
Double Magical Arm Bind

update 19/11/2017


This deck focuses on taking control of your opponent's monsters using Double Magical Arm Bind. This can often leave them with no monsters while you have 2 that can be used for either tribute summon, or end the duel early using Anti-Magic Arrows.

Example deck

Ancient Gear GolemAncient Gear GolemLava GolemMecha Phantom Beast HamstratMecha Phantom Beast HamstratMecha Phantom Beast Hamstrat
Aurora WingAurora WingAnti-Magic ArrowsAnti-Magic ArrowsStray LambsStray Lambs
Stray LambsEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerDouble Magical Arm BindDouble Magical Arm Bind
Double Magical Arm BindJar of Greed----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand.

How to use

2 for 2

The main aim of this deck is to use Double Magical Arm Bind and take control of your opponent's monster by using the tokens that you special summon. This can potentially win the duel early since it can leave your opponent defenseless with no monsters left. But if the summoned monster's attacks aren't enough to win the duel, you can choose to wait until your opponent summons a stronger ones, or wait for your higher level monsters instead.


Aurora Wing and Hamstrat are good monsters that you can summon along with stray lamb tokens. This is good because sometimes decks can OTK you by summoning multiple monsters in a turn, so you might want to protect yourself with stray lambs and a monster. Hamstrat can't be destroyed if you have any token monsters on the field, while Aurora can revive itself once each turn. Hamstrat works well defensively since you can activate Double Arm Bind after it gets attacked, but it won't summon any tokens at all if you don't have enough space for 2 tokens on the field.

Tributing into high level

The higher level monsters provide optional alternative to win the duel. This is because you might not be able to get Double Arm Bind early, or if you are playing cautiously around Sphere Kuriboh. After taking control of your opponent's monster, tribute summon into Ancient Gear Golem to play it safe, or risk it all if you have Anti-Magic Arrows, which can potentially lose you the duel if they have Sphere Kuriboh. A note to remember is that you can't use Stray Lambs and special summon Lava Golem in the same turn because of their effects.

Support (switch or draw)

Enemy Controller is a versatile card that you can use to play offensively, or defensively. It's also a great counter to Cyber Angel decks if they activate Cyber Angel Dakini's effect after summoning it. Jar of Greed is used to try and get Double Arm Bind as soon as you can. But it's also great for tricking your opponent into playing more carefully. With so many threatening cards already in the game, setting a face-down spell/trap card will make them think twice about their moves. Always activate it in your turn instead of your opponent's turn to keep the card hidden until necessary. You can still replace this with other draw cards like Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive to provide defensive monsters. It's better than using cards like Crystal Seer so your opponent won't know the important card that needs to stay hidden, which is the Double Arm Bind.


The ultimate hidden card to potentially end duels. This works as a surprise during battle phase, and it can't be negated, as well as responded to. After taking control of your opponent's monsters, you can go into battle phase right away and activate this card before your opponent can react. Even if you manage to get a Sergeant Electro, don't even activate its effect and go into battle phase right away. This will often make your opponent think that they can still defend against your attack, only to know that they already lost the duel. But Anti-Magic Arrows does not stop cards that can activate from the hand. This means that your opponent can still use cards like Sphere Kuriboh, or Kuriboh.

Other useful cards

Cosmic Compass
Cosmic Compass
Good as a surprise summon and can immediately be used for double arm bind, but it needs to be summoned normal summoned to work.
The Atmosphere
The Atmosphere
Together with double arm bind, this can remove all 3 monsters from your opponent's field.
Destiny HERO - Plasma
Destiny HERO - Plasma
Can be difficult to summon, but this negates your opponent's monster effects.
Magical Hats
Magical Hats
Thins your deck as well as providing tokens for tributing.
Invader of Darkness
Invader of Darkness
A good option for high level cards to summon. Negates quick-play spell cards, which are common in every deck.
Any spell/trap removal card can be a good card to tech in the deck. It's to remove cards like Toon Kingdom, which counters this deck.
Creature Seizure
Creature Seizure
You can use a token as the cost of your monster.
Bubonic Vermin
Bubonic Vermin
Mostly works if you only get 1 in your hand and get first turn, but this can help thin your deck and can be paired with Good Goblin Housekeeping.
Phantom Skyblaster
Phantom Skyblaster
Summons a token and can deal effect damage without having to attack.


This card isnt more annoying then magical arm shield
Having to draw Double Magical Arm Bind is too risky. Reminds me of when I ran a BEWD deck and every single time it would take me 5+ of my own turns before I'd draw Kaibaman or BEWD...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
then run a blue dragon summoner then idiot
yuck, who designed this deck? How on earth will I ever get 3 hamstrats? Design a deck that is more feasible, my friend has a much better double magical arm bind deck
<< Anonymous
Doug Reply
So post your friend's deck or shut the 🔥 up.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Post your friend’s deck 🔥ing idiot
Well-thought deck! 9/10
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
stolen from Japanese site but worse than the original. -9000/10
I tried a similar deck to this but didn't succeed. This one seems better though it can be expensive
was excited to see use for all my double arm binds but this looks hella risky
Double magical arm bind > Cyber angels there I said it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
CA OTKs this deck if you don’t draw E-Con
Sky blaster and compass is op for this deck, hamstrat too dependent on flip effect. Also you can add destiny hero boss monster in the Comp which literally rapes CA if you can absorb dakini
I also used a deck like this one some time ago, with the atmosphere, it's difficult to use it because if the opponent removes a monster you still lose the two sacrifices

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