
Unhappy Girl to farm Super Joey Lvl 40: deck recipe

update 18/05/2017


Note that This deck does not guarantee 100% win! You will lose if you cannot get The Unhappy Girl in early turns.

Score6,000 - 7,000
SkillHoly Guard
Essential cards


Example deck

The Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy GirlCrystal SeerCrystal SeerRai-Mei
Rai-MeiRai-MeiPiranha ArmyBlue-Eyes White DragonRiryokuDouble Summon
StormGift of the MartyrHieroglyph LithographSecret Pass to the TreasuresThe Spell Absorbing LifeThe Spell Absorbing Life
The Spell Absorbing LifeGift of The Mystical Elf----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Holy Guard
You receive no battle damage during your turn.

How to use this deck

Stall turns using The Unhappy Girl

Get at least 2 Unhappy Girls

Keep your LP high enough

Use a chain!

Activate Hieroglyph Lithograph

Get your deck to 0

  • By winning a duel when no card leaves in your deck, you can get extra 500 pt.
  • Once you managed to stall the duel with at least 2 unhappy girls, keep using Rai-Mei and Crystal Seer to thin your deck faster.
  • Having 3 monsters on your side of the field right before your final turn is recommended.

Ending the duel

Achieve "Over 9,999 Damage"!

Other useful cards

Rain of Mercy
Rain of Mercy
Since Joey uses Stamping Destruction, this heal card will increase you and Joey's LP so you will maintain "Comeback Victory" bonus.
Supremacy Berry
Supremacy Berry
Increase your LP so Red Eyes won't attack you after you are low from Stamping Destruction.
Security Orb
Security Orb
Good for defensive play or destroying Joey's monster when he uses Stamping Destruction.
Wild Tornado
Wild Tornado
Destroy his equip cards or his monsters if this card is destroyed.
Straight Flush
Straight Flush
Clears his back row so you can attack directly last turn without getting stopped.


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Why not use trap jammer
I set this card while I was farming super Joey and when I use storm to destroy his back row security orbs second effect did not activate. Anyone knows why?
<< Anonymous(Sj)
Anonymous Reply
It only activates when it is destroyed by your opponent's card effect.
<< Anonymous(Sj)
Anonymous Reply
Its effect is "when your OPPONENT destroys this card with a spell/trap effect", that's why
This deck is complete garbage. I lose more than I win. If you don't get UG in first hand, it's a loss.
Lol what happened
<< Anonymous
dark magician Reply
lol what happened?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
EdwardSA Reply
It's a glitch. You can trigger it by choosing a character in the character menu and just before everything loads as it should you press back on your hardware button (samsung mostly) and since the game does not load correctly you end up with the last characters skill you used.I actually hate that glitch.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous. Reply
Damn, that glitch would kick ass.
Imagine any other char being able to use last gamble or duel standby etc.
If you need the best Unhappy Girl Deck, here's a free discord server with some of the top players in Duel Links:

Thank me later
Hey is there another card to replace double summon? I have tried cry havoc for now. I still don't have DS. thanks
<< Anonymous(JJ)
Anonymous Reply
Uff..the only way I see replacing double summon is careful planning. Get 2 UHG's locking down the field, they would need to each hit all 3 of Joey's faceups. 1 turn before 🔥 shot, summon Pirahans' to 3rd slot (don't attack with them). Last turn summon BEWD using your 2 UHG's. You do risk Joey throwing a wrench in things but ...doable.
<< Anonymous(JJ)
Anonymous Reply
Another option you could possibly do is run black luster ritual. Substitute the double summon for the ritual, instead of BEWD run a 7 star. Then you have to cut 1 more card, I opted to cut hieroglyphics. But that's bc I don't have the card. There might be a better card to cut.
Final turn, do it in this order:
Secret pass -> piranha
Storm (if he has metalmorph or kunai with chain set, he will activate them, that is why you use secret pass first. If he has metalmorph and all his monsters are loced by the unhappy girl, he will target your piranha making it an 1100 which is to much for secret)
Double summon
Tribute summon Blue-eyes (not using piranha as a tribute)
Riryoku -> blue-eyes to piranha
Gift of the martyr -> tribute blue-eyes
Enter battlephase and attack directly with piranha
why dos it need The Spell Absorbing Life???
<< Anonymous(Tackrad)
Anonymous Reply
To keep your LP high. Joey will not attack your Unhappy Girl unless if he can 🔥 you in 1 turn. You can use other LP adding cards for this purpose.
le wah?
well its safe to say, this event sucking 🔥s
<< Anonymous(le wah?)
Anonymous Reply
Do you mean 🔥ing ducks?
I have been having quite a bit of luck with this one
I choose to use just normal deck against him. I lose more than winning with the farm deck posted here. His deck have to much annoying card and trap.
Unlucky at All
Thanks for clarifying how to use the deck!

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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