
Spellbook deck (Before 2018 Jan)

Duel Links Spellbook deck, Spellbook in the current meta, how to use.
update 31/01/2019

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Spellbooks are generally a support archetype for Spellcasters. They excel at searching and boosting Spellcaster monsters with Prophecy monsters acting having the most synergy with them. With all that, the only thing lacking from Spellbooks/Prophecy right now is a boss monster to invest their support in.

Note: :To see the latest update of Spellbook Decklist, please click the link below:

Note: : To see the 30 card version of this deck, please click the link below

Essential cards
(Box reset)
Visions of IceVisions of Ice

Spellbound SilenceSpellbound Silence

Example Deck

Magician of Dark Illusion Version

Magician of Dark IllusionMagician's RodMagician's RodSpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of FateSpellbook of FateDark Magic Attack
Dark Magic AttackSpellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the MasterSpellbook of EternitySpellbook of PowerSpellbook Organization
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia--------
[Skill] description [Rebalance Version]User
A Trick Up the Sleeve
Your Starting Hand will be included 1 Level 7 or higher DARK Spellcaster-Type monster, randomly selected from your Deck. This Skill will not be activated if your Deck does not contain any Level 7 Dark Spellcaster-Type monsters. You cannot Special Summon effect monsters during your first turn.

Spellbound Silence Version

Silent Magician LV8Silent MagicianSilent MagicianSilent MagicianSpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of FateSpellbook of Fate
Spellbook of FateSpellbook of PowerSpellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the MasterSpellbook of Eternity
Spellbook of EternityTreacherous Trap Hole--------

Show of Nightmare Version [Updated]

The TrickyThe TrickyThe TrickySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of Prophecy
Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of FateSpellbook of FateSpellbook of Fate
Spellbook of PowerSpellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook of EternitySpellbook of EternitySpellbook of the Master
Spellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Show of Nightmares
Can be activated if you have 3 or more Spell cards with different name in your Graveyard. Randomly add 1 spell card in your graveyard to your hand. This skill can only be used once per duel.

Blizzard Princess Version

Blizzard PrincessBlizzard PrincessSpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecyStrength of Prophecy
Spellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook of FateSpellbook of Fate
Spellbook of FateSpellbook of PowerSpellbook of PowerSpellbook of EternitySpellbook of EternitySpellbook of the Master
Spellbook of the MasterTreacherous Trap Hole

Dark Magician of Chaos Version

Dark Magician of ChaosThe TrickySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecySpellbook Magician of ProphecyReaper of Prophecy
Fool of ProphecyFool of ProphecySpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of Life
Spellbook of FateSpellbook of FateSpellbook of FateSpellbook of PowerSpellbook of EternitySpellbook of Eternity
Spellbook of the MasterSpellbook of the Master

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith

How to Use

Silent Magician

While Spellbooks will cover all your support, Silent Magicians will be your main beaters. Summoning the Non-LV Silent Magician should be done by tributing a Spellbook Magician of Prophecy after you have used up his search effect. You should then try to protect her and keep her on the field so that you can activate Spellbook of the Master and Spellbook of Fate. Spellbooks are really good at maintaining their card advantage, so you should have no problem keeping Silent Magician above 2000 attack if used properly. If ever she does get destroyed you can special summon Silent Magician LV8 which has 3500 attack and is immune to your opponnet's spell effects.
Silent Magician is also extremely valuable in a mirror match and when dueling against other meta decks because she can negate key cards like Spellbook of Fate, Masked Change, and Ties of the Brethren.

Deck Search

Searching and thinning your deck is what this deck really excels at. Most cards in this deck has some form of search function to get Spellbooks or Prophecy monsters out from your deck.

  • Spellbook Magician of Prophecy can search out any Spellbook spell card from your deck when he is Normal or Special summoned. Very useful for getting any need card from your deck. You first search out Spellbook of Secrets and then use Spellbook of Secrets to search out the Spellbook you want. The extra step is to thin your deck further and load your graveyard.
  • Spellbook of Secrets can search out any card from your deck with Spellbook in it's name, including Spellbook Magician of Prophecy.
  • Spellbook of Power boosts one of your Spellcaster-type monsters by 1000 attack and allows you to search for another Spellbook card when it destroys a monster by battle.

Special Summon

When searching monsters this deck excels at special summoning your searched monster directly from the deck onto the field. Once per turn, Fool of Prophecy can mill any Spellbook spell card from your deck helping you reach his effect's activation condition. During the end phase when you have 5 or more Spellbook spell cards in the graveyard you can special summon a level 5 or higher Spellcaster from your deck. The best thing you could do with this is special summon Reaper of Prophecy, and then with Reaper of Prophecy search out a Spellbook from your deck and special summon Dark Magician of Chaos. Dark Magician of Chaos can then retrieve a spell card from your graveyard, this combo results in a plus 3 in card advantage.

Blizzard Princess

Summon Blizzard Princess by tributing Spellbook Magician of Prophecy or any 1 Spellcaster-type monster. She effectively shuts down your opponent's backrow for the rest of the turn after she is summoned allowing you to attack safely. Some easy ways to summon Blizzard Princess include using The Tricky or Legion the Fiend Jester as tribute fodder so that you can tribute summon into Blizzard Princess during the same turn.

Strength of Prophecy

Use Strength of Prophecy's effect to boost the attack of a Spellcaster-type monster on your side of the field by 500. Usually his effect will be used on himself first so that you can boost him enough to keep him on the field. His effect is also a good way to recycle Spellbooks in your graveyard back to the deck, which can then be searched by Spellbook of Secrets or Spellbook Magician of Prophecy.

Spellbook Library of the Crescent

Use Spellbook Library of the Crescent to search your deck for Spellbook spell cards. You can only use Spellbook Library of the Crescent if you have no Spellbook cards in your graveyard and the card that gets added to your hand is chosen at random by your opponent. But it could still be worth running this card to fuel your graveyard without losing card advantage. This could also help in some situations where your graveyard runs out of Spellbooks because of Spellbook of Fate and/or Prophecy of Strength removing them from the grave.


To maximize the use of your Spellbooks you also want to retrieve them for reuse. Dark Magician of Chaos can retrieve a spell card from the graveyard everytime he is summoned. Spellbook of Eternity can retrieve a Spellbook card banished by Spellbook of Fate.


Spellbook of Life can be used to revive a Spellcaster-type monster from your graveyard, the best targets are Dark Magician of Chaos, Reaper of Prophecy or Fool of Prophecy depending on the situation. Dark Magician of Chaos is the easiest target because he simple allows you to retrieve a spell card when he is summoned. Reaper of Prophecy is good if Dark Magician of Chaos is still in your deck and you have 5 Spellbooks in your graveyard, you also get to search a Spellbook from your deck. Fool of Prophecy is a great target if you want to gain a lot of card advantage while Dark Magician of Chaos and Reaper of Prophecy are still in your deck.

Spellbook of Fate

Spellbook of Fate has varying effects depending on the number of Spellbook card you remove from play as cost.

  • The first effect is useful for protecting yourself against opponent's backrow. Use it before the battle phase to return cards like Wall of Disruption to the hand without your opponent getting a chance to activate it. This effect can also help you disrupt Sea Stealth Attack boards.
  • The second effect can be used to defend against attacks and change your opponent to a vulnerable position similar to Enemy Controller's first effect. Additionally it can disrupt effects that activate upon summoning like Cyber Angel Dakini and some Sylvan monsters by flipping them face-down.
  • The third effect is just a way to get rid of anything from the field by banishing it, and keep in mind this does not target nor does it destroy meaning it is effective even against monsters with those forms of protection.

Spellbook of the Master

Spellbook of the Master is a good card to use in any Spellbook deck, because it can use the effect of any Spellbook normal spell in your graveyard. This bypasses the the Spellbook's activation condition. Also since all Spellbook cards have a hard once per turn effect, Spellbook of the Master allows you to practically activate it's effect twice in one turn.


Hot New Top
holy crap this is deck is killing my brain
just use a stall trap deckout deck and this spellbook lose to deckout
Aster lover
Not looking forward to seeing this deck even more after the nerfs. It is always the same thing: get the blue kid, use books to search through your whole deck in one turn, get 2 or three fates to banish stuff, lather, rinse, repeat for every duel and it takes forever. It is so very boring and long that you can actually have lunch while waiting for this deck.
<< Anonymous(James)
Aster lover Reply
Try the deck? Um, no thank you. I'd just fall asleep behind the screen while I search through my whole deck in one turn. And when did I say I was having problems beating this deck or that I was "salty"? My last round before I ranked up to stage 2 in the KC Cup was blue eyes spellbook. Konami just needs to skip the scenes for snorebooks.
<< Anonymous(James)
Aster lover Reply
I lose to it a lot, but I am getti g better, so it is not a problem.
<< Anonymous(Aster lover)
Aster lover Reply
<< Anonymous(James)
Aster lover Reply
Basically, if they can get enough fates at once to destroy all of my traps at once before I can replace them and then special summon enough and beef something up with spellbook of power, there isn't much I can do with 0 traps and 0 or 1 weak 4 star monster. But thankfully, that doesn't always happen.
Any card that forces your monsters to be of any other type besides spellcasters, completely destroys this deck. I am a spellbook player and I can tell you cards that force my monsters to be for example dragon types, completely brick this deck. You cant play anything useful. You cant even sacrifice for silent magician.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
also, if you use a deck with various traps, you can give spellbook players a hard time.
This deck is not OP, it has a clear weakness.
Aster lover
Spellbook Zane!
Anyone else think that playing with 2 Silent Magician is better than 3 for consistency?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can’t see how
With "that grass looks greener" + Dark magician of chaos this deck is a such a decent f2p option. Reached kog plenty of times with it.
<< Anonymous(Innova)
Anonymous Reply
Can you please share the deck?
So will the new Buster Blader deck with DNA Surgery shut down spell books now?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
run 2 CC with switcheroo
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cosmic cyclone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Silent Magician
So dudes, I decided to destroy the myth behind Silent Magician and the "pay to win" issue; I tested if it was true, so I choose Cyber Angels, a Spell based deck. Took out Saffira and started playing, and guess what EVERY SINGLE TIME I FACED THAT POOR WIFE, I ENDED WINNING; because she's only able to negate spells ONCE PER TURN.

How do you say the card is too op?
I don't bother if these EX packs become series, they are exclusive cards for fans, who want to support the game. No one is forcing you to buy it, because it's not by any mean "Overpowered".

So that's it, even Handicaped, with a Spell-based deck, and NO SAFFIRA AT ALL.
You can win against Silent Magician.
And these haters, yeah, these people that keep complaining. I'm afraid they have never played duel links; but they keep hating, trying to boycott the game for no reason.

Anyway, leaving these raging and incoherent folks aside, I wish you all happy dueling !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
broken my asssssss
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Reading cards > Get crazy and think that if he beats you means the card is broken and everything is P2W
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If someone beats you, "then it's pay to win". What a classic.
This deck is like watching an accountant sift through paperwork.

Said accountant also forgot his reading glasses so he ends up looking at the wrong paperwork constantly. He finally finds the part he was looking for but then immediately loses it again, so has to start over.

Sadly he's an OCD sufferer, so even if he gets a monster out who can finish the duel, he has to STILL cycle through his books before finishing the duel.

Conclusion: Spellbook win condition is opponent dies of old age.
Really cool deck, not op at all
Just decent enough !!!
However, silent magician is such a cute girl lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Ikr Reply
Waifu magician is cool

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