some reason she always dark hole my first or second def monster....
Every time a LV 50 has appeared, I put an Amazoness Deck to work, using either Dark Core or Amazoness Onslaught to remove from play the Yubel. Only times it has trouble is when you’re just waiting to draw Onslaught or Princess to draw Onslaught, and she pulls out Ante

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