
Frost and Flame Dragon: deck recipe

update 22/08/2017


Same concept as Desert Twister Last Gamble decks, but instead of focusing on backrow removal you now have more options for monster removal. Also, this deck can potentially be faster than Desert Twister Last Gamble, since it has more options to Mill itself.

Example deck

Frost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame DragonTreeborn FrogYomi ShipYomi Ship
Brushfire KnightBrushfire KnightBrushfire KnightCrystal SeerCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerStormStormStorm
Wild TornadoWild Tornado--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey Wheeler

How to use


Last Gamble can only be used starting turn 5, so until then you will have to stall your opponent. Set monsters so that your opponent does not quickly kill you with direct attacks.

  • When Yomi Ship is destroyed by battle he, the monster that destroyed him is also destroyed. This would allow you to stall for longer, and depending on what was destroyed could set your opponent's strategy back a couple of turns.
  • Treeborn Frog revives himself during each of your standby phases, as long as your spell/trap zone is clear. Meaning he can shield you from 1 attack every turn.
  • Use Crystal Seer to stall and help you get cards needed for your final turn.

Send FIRE and WATER monsters to the graveyard

To special summon Frost and Flame Dragon you will need at least 2 WATER and 1 FIRE attribute monsters in your graveyard. Brushfire Knight mills a FIRE monster from your deck to the graveyard when a FIRE monster on the field (Including himself.) is destroyed. Additionally, when discarding cards for Last Gamble, you can discard whatever attribute you still need as cost for Frost and Flame Dragon.

Last Gamble

During the turn you use Last Gamble, the first thing you should do is set your Wild Tornado then use Storm to clear you opponent's backrow and destroy their face-up monsters. Then special summon from your hand as many Frost and Flame Dragon as possible, and use their effect to clear you opponent's monsters.

Other useful cards


Brushfire Knight
Brushfire Knight
Mills FIRE monsters from your deck.
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
1800 attack beater, can be used to send monsters from your hand to the graveyard.
Fire King Avatar Kirin
Fire King Avatar Kirin
Mills FIRE monsters from your deck to the graveyard.
Sergeant Electro
Sergeant Electro
Can be used to lockdown your opponent's spell/trap cards.
Rigorous Reaver
Rigorous Reaver
Both players discard a card when this monster is flipped, you can use this to discard something that will help you summon Frost and Flame Dragon. Additionally, the monster that destroys this card losses 500 attack points.
Great Angus
Great Angus
1800 attack FIRE attribute beater but lacking in defense.
Blazing Inpachi
Blazing Inpachi
1850 attack FIRE attribute beater but has no defense.
Goka, the Pyre of Malice
Goka, the Pyre of Malice
Easy to special summon and destroys a FIRE monster on your field, which can later be used to special summon Frost and Flame Dragon.
Heavy Knight of the Flame
Heavy Knight of the Flame
1800 attack beater. Great when dealing with decks that special summon, but only when effect is active.


Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
Can be used to stall without losing card advantage.
Yomi Ship
Yomi Ship
Used for stalling and monster removal.
Deep Sweeper
Deep Sweeper
Sends itself to the graveyard to destroy a spell/trap card your opponent controls.
Samurai of the Ice Barrier
Samurai of the Ice Barrier
1800 attack beater. Destroys himself when changed to defense position then allows you to draw a card.
Add as many copies of this card from your deck to hand when one on the field is destroyed.
1700 attack beater.
Hammer Shark
Hammer Shark
1700 attack beater that can help swarm your field.
Lost Blue Breaker
Lost Blue Breaker
Sends itself to the graveyard to destroy a spell/trap card your opponent controls.
Beautunaful Princess
Beautunaful Princess
Allows you to search your deck then special summon a Fish type monster, which are usually WATER attribute.
Gale Lizard
Gale Lizard
Returns a monster on the field to hand when flipped.
Aurora Wing
Aurora Wing
Can be revived once per turn to continuously stall.
When destroyed sends 2 WATER monsters from your deck to graveyard covering the most of the cost for summoning Frost and Flame Dragon.
Revival Jam
Revival Jam
Can revive like itself Treeborn Frog, but much more costly. Although has better stats and does not require your spell/trap zone to be empty.


Heart of the Underdog
Heart of the Underdog
Can be used to indefinitely draw cards if your deck has many Normal Monsters.
Monster Reincarnation
Monster Reincarnation
Discard a card in your hand to retrieve a monster in your graveyard. Can be used to discard something that will help you special summon Frost and Flame Dragon.
Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Great way to destroy monsters in your hand and send them to the graveyard. Can also be used as search if you add Fire King Avatar Yaksha to your deck.
Fish and Kicks
Fish and Kicks
WATER monsters are mostly Fish, Sea-serpent or Aqua type monsters meaning banishing them to summon Frost and Flame Dragon helps you fulfill the condition for this card.
Fish Depth Charge
Fish Depth Charge
Send a Fish-type monster (Which are usually WATER attribute.) you control to the graveyard to destroy a card your opponent controls, then draw a card.
Chain Destruction
Chain Destruction
Destroys all copies of a monster in your deck. Used to fill your graveyard and can trigger some effects.

Other example decks

WATER mill version

Frost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame DragonGale LizardHeavy Knight of the FlameHeavy Knight of the Flame
Heavy Knight of the FlameSkreechSkreechAurora WingCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongStormStorm
Wild TornadoWild Tornado--------

Nephtys version

Sacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysFrost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame Dragon
Gale LizardGale LizardSkreechSkreechYomi ShipYomi Ship
Fire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Fire King IslandFire King Island--------

How to use Nephthys ver.

Destroying Nephthys

It is important to destroy Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys by card effect, before the turn you use last gamble, so that he revives and clears the field of all spell/trap cards allowing you to safely attack your opponent. The fastest way to do this is by destroying Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys with Fire King Island. Then after revives the next turn and clears all spell/trap cards, he would immediately be destroyed again because of Fire King Island. Then, after you activate Last Gamble, you can use the Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys in your graveyard to special summon Frost and Flame Dragon.


Hot New Top
Any alternatives to wild tornado? Only have one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Big bang shot equiped to the opponents monster!
When destroyed with storm, the opponents momster will be banished.
Works great against pheonix!
<< Anonymous
anon. Reply
"Any alternatives to wild tornado? Only have one"
Get another one.
Bruh how do people even have 3 FF dragons I don't even have 1 and I get 8000 per duel
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just got my 3rd copy a half hour ago
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥in same but some how I managed to get four of the other ur dragon which is just annoying
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
complaining here won't make one appear in your card inventory
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got 4 the 4th one was right before the event ended and it was prismatic too
Frosted flakes
My very own META frost & flame deck I call it frosted flakes lol work very well
<< Anonymous(Frosted flakes )
Anonymous Reply
there are 6 fire monsters in your deck you know? frosted flakes --> roasted flakes?
<< Anonymous(Frosted flakes )
Frosted flakes Reply
Yup ik I have many options.. If I draw into my ice barrier monster I could pitch my blizzard in the gave but if I draw into a blizzard I get an extra monster if I draw into a crater & it get destroy I could special sommon my pyro dragon or I could used tribute to the doom to pitch any monster into the grave to special sommon my frost dragon wild destroying my opponent monsters you cant lose
Sorry wrong deck, here is the correct deck.
<< Anonymous(Nameless)
Nameless Reply
Made it to KoG with this deck.
this is my deck
1 phoenix
3 yaksha
2 frost and flame
2 skreesh
3 deep sweeper
and 1 econ and 1 srh
1 mirror wall
3 fire king island
1 heavy knight
1 riryoku
1 tribute to the doomed
with bakura tether of defeat cause i doesnt have last gamble
guys any idea to make it better
iam f2p so no crazy idea like three super rush headlong
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Farm Last Gamble
I've come up with this version... I'm planning to replace the aurora wing with the third dragon
<< Anonymous(DarkBalter)
DarkBalter Reply
Never mind, i just found it LOL
If fire hand & ice hand release in this game it will make frost and flame dragon deck become better
Here is my Frost Flame Last Gamble deck.
<< Anonymous(Moonangle)
Moonangle Reply
Got the 3rd Frost Flame.
Changed two cards lol
Ugh dat triple Frost Flake Dragon, make me sick lad

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