
Elements Unite to farm Yami Bakura Lvl 40

update 02/06/2017


Since the highest ATK of Lvl 40 Yami Bakura's monster is 2100 (Il Blud), he can't deal with your three element monsters summoned by Paradox Bros' Elements Unite! skill. He has only 2 copies of Tribute to The Doomed, a spell card which destorys 1 monster, then at least 1 element stays on the field to defend you.

  • Union Attack: 7000 - 8000
  • Piranha: 6000 - 8000
skillElements Unite!
Essential cardsGravekeeper's Vassal or Piranha Army
Pack (Box reset)(Unnecessary)

Example deck

Piranha Army

Piranha ArmyCrystal SeerCrystal SeerCrystal SeerThunder DragonThunder Dragon
Thunder DragonPolymerizationStormGift of the MartyrGift of the MartyrGoblin's Secret Remedy
Goblin's Secret RemedyHieroglyph LithographHieroglyph LithographArray of Revealing LightSecret Pass to the TreasuresJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Elements Unite!
You will start the duel with 500 Life Points and your starting hand will be 1 card, which is "Gate Guardian". In addition, you will start the Duel with Suijin, Kazejin, and Sanga of the Thunder on the side of your field. Their effects are negated and they cannot attack as long as they are face-up on the field.

Paradox Brothers


How to use this deck


This page just explains tips for using Elements Unite decks against Yami Bakura. For the basics of Elements Untie farming decks, check the above.

Don't summon Gate Guardian!

Change the battle position of Sanga of the Thunder, Suijin, and Kazejin to Defense! You'll just keep them on the field and won't special summon Gate Guardian. Yami Bakura's monsters can't destroy them by battle.

Bakura's Zoma the Spirit

If the battle position of your element monsters are Attack, Yami Bakura's Zoma the Spirit, a trap monster which inflict effect damage to you when it gets destroyed by battle, will attack your monsters to destroy itself. Then you lose.

Bakura's Tribute to The Doomed

Note that you should get Yami Bakura to use the spell card at least one time to destroy your monster. Then you can have a space for summoning Gravekeeper's Vassal on the last turn. Tribute to The Doomed destroys a monster you control, but he has only 2 copies of it, so at least 1 element survives.

Storm to destroy Sakuretsu Armor

On the final turn before you do final attack to achieve Over 9999 Damage, set 2 spell/trap cards and activate Array of Revealing Light or any field spell, then use Storm to clear Yami Bakura's three set spell/trap cards in back row. Unless Yami Bakrua activates Sakuretsu Armor to destroy your attacking monster.

Other example decks

Note that it's tought to use Spell Reclamation to use Union Attack twice. Check the link below to see what will happen.

Union Attack White Elephant's Gift

Gravekeeper's VassalCrystal SeerGaia The Fierce KnightCurse of DragonAlligator's SwordAlligator's Sword
Shard of GreedShard of GreedUnion AttackUnion AttackPolymerizationStorm
DimensionholeWhite Elephant's GiftWhite Elephant's GiftArray of Revealing LightSecret Pass to the TreasuresJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Gaia the Dragon Champion

Fiend Megacyber

The Fiend MegacyberGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's RecruiterGravekeeper's VassalSorcerous Spell Wall
Shard of GreedShard of GreedWonder WandWonder WandWonder WandUnion Attack
Union AttackEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerStormSecret Pass to the TreasuresJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed---Gaia the Dragon Champion


Hot New Top
what is this crap ? yami bakura just uses his spell card with which he inflicts me direct damage of half a monsters ATTK... dead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wrong thread son. Check bakura (gate) thread
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is a different event not Destiny Board of Doom, he use completely different deck.
Mistyc Goku
I tried using Piranha Army, he used Book of Moon to turn my monster face-down and then I had to pass the turn and lost to a deck-out.
<< Anonymous(Jack Wee)
Mistyc Goku Reply
Book of Moon is a quick-spell.
<< Anonymous(Jack Wee)
Mistyc Goku Reply
It was in my last turn. I summoned "Piranha Army" and "Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon", but the moment I used "Secret Pass to the Treasures" on "Piranha Army" he used "Book of Moon" to flip it down, blocking my monster.
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Jack Wee Reply
Sorry. It happened with me too. I guess if activate Storm first, it work.
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
OfDantas Reply
Try setting a riryoku field one turn before.
I keep losing because of his book of moon
<< Anonymous
ofDantas Reply
putting a riryoku field a turn before maybe work
Does Elephant's gift work on Sangan/Suigin/Kazeijin?
<< Anonymous(Ohoo)
Anonymous Reply
No, only works on non-effect monsters. You need to keep the elements on the field anyway (he will destroy 1/2 of them). Just play the vanilla and use elephant right away.
<< Anonymous(Ohoo)
OfDantas Reply
Just change elephants gift for common charity.
What other options are there without Paradox Brothers?
What if it seems like you're gonna end up with two of the three Elements Unite monsters? So there is no place for you to place your fusion monster and your Piranha army.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if the fusion monster is 2x thunder dragon tribute one of them then fuse.
<< Anonymous
Master_Sim Reply
Tribute, then fusion when you have one card left in your deck and pray to RNGesus that he doesn't use his last Tribute to the doomed on it.
With the first deck, are you supposed to use both remedy cards, or use one as fodder for storm?
<< Anonymous(Hajime)
Master_Sim Reply
Use one remedy then one lythograph to lower your LP to 100 for the LP on the brink assesment - 1000. The other ones you can use for Storm's efect on the last turn.
This deck works really well! Thank you so much! <3
Why not use straight flush instead of storm?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
he wont always have 3 backrow, but if you are struggling to have the 3 s/t of your own to destroy with storm then try straight flush if you want
Just used this deck, he didn't destroy my monsters and sort of just decked himself out.
<< Anonymous(Master_Sim )
Anonymous Reply
if he destroys none then you just drop gate guardian and then fuse/ritual/megacyber and normal summon vassal
<< Anonymous(Master_Sim )
Master_Sim Reply
Yeah but I sort of discarded GG midway thinking he was gonna destroy at least one monster. Used the deck agaim, worked like a charm.
Something I found out the hard way. You have to wait until your last turn to summon the fusion monster. Otherwise he'll just banish it with Heavy Knight.

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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