
Masked HERO: deck recipe [Nov 9]

Duel Links Masked Hero deck, Masked Hero in the meta, how to build Masked HERO deck.
update 09/11/2022


Heroes are a versatile deck that properly utilizes the extra deck to handle various situations. Depending on what you want to focus on, they can go with fusion, Masked Heroes, or XYZ. With the help of Stratos, the deck can be pretty consistent, but he's also considered a core card in many versions of HEROes.

Other HERO Decks

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Galactic Origin Revolution Beginning Shining Hope Shark Fang Shining Sunrise

Extra Deck

Tornado of Phantoms Photons of Galaxy Phantom of Rebellion Shining Sunrise HERO Generation

Example Deck

Standard Version

Elemental HERO StratosElemental HERO StratosElemental HERO StratosD.D. CrowD.D. CrowElemental HERO Liquid Soldier
Elemental HERO Liquid SoldierElemental HERO Solid SoldierElemental HERO Solid SoldierElemental HERO Solid SoldierElemental HERO BlazemanElemental HERO Blazeman
Reinforcement of the ArmyMiracle FusionMiracle FusionCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Mask ChangePolymerizationPolymerization---
Masked HERO KogaElemental HERO Great TornadoElemental HERO SunriseElemental HERO SunriseElemental HERO SunriseMasked HERO Blast
Dark Rebellion Xyz DragonAbyss Dweller---

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Wounded Hero
Play 1 "Elemental HERO" monster in ATK position from your deck that equal or lower than the total of battle or effect damage that you take in the duel. This Skill can only be used once per duel.

How To Play

Elemental HERO Stratos

Elemental HERO Stratos
Elemental HERO Stratos
WIND Warrior ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 300
Shark Fang [UR]
Selection Box Vol. 03 [UR]
Selection Box Vol.03 Mini [UR]
When this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can activate 1 of these effects.
● You can destroy Spell/Trap Cards on the field, up to the number of "HERO" monsters you control, except this card.
● Add 1 "HERO" monster from your Deck to your hand.

Stratos' will mostly be used for his second effect. Normal Summon him to search out Faris. Or search Malicious if you already have Faris and want something to use as discard cost. You can Normal Summon Stratos and search another copy of himself if you just want to cycle your deck.

You can occasionally use Stratos' second effect to remove your opponent's backrow. But usually Stratos is the first monster summoned to search your combo pieces. If you do want to use this effect, do your Faris combo first and you should end with Increase and another HERO onboard. Summon Stratos and destroy 2 of your opponent's Spell/Traps. Then follow this up by Fusion Summoning Trinity for an OTK.

Elemental HERO Solid Soldier

Elemental HERO Solid Soldier
Elemental HERO Solid Soldier
EARTH Warrior ★4
ATK 1300 / DEF 1100
Valhalla Calling [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower “HERO” monster from your hand. If this card is sent from the Monster Zone to the GY by a Spell effect: You can target 1 “HERO” monster in your GY, except “Elemental HERO Solid Soldier”; Special Summon it in Defense Position. You can only use this effect of “Elemental HERO Solid Soldier” once per turn.

Helps put another monster on the field so you can make a rank 4. Special summoning Stratos will then let you destroy 1 spell/trap card your opponent controls. Its effect to special summon a HERO from the grave works good for Masked Changing into Masked HERO.

Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier

Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier
Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier
WATER Warrior ★4
ATK 1400 / DEF 1300
Shining Sunrise [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can target 1 Level 4 or lower "HERO" monster in your GY, except "Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier"; Special Summon it. If this card is used as Fusion Material for a "HERO" monster, and sent to the GY or banished: You can draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card. You can only use 1 "Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

Helps put another monster on the field by reviving another "HERO" monster from your Graveyard. Special summoning Stratos will then let you destroy 1 spell/trap card your opponent controls or Vyon to search out Polymerization for Fusion Summoning Combo.

While he is used as Fusion Material no matter it is sent to the Graveyard or banished, you can gains extra 2 Cards draw, then discard 1 card. You can use this effect to increase your hand resources and discard 1 "Elemental HERO" monster for graveyard setup after you Fusion Summon monster by using this card with another "Elemental HERO" monster.

Elemental HERO Blazeman

Elemental HERO Blazeman
Elemental HERO Blazeman
FIRE Warrior ★4
ATK 1200 / DEF 1800
Hero Rising [SR]
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck to your hand. During your Main Phase: You can activate this effect; you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Fusion Monsters, also send 1 "Elemental HERO" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard, except "Elemental HERO Blazeman", and if you do, this card's Attribute, ATK, and DEF each become the same as the monster sent to the Graveyard, until the end of this turn. You can only use 1 "Elemental HERO Blazeman" effect per turn, and only once that turn.

Elemental HERO Sunrise & Miracle Fusion

Elemental HERO Sunrise
Elemental HERO Sunrise
LIGHT Warrior ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 1200
Shining Sunrise [UR]
2 "HERO" monsters with different Attributes
Must be Fusion Summoned. Monsters you control gain 200 ATK for each different Attribute you control. You can only use each of the following effects of "Elemental HERO Sunrise" once per turn.
● If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Miracle Fusion" from your Deck to your hand.
● When an attack is declared involving another "HERO" monster you control: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it.

Miracle Fusion searcher for another Fusion Monsters summoning while it is Special Summoned. His Card Removal effect will allows you to destroy 1 card your opponent control while another "HERO" monsters you control attack or attacked.

Elemental HERO Sunrise will boost up all Monsters you control by 200 ATK for each different Attribute which works good with Anki for OTK by min. 3000 ATK stat.

Miracle Fusion
Miracle Fusion
Normal Spell
Revolution Beginning [UR]
Fusion Summon 1 "Elemental HERO" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, by banishing Fusion Materials listed on it from your side of the field or your Graveyard.

You can put monsters into the graveyard pretty easily through Faris or Liquid Soldier, which will allow you to use those monsters to summon another strong monster to the field.

With limited space in the extra deck, there are a couple of fusion monsters that you can put in the deck. You can use this card to Fusion Summon Vision HERO Adoration or Elemental HERO Sunrise.

Masked Heroes & Mask Change

Masked HERO Koga
Masked HERO Koga
LIGHT Warrior ★8
ATK 2500 / DEF 1800
HERO Generation
Must be Special Summoned with "Mask Change" and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card gains 500 ATK for each monster your opponent controls. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can banish 1 "HERO" monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 face-up monster on the field; that target loses ATK equal to the ATK of the monster banished to activate this effect, until the end of this turn.

Koga's ATK boost easily puts him at 3000+ ATK enough to deal with most monsters. And the stat debuff can let you deal huge damage through an opponent's monster.

Most of the monsters in this deck doesn't have graveyard recovery or graveyard effects so you will have lots of options for the debuff cost. Using an Anki, sent to your graveyard by Masked Change, or any other Extra Deck monster as cost will usually 0 the opponent's ATK. The only things you shouldn't banish as cost are Vision HERO Increase, Destiny HERO Celestial, and Destiny HERO Malicious. (if you haven't used Malicious' effect yet)

Additionally, the ability to debuff your opponent's monsters during their turn, prevents them from battling you while you have HEROes in the graveyard and Koga on the field.

Masked HERO Blast
Masked HERO Blast
WIND Warrior ★6
ATK 2200 / DEF 1800
Jaden/Yubel Lvl 45 [UR]
Must be Special Summoned with "Mask Change" and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can pay 500 LP, then target 1 Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; return it to the hand.

Since Stratos is your only WIND HERO, you can only summon Blast by targeting him Mask Change. Blast's first effect is good for getting your opponent to OTK range by reducing their monster's ATK by a significant amount. It can also be used defensively when summoned during your opponent's turn and reducing their ATK so that they can't attack over your monsters.

Bouncing your opponent's Spell/Trap cards back to their hand has some good utility. You can do this during your opponent's End Phase to bounce something like Dark Magical Circle so they cannot activate its effect during your turn. Returning set backrow during your opponent's End Phase prevents them from chaining the targeted card. On your turn, you can bounce an opponent's Necrovalley so you'll be free to use Malicious' or Celestial's effect.

Do not bounce cards during their Main Phase because they'll just re-activate it or set it again.

Mask Change
Mask Change
Quick Spell
Valiant Souls [SR]
Target 1 "HERO" monster you control; send it to the Graveyard, also, after that, if it left the field by this effect, Special Summon 1 "Masked HERO" monster from your Extra Deck with the same Attribute that the sent monster had when it was on the field (its original Attribute, if face-down).

The way Mask Change works is you send one HERO monster from your field to the graveyard, and then summon a Masked Hero monster from your extra deck that has the same attribute as the HERO monster that you sent. Because Destiny HERO and Vision HERO monsters are DARK attribute, they are all possible targets for Mask Change to summon Masked Hero Anki.

D.D. Crow

D.D. Crow
D.D. Crow
DARK Winged Beast ★1
ATK 100 / DEF 100
Shining Hope [UR]
Selection Box Vol.05 [UR]
During either player's turn: You can discard this card to the Graveyard to target 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard; banish that target.

Best Counter Tech in the current meta. Great Disruption effect to stop your opponent's combo by graveyard effect activation or monster reviving.

Reinforcement of the Army

Reinforcement of the Army
Reinforcement of the Army
Normal Spell
Starter/Special Set Bundle Sale [UR]
Add 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand.

Elemental HEROes Searcher.

Xyz Monsters

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
DARK Dragon ★4
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Phantom of Rebellion [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if it does, this card gains that lost ATK.

General Rank 4 Xyz Monster for players to use so far. Its effect essentially lets you deal 2500 (its own ATK) damage if this attacks the monster you targeted. The advantage is that your opponent's monster's ATK is also lowered, allowing you to attack over it with your other weaker monsters.

Abyss Dweller
Abyss Dweller
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1400
Photons of Galaxy [UR]
Selection Box Vol.03 Mini [UR] [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
While this card has an Xyz Material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; any card effects that activate in your opponent's Graveyard cannot be activated this turn.

Abyss Dweller is an anti-Graveyard interaction tech, intended to hinder Decks that activate a ton of effects from the graveyard. It's best to activate this at the start of the opponent's turn, so make sure to toggle Chain to "ON" and activate Abyss Dweller's effect during the opponent's Draw Phase.

Other useful cards

Vision HERoes Combo

The Vision HEROes in this deck are used to get a bunch of HERO monsters out on the field quickly. Because all of them are DARK, they are good targets for Mask Change to make Anki.

Faris alone can start a combo that Special Summons two monsters from the deck. Special Summon Faris by discarding a HERO, preferably Malicious. Use Faris' effect to put Increase in your Spell/Trap zone, then tribute Faris to Special Summon Increase. Increase Special Summons Vyon from your deck which mills a HERO to the graveyard. This is your main combo and from this you can make various boss monsters depending on the match up.

Vision HERO Faris
Vision HERO Faris
DARK Warrior ★5
ATK 1600 / DEF 1800
Fortress of Gears [UR]
You can discard 1 other "HERO" monster; Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can place 1 "Vision HERO" monster from your Deck, except "Vision HERO Faris", in your Spell & Trap Zone as a face-up Continuous Trap, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn, except "HERO" monsters. You can only use each effect of "Vision HERO Faris" once per turn.
Vision HERO Increase
Vision HERO Increase
DARK Warrior ★3
ATK 900 / DEF 1100
Fortress of Gears [SR]
If you take battle or effect damage while this card is in your GY: You can place this card from your GY in your Spell & Trap Zone as a face-up Continuous Trap. During the Main Phase, if this card is treated as a Continuous Trap: You can Tribute 1 "HERO" monster; Special Summon this card. If this card is Special Summoned from the Spell & Trap Zone: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Vision HERO" monster from your Deck. You can only use each effect of "Vision HERO Increase" once per turn.

Vision HERO - Vyon

Vision HERO - Vyon
Vision HERO - Vyon
DARK Warrior ★4
ATK 1000 / DEF 1200
Destiny Rulers [R]
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "HERO" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. You can only use this effect of "Vision HERO Vyon" once per turn. Once per turn: You can banish 1 "HERO" monster from your Graveyard; add 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck to your hand.

Vision HERO Vyon is usually seen when Special Summoned by Increase, letting you mill a HERO monster from your deck. You can send Celestial or Malicious to the graveyard to prepare their effects. Or you can mill extra copies of Faris or Vyon, which you will banish to search Polymerization.

Destiny HERO - Celestial

Destiny HERO - Celestial
Destiny HERO - Celestial
DARK Warrior ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1400
Destiny Rulers [R]
When this card declares an attack: You can target 1 face-up Spell Card your opponent controls; destroy it, and if you do, inflict 500 damage to your opponent. If you have no cards in your hand, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card and 1 "Destiny HERO" monster from your Graveyard; draw 2 cards. You can only use this effect of "Destiny HERO - Celestial" once per turn.

Destiny Hero - Celestial has a good draw effect when he is in the graveyard. The other monster you will banish for Celestial's cost should be your second copy of Malicious. You can mill Celestial to the graveyard with Vyon, or put him there by using him as a target for Mask Change or using him as fusion material.

The first effect is actually quite useful for getting rid of problem cards like Necrovalley and Dark Magical Circle. But being activated during the Battle Phase makes it kinda slow, since you would want to get rid of your opponent's disruption before you do your combos during the Main Phase.

Fusion Substitute

Fusion Substitute
Fusion Substitute
Normal Spell
Chaotic Compliance [SR]
(This card's name is always treated as "Polymerization".)Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Materials. You can banish this card from your Graveyard, then target 1 Fusion Monster in your Graveyard; return it to the Extra Deck, then draw 1 card.

Fusion Spell with only using monsters on your field as materials for Fusion Summoning but you can recycle 1 Fusion Monster from your Graveyard to your Extra Deck for Extra 1 Draw and reuse the returned Fusion Monster.

Vision HERO Trinity
Vision HERO Trinity
DARK Warrior ★8
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Destiny Rulers [R]
3 "HERO" monsters
During the turn this card was Fusion Summoned, its ATK is double its original ATK. This Fusion Summoned card can attack 3 times during each Battle Phase. This card cannot attack your opponent directly.

Trinity has extremely high stats upon summoning, and the ability to attack three times lets him easily OTK if your opponent controls at least two monsters. Because of this he should be summoned when your opponent doesn't have backrow, letting him freely attack. However, he is extremely costly to summon and you should never summon him on the first turn.

Other Masked HEROes

Masked HERO Anki
Masked HERO Anki
DARK Warrior ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 1200
Valiant Souls [UR]
Must be Special Summoned with "Mask Change" and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card can attack your opponent directly, but when it does so using this effect, the battle damage inflicted to your opponent is halved. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can add 1 "Change" Quick-Play Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Masked HERO Anki" once per turn.

The versatility of Anki and Mask Change comes from the fact Mask Change is a Quick-Play Spell, meaning you can first attack with your HERO to destroy a monster or deal extra damage and then bring out Anki for a second attack. You can also activate Mask Change in response to your opponent activating a card like Enemy Controller, Wall of Disruption, etc. to avoid those card effects and still get another attack in.

Anki can attack your opponent directly, but his attack will be halved when you do so. This can let you steal some wins when you only need to put in a little more to damage.

But more importantly when Anki destroys an opponent’s monster by battle you can search a Mask Change or Form Change. Search for Masked Change if you want to make another Anki; higher base stats make him good for direct attacking and his search effect can be used the next turn. Search Form Change if you want to make Koga; better for pushing damage if your opponent controls a monster because of his self ATK boost and debuff effect. You can immediately activate the searched Change Spell to summon another Masked HERO, giving you an extra attack. However, you only get the search effect once so even if you summon a new Anki you don't get to search another Change Spell.

Masked HERO Dian
Masked HERO Dian
EARTH Warrior ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 3000
Valhalla Calling [UR]
Must be Special Summoned with "Mask Change" and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "HERO" monster from your Deck.

Similar to Anki, this card is pretty good to summon when you know you can destroy an opponent's monster. Since it's an earth attribute, you'll have to use Mask Change on Solid Soldier or use Form Change.

The monster special summoned by Dian can attack right away since it's summoned before the end of the battle phase. Use Dian's effect to special summon a Stratos so you can search a HERO or destroy a back row card. Alternatively, you can go with Solid Soldier if you have a Mask Change to make a combo of attacks.

Form Change
Form Change
Quick Spell
Jaden/Yubel Lvl 40 [UR]
Target 1 "HERO" Fusion Monster you control; return it to the Extra Deck, then Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 "Masked HERO" monster with the same Level as that monster's original Level, but with a different name. (This Special Summon is treated as a Special Summon with "Mask Change".)

Only 1 copy of this card is available, and 1 is all you need. Works similarly with Mask Change but has a more strict requirement. It's mainly used to deal more follow-up damage or just dodge effects.

[September 2022] KC Cup 1st Stage Lvl Max Notes


Masked HEROAstlexis
IGN: Astlexis, Skill: Master of Fusion, Date Submitted: Sept 14

Noted By Astlexis:

I decided to try something a little different here and added masked heroes since I was having problems with too much disruption. Masked hero Blast really helped with that.

[Sept 2021] KC Lvl Max Notes


Hot New Top
Yami Aster
Enough already, man... #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
This Coach Netdeck, for real? Sure, he draws 3 cards… but the cost for summoning is too high, and I see that Reiji clearly doesn’t have enough defenses.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
The card is kind of BS along with everything else he can already do. It's why he got another contract so fast. Really, this is the only deck I have that even has a chance against D/D/D.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
I’m sorry, I guess that answers my question… who’d think actually going through the extreme trouble of managing to have three level 8s on one’s field, yet sacrifice all of them would be worth it for a monster card without protections.
Yami Aster
Goodbye, Gandora. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
And that 🔥er was using Wight Princess as well… it’s not even that good of a card. Seeing it along that very dumb AG Wyvern and Box combo, it is truly an abomination.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
I've seen that a lot in these. Really, "Gandora" just turned into a jumble of things.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
That’s the same dumb stuff as “Neos”… it’s a way to grab character cards that are already annoying by themselves and corrupt them even further.
Yami Aster
Geez, everyone have enough Wight Princess!? #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
By putting that dumb wight princess and that dumb chaos soldier on his deck, his Moonlights lose consistency and are even more vulnerable to Triverr… but I have to say again, your Tellarknights are really impressive. All those special summons in defense position recovering your board are boss.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
They really struggle against Kaito and Reiji usually. It's rough. Idk if I can KOG with them.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Really… I’m sorry. Those decks don’t seem so amazing with the replays you show me here. They do have strong cards though, I know… and I think Jeanne D’Arc is still the best D/D/D, fr.
Yami Aster
No "Galaxy Drago" for you! #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Not many player titles, 30 cards, noob Galaxy deck still learning how to play the game, I guess.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
Thanks to him, it's stage 2 time at least. It wasn't that bad this time, surprisingly.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
That’s good… I noticed you were doing really well as the music is different on the higher tiers of stage 1. I knew your extremely powerful clock deck could do it. You have no enemy to fear as you perfectly cover every single situation through your spells, traps, monster effects and extra deck.
Yami Aster
I didn't realize how fragile this deck can be... #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
I told you it’s a handtrapless deck… those are inherently fragile. Well, actually, I guess Galaxy Tyranno does count as a hand trap it can use… but like Score, it’s useless on an empty field.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
It's like I destroy Galaxy Zero and it ruins the whole plan...
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
It’s that Accelight leaves them extremely vulnerable… I refuse to use a card that forbids me from normal summoning or even setting a monster at all for a turn…
Yami Aster
Glad that didn't work out for him. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
This replay proves that as strong your regular backrow removals are, MH Blast is actually your best way of handling backrow.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
He's very important, true. I just can't stand how these guys always seem able to get another Necrovalley in the same turn.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Now at least it makes sense as they do have the instant searcher that isn’t once per turn… it was ridiculous how they always had a way to put Necrovalley back even before that.
Yami Aster
After all this, I still don't understand just what your deck is supposed to be. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Just a pink staples deck pretending to be an anime deck but failing at both.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
I guess so...
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Sad as the character being used highly entices my deepest physiological urges.
Yami Aster
Satellar vs. Gandora. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
Thanks! I'm still practicing since I'm out of it because I haven't used them in so long. I would have won against D/D/D once if I hadn't forgotten a certain Altair rule. But I'm glad this deck is doing okay.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
I’m sorry about Altair… did his special summoned companion miss activation timing for an effect? You’re doing well anyway and you’ll beat lots of D/D/Ds still.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
No, I got an Xyz out that wasn't a Satellar after using its effect and I had forgotten it couldn't attack then because I used Altair. If I had brought out another Satellar Xyz, I would have won. But at least that was just practice.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Sorry, I forgot about that effect… I don’t have the deck… I know I get it on the daily rental deck a lot though… but there I don’t think I ever Xyz summoned a monster that wasn’t a tellar while using those tellar rental decks, sorry.
Yami Aster
Kind of annoying. #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
This Yummy Yugi is either dumb or was unlucky not to get enough resources for Panther Dancer (my Goddess). But it’s cool how you delay his Destiny Draw, make him only get it when he has zero cards in his hand.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
I couldn't stand how he just conveniently drew another lunalight fusion when his hand was empty and his back-to-back sphere kuribohs. I was glad it was too late for his heart of the cards to give him enough for another fusion once he did it. But book of moon really saved me.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
I agree Kuriball gets annoying when it really is used more than once and not searched… but your own heart of cards draws surpassed his (when Divine Guy draws exactly one Destiny Hero and 1 of the Destiny Draw card, it is the God effect).
Yami Aster
Who uses blue-eyes in gandora!? Is this some new thing? #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
I don’t know… but it’s such an abomination regardless. It makes me sick… those stupid thunder dragons and all those stupid different dragons together are so annoying. I regret having received well at first the skill for giving some new use to silents and gadgets… fr.
Yami Aster
This made me nervous... #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Photons went full handtrapless mode now too… the Galaxy Photon skill at least allows Temperance. But now this one being fully handtrapless up to the point of even forbidding Kuriphoton if he’s ever released, makes me also lose my temper.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
Was it really necessary to give him the power to Xyz the whole world like that just to be "good"? I thought I was gonna die...
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Yeah, that annoys me too. They make those handtrapless skills too tempting… the effect is too much. I wish I could Xyz the world too… overlay good things and erase the bad.
Yami Aster
Geez, couldn't even wait for me to do the last attack... #DuelReplay #DuelLinks
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
Netdeckaddiction Princess you were playing against, I see. That Ultramucus being put there for being ritual material and being able to be special summoned in face down defense position is so dumb.
<< Anonymous(Princecurity)
Yami Aster Reply
That deck has only given me problems when they get a sphere kuriboh at the right time.
<< Anonymous(Yami Aster)
Princecurity Reply
It does have a function to ritual summon as well… though it doesn’t help Tarotrei much with that high level.

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How to beat/farm Legendary Duelists Lvl 40

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Decks to farm LD Lvl 40

Characters (Legendary Duelists)

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Selection Box

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Special Packs

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Structure decks
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Standard duelists & Legendary Duelist Lvl 30


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I’m a certified medical shaman from the Swedish Rain Forest. My specialty is symptomatic co...
And I just ate a pine and an apple
This is Pingu’s hot little sister, right?
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