
Unhappy Girl to farm Paradox Brothers Lvl 40

update 26/05/2017


Lockdown Paradox Bros' monsters using The Unhappy Girl and finish a duel attacking with Gravekeeper's Vassal buffed with Union Attack. You can use Piranha Army instead of Gravekeeper's Vassal if you don't have Union Attack.

Deck data

Score8,000 +
SkillHoly Guard
Essential cards
ExpenseVery low
Box resetUnnecessary
PackThe Ultimate Rising
Valkyrie's Rage

Example deck

RelinquishedGravekeeper's VassalThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlCrystal Seer
Crystal SeerRai-MeiRai-MeiRai-MeiSummoned SkullUnion Attack
Black Illusion RitualPot of BenevolenceSecret Pass to the TreasuresWindstorm of EtaquaSpell ReclamationCurse of Anubis
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Holy Guard
You receive no battle damage during your turn.



Duel Assessment

  • Use glossy and/or prismatic cards if you have some extra space in your deck to get score bonuses.
  • If you use Piranha Army, you can't get "Effect Damage Only" (1000).
Duel Victory2000
Over 9999 Damage3000
Victory by Effect Damage Only1000
No Damage500
Cards on the Brink500
Perform Tribute Summon300
Perform Ritual Summon400
Perform Special Summon100
Activate a Spell100
Activate a Trap100

How to use this deck

Stall the duel

Thin your deck faster

  • Once you have 1 or 2 unhappy girl, you can set/summon more rai-mei/crystal seer to get more draw, which is needed since their Monster Gate can lower their deck pretty fast.
  • You can summon rai-mei in attack position, or flip summon crystal seer and attack into your opponents' monsters that has higher attack. They get destroyed without taking any battle damage for Holy Gurad skill.
  • Use Crystal Seer's effect to send a card that you don't need to the bottom of the deck, this will make sure that you get Spell Reclamation before your last turn, but using rai-mei's effect will shuffle the deck.

Controlling deck number

  • Paradox Brothers uses Monster Gate that lowers the number of cards in their deck faster than you can reach to 0. You will still win by deckout, but the score will be around 3000 - 4000.
  • To prevent the bros from doing deckout, use Pot of Benevolence to return some of their cards back to their deck.
  • Pot can also be used to return your cards back to your deck. If you get your Spell Reclamation on the last turn, you can set it and use pot to put 1 card from your graveyard back into your deck, allowing you to wait for 1 more turn so you can activate it later.

Score bonuses

  • Performing a ritual and tribute summon will increase the score.
  • Since the highest ATK Paradox Brothers have is 2400 (Suijin), they can't go against Summoned Skull (2500 ATK). Tribute summon it before the last turn.
  • Ritual summon Relinquished on your last turn, and activate the effect to equip Kazejin or Suijin. Tirbute a monster on your field to ritual summon so you don't fill your monster zone.


Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal on the last turn and use Secret Pass to the Treasures. This spell card allows your Gravekeeper's Vassal to attack your opponent's LP directly even if he controls monsters on the field.

Union Attack

  • Use 2 Union Attack and target Vassal, or 1 union and chain it with Spell Reclamation to use it again.
  • Vassal's attack can get over 10,000 if you used it twice and have Summoned Skull and a relinquished that equips either Suijin or Kazejin on the field. Make sure your Relinquished and Summoned Skull are ATK position.
  • Attack directly with Vassal.



  • If you don't have Union Attack, using Piranha Army can still work, but will provide a lower score since you will not be getting "effect damage only" bonus compared to Vassal.
  • Summon Piranha army and use secret pass to the treasures.
  • Use Gift of the Martyr and take Master of Oz' attack and give it to Piranha to deal 10,000 direct damage.

Other ritual/tribute monsters

  • You can substitute Relinquished and Summoned Skull with other monsters, but they need to have 2,300 or higher attack for the damage bonus. If you use double union attack with 2 monsters that has 2,300 attack + Vassal (700 attack) = 2,300 x 4 + 700 = 9900, which is not enough to get 10k damage bonus, meaning that you will need the other monster to be at least 2,400 if the other one is 2,300.
  • For example, Lycanthrope, a ritual monster with 2400ATK, and Ally of Justice Clausolas, a level 6 monster with 2300 ATK.
  • Peform tribute summon one before the last turn if you use 2300 ATk monster. Unless a monster will get destroyed by battle because of Battle Mania trap.


  • Instead of doing ritual summon, you can do fusion summon instead.
  • You can use B. Skull Dragon if you use Summoned Skull, or Meteor Dragon if you have Meteor B. Dragon.
  • It's recommended to choose either fusion or ritual, instead of both. Trying to do too many things can lead to a dead hand.

Draws and Heals


Hot New Top
Change S. Skull for Trance the Magic Swordsman (2600 garanteed to not be bothered, since sometimes Paradox may use his Suijin to 🔥 your S. Skull).
Also, take away relinq and his ritual card, and the javelins, and put polimerization + 3 thunder dragons (better thin deck and easier to summon and more safe to use).
<< Anonymous(MarcusRC)
MarcusRC Reply
Critics and/or compliments are welcome :)
<< Anonymous(MarcusRC)
Anonymous Reply
Umm, and for the 20th Card?
for whatever reason, this guide doesn't mention the bros. use soul exchange as of nov. '17. they have two copies; be aware
I had a little bit of luck using Mystical Beast of Serket and Temple of the Kings to get BEWD. However I don't have my 3rd Rai-Mei yet so is there any replacements I can use rather than an 3rd Seer which can lead to terrible first few turns with no chance to keep Paradox from inflicting damage thus ruining the No Damage bonus?
Please Konami up the drop rate of the super rare cards. I have close to 3 mil points and have beaten the paradox brothers at lvl 40 more than 10 times in a row and received no super rare cards. In fact I only receive gems and money. This is not a good reward system Konami.
<< Anonymous(KONAMI)
Sheepeater Reply
That's surprisingly honest of you! Thanks for letting us know. I've spent about $30 so far is that enough to get the bonus?
<< Anonymous(KONAMI)
Anonymous Reply
Lol is it the real Konami? To be honest it such an official warning but why not signing up using GameA account. That will be less vague if you're the real Konami staff
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's not really Konami you guys. That's just a meme because of all that f2p, p2w 🔥 about the WCS..
Don't fall for that 🔥.
<< Anonymous(maky)
Anonymous Reply
7k score n 7 box of gold (most of the time). Really fun wasting time farming these baldies
Where is level 50 :(

Well folks this deck I have been using it since marik and farmei much against the mai too and this is going against the brothers also the tip is worth ...
<< Anonymous(D2k-AngeL)
Dr.KeKe Odin Reply
Br hue hue confirmed.
<< Anonymous(D2k-AngeL)
Anonymous Reply
What are the 2 trap cards?
<< Anonymous
Jimi Reply
Solemn wishes and aegis of gaia
i don't have Crystal Seer, how can i replace it?
<< Anonymous(Giaguaro)
Anonymous Reply
Skelengel is an option, but Crystal Seer is better by far
<< Anonymous(Giaguaro)
Anonymous Reply
crystal seer is just for thin your deck,skeleangel or blizzed ice barrier is the best choice
TREASURE Doesn't work??? Vassal only went to 5k for me too.... vassal is over 1k damage after union.
For some reason using SECRET PASS on my UNHAPPY GIRL, RELINQUISHED or really any monster isn't working. I use it before using UNION ATTACK. When I attack direct there is no damage dealt at all. What is going on? Does this only work with VASSAL?
<< Anonymous(Kyle)
Loli Reply
Well duh, union attack doesn't deal battle damage to your enemie's life points. Vassal's effect deals only effect damage, NOT battle damage.That's why you have to use secret pass on vassal, it bypasses union attack's condition of not dealing any battle damage to your enemy.

Truly a devastating combo.
<< Anonymous(Kyle)
Anonymous Reply
It only works for vassal because the damage he causes is treated as effect damage. Union attack makes all battle damage obsolete but not effect damage
what is the advantage of this deck over the usual 'Mystical Beast of Serket' + BEUD combo?
Enchanted Javelin keeps screwing me over by taking a valuable slot in spell/trap zone. I've had much better luck running self-preservation spell/trap cards with easier activation requirements i.e. enemy controller and mystical elf. Anyone else finding that problem?
<< Anonymous(JD)
GameA1 Reply
Hi JD, if you need to activate a set Enchanted Javelin, you can set Rai-Mei or Crystal Sheer and wait for they get attacked by the bros' monsters.

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Comments (updated every hour)

Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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