
Gemini Dragon: deck recipe

update 02/07/2017


This deck is best suited for aggressive plays with Darkstorm Dragon. With Darkstorm Dragon you can clear all spell/trap cards on the field leaving your opponent defenseless unless they have Sphere Kuriboh in their hand. You will also have multiple ways to revive Darkstorm Dragon from your grave, so you do not have to worry much about cards like Order to Charge.

Example deck

Vanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonDarkstorm DragonDarkstorm DragonDarkstorm Dragon
Blazewing ButterflyBlazewing ButterflyBlazewing ButterflyFeatherizerFeatherizerFeatherizer
SuperviseSuperviseSuperviseWonder BalloonsWonder BalloonsEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerMirror Wall--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used after starting hand is distributed. Shuffle all the cards from your hand into the Deck. Then draw the starting hand again.
Check here!

How to use this deck

Send Darkstorm dragon to the graveyard

Darkstorm Dragon will only be useful once he is in your graveyard where he can be revived. Set Featherizer, then when he is destroyed, you can mill Darkstorm Dragon out of your deck and draw a card. In case Darkstorm Dragon is in your hand, send him to the graveyard with Vanguard of the Dragon to have Vanguard of the Dragon gain 300 attack. Or you can send Darkstorm Dragon to the graveyard with Wonder Balloons, then later use Wonder Balloons as cost for Darkstorm Dragon's effect.

Reviving geminis

Blazewing Butterfly and Supervise both have effects to revive gemini monsters from the graveyard, with these you can easily summon Darkstorm Dragon from your graveyard. What you can do here is summon Blazewing Butterfly, then equip Supervise to him to have him gain his effect. Use Blazewing Butterfly's effect to send himself to the graveyard and summon
a Darkstorm Dragon that will be treated as an effect monster. Then finally with the Supervise in your graveyard special summon Blazewing Butterfly or another Darkstorm Dragon.

Destroy all spell/traps

Use the effect of Darkstorm Dragon to clear all spell/trap cards on the field by sending one of your face up spell/trap card to the graveyard.
An excellent combo for this is equipping Supervise to Darkstorm Dragon to immediately gain his card effect, then send Supervise to the graveyard with Darkstorm Dragon's effect to destroy all spell/trap cards on the field, this would also allow you to special summon a normal monster from the graveyard by the effect of Supervise. Use this opportunity to special summon another Darkstorm Dragon.

Other useful cards

For versatile cards that can be used in any deck, check the link below.

Kidmodo Dragon
Kidmodo Dragon
When sent to the graveyard, lets you special summon Darkstorm Dragon from your hand.
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
Use this card to search for Supervise.
Knight Day Grepher
Knight Day Grepher
Can be used to retrieve Supervise from the grave, and also serve as a 1700 attack beater.
Woodland Archer
Woodland Archer
Used to search gemini monster in your deck.
Dust Knight
Dust Knight
Set this card when you have Darkstorm Dragon in your hand. When flipped face-up during your opponent's turn, send Kidmodo Dragon to the grave to special summon Darkstorm Dragon from your hand. This way you will not lose your battle phase because Kidmodo Dragon's effect was used during your opponent's turn.
Stamping Destruction
Stamping Destruction
With most of the monsters in this deck consisting of dragon-types, Stamping Destruction is a good choice when you want to destroy opponent's spell/trap cards without destroying your own.
Wild Tornado
Wild tornado
Destroy this set card with the effect of Darkstorm Dragon to trigger it's effect. Use it to destroy one of your opponent's face up monster.
Dimension Gate
Dimension Gate
Different Dimension Gate can be used to protect your monsters from cards like Enemy Controller and Soul Exchange. Then you can send Different Dimension Gate to the grave as cost for Darkstorm Dragon's effect to special summon your removed from play monster.
Soul Resurrection
Soul Resurrection
Revives Darkstorm Dragon in face-up defense position. But you might not want to use Darkstorm Dragon's effect since it will destroy this card, therefore destroying him also.

Other example decks

Kidmodo version

Vanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonVanguard of the DragonDarkstorm DragonDarkstorm DragonDarkstorm Dragon
Blazewing ButterflyBlazewing ButterflyBlazewing ButterflyKidmodo DragonKidmodo DragonSupervise
SuperviseSuperviseWonder BalloonsWonder BalloonsEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Mirror WallSoul Resurrection--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand.


How to use (Kidmodo ver.)

General strategy

Darkstorm Dragon is the key card in this deck, special summon him as quickly as possible. Use the effect of Kidmodo Dragon to special summon him from your hand, and use the effect of Blazewing Butterfly or Supervise to revive him from your graveyard. The effect of Vanguard of the Dragon can also be used to revive Darkstorm Dragon from the grave, but only if Vanguard of the Dragon was destroyed by your opponent's card effect.

If you cannot get Darkstorm Dragon early in the duel, stall your opponent with Vanguard of the Dragon and Blazewing Butterfly. Use Enemy Controller and Mirror Wall to handle enemies too strong for your monsters. If this happens too often consider adding Woodland Archer to your deck.

Why duel standby

As you can see this deck has no draw power or search power, so we rely on duel standby to give us the hand we need. This skill also gives us cards we can send to the grave with the effects of Vanguard of the Dragon and Wonder Balloons. Here's where this deck shines, because what it lacks in draw power, it makes up for by reusing cards in the graveyard. Most cards in this deck have effects that activates when sent to the grave or return cards from the grave.

Discard Kidmodo Dragon

If Darkstorm Dragon is in your hand, use Kidmodo Dragon as the cost for activating card effects. Discarding Kidmodo Dragon would trigger it's effect and allow you to special summon Darkstorm Dragon. But keep in mind that you cannot conduct your battle phase, nor can you special summon monsters except dragon-type monsters the turn you activate this effect.

  • Vanguard of the Dragon increase it's attack by discarding a dragon-type monster from your hand.
  • Wonder Balloons lets you discard multiple cards from your hand, to decrease the attack of your opponent by that amount x400.


Hot New Top
Caio AloPrado
Would be nice tech in Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords for protection
This deck is extremely fun, basically rip out Raptinus, use butterfly to bring back the Darkstorm and wreck. Then the field spell can five you back butterfly in case Darkstorm is destroyed. It could still benefit from an extra Darkstorm or large Gemini in general.
Hi guys, made KOG with a Gemini dragon deck (you can check the KOG page). Last Gamble is the optimal skill for dumping Darkstrom and going for game. Vanguard is an alright idea, but I think the deck really needs Knight Day Grepher and Heavy Flame to be competitive. Running non-Geminis with Supervise is just asking for bricks, with Restart it might not be too bad.
<< Anonymous(NJDCat)
fuzzy Reply
Hey, do you like the one goggle golem, or if you had the choice to substitute it with something else would you?
hatuma hatata
i think its better if u mix it with BEWD and darkstorm dragon :v
How do people have 3 Featherizers already when I havnt even seen one at the card trader yet
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i get 2 times in a row but didn't buy
last gamble or balance, and tribute of the dommed instead wonder ballons, im gonna try this, i just need a 3rd featherizer
last gambaj will be better in my opinion
I've been thinking about a Gemini deck. Just something different than the same ol 🔥. Nice looking deck. I guess I need to buy another SV though.
<< Anonymous(jj)
Anonymous Reply
Hate to say it but Gemini is becoming same old 🔥. I play against it constantly
I only have one kidmodo dragon, which card can I put instead of him?? The other cards I find a way to get haha
Supervise is too expensive hey
<< Anonymous(Nah)
Kog Reply
Expensive for noobs like u. Keep bragging and stay in bronze.
<< Anonymous(Kog)
Lul Reply
The irony..
This deck is rated with 8.5?
So doesnt it have to be top tier like toons and bewd?
This deck looks really sexy.After I complete my mako deck, that is 85% done, maybe I will build this deck

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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