
YGO Official Remote Duel Point Battle [13 Mar 2021]

Yu-Gi-Oh Official Remote Duel Point Battle Tournament, Tournament Info, Top 4 Decklists.
update 15/03/2021

Table of contents

The tournament was organized by Yugioh Official on Saturday, 13th, 2 PM (JST). If you are interested to keep up with future tournaments, make sure to join the Remote Duel Discord Channel.


  • 100 Players
  • Must Be Platinum Rank or Above.
  • Point Battle, Free Decks Format


Top 4 Decklists

1st Place: Y,H

Cyber DragonCyber Dragon CoreCyber Dragon CoreCyber Dragon CoreBook of MoonBook of Moon
Fusion GateFusion GateFusion GateCyberload FusionCyberload FusionCyberload Fusion
Offerings to the DoomedCybernetic Fusion SupportCybernetic Fusion SupportStormStormHeat Wave
Cybernetic OverflowCybernetic Overflow----
Cyber End DragonChimeratech OverdragonChimeratech OverdragonCyber Twin DragonChimeratech Rampage DragonChimeratech Rampage Dragon
Pair Cycroid-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style
Can be used each time your Life Points are at 2000 or below. Play up to 2 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" in Attack Position from outside of your Deck.
If your Life Points are at 1000 or below, you can play up to 3 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" in Attack Position from outside of your Deck.
"Proto-Cyber Dragon" that played with this Skill cannot be Tributed, and while they are face-up on the field, you cannot Special Summon except Fusion Summoning, nor attack except with Fusion Monsters.
This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale

2nd Place: 山田哲人

Utopic OnomatopeiaZubababancho GagagacoatZubababancho GagagacoatZubababancho GagagacoatGagaga HeadDodododwarf Gogogoglove
Gagaga MancerGagaga SisterGagaga SisterGagaga ChildDododo DriverGagagabolt
Offerings to the DoomedHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!DodododrawDodododrawDodododraw
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of HeliopolisConstellar Ptolemy M7Abyss DwellerPhoton Strike BounzerNumber 70: Malevolent SinNumber 70: Malevolent Sin
Gagaga Samurai-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Return 2 "Zubaba", 'Gagaga", "Gogogo", or "Dododo" cards with different names from your hand to the Deck and add 2 "Zubaba", 'Gagaga", "Gogogo", or "Dododo" cards with different names from your hand to the Deck.
This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Yuma and Astral
Yuma and Astral

Top 4: kamishin

Deep Sea DivaDeep Sea DivaDeep Sea DivaBuzzsaw SharkSilent AnglerSilent Angler
Atlantean MarksmanAtlantean Heavy InfantryAtlantean Heavy InfantryAtlantean Heavy InfantryAtlantean Attack SquadMystical Space Typhoon
Book of MoonBook of MoonBook of MoonForbidden LanceCosmic CycloneDrowning Mirror Force
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice BarrierWhite Aura DolphinCrystron AmetrixAbyss DwellerAbyss DwellerNumber 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark
Mermail Abysstrite-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Territory of the Sharks
The Level of all WATER monsters you control becomes 4 until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel. This Skill can only be used if you beign the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contains no monsters other than WATER monsters.
Reginald Kastle
Reginald Kastle


Garbage Event
The Survey is up for this Garbo. You know what to do everyone. I don't say you must
The cydra player must had been REALLY lucky winning with this deck in this meta.
only a 🔥 lucky asian could play onomat with only 1 utopic. Holy fff japan needs more fukushimas
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You don't believe it works? Then why don't you try it?

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Priest seto dule links
Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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