
Superb Tea Event [Jul 17 - Jul 23]

Duel Links Superb Tea event, rewards, decsk to defeat Superb Tea Lvl 40.
update 19/07/2018

Event Details

PeriodJul 17 - Jul 23

During this event period, Superb Tea appears in Duel World (DM). She uses a counter trap fairy deck, and you can duel her to obtain some of the fairy monsters that she uses, with the prize UR being Meltiel, Sage of the Sky, as well as being able to obtain a burger icon if you win the duel 3 times using Yami Yugi.

Event Mission

Light of JudgmentWin 1 Duel(s) against Superb Tea.
Divine PunishmentWin 3 Duel(s) against Superb Tea.
Herald of Purple LightWin 7 Duel(s) against Superb Tea.
Voltanis the AdjudicatorPlay 15 Duel(s) against Superb Tea.

Superb Tea Rewards

New Cards

Card / [Rarity]Tea's Level
Voltanis the AdjudicatorVoltanis the Adjudicator [UR] New30 or above
Meltiel, Sage of the SkyMeltiel, Sage of the Sky [UR]30 or above
Herald of Purple LightHerald of Purple Light [SR] New30 or above
Harvest Angel of WisdomHarvest Angel of Wisdom [SR]30 or above
Radiant JeralRadiant Jeral [SR]30 or above
Zeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of Heaven [SR]30 or above
Divine PunishmentDivine Punishment [SR]30 or above
Guiding LightGuiding Light [R]All levels
WingweaverWingweaver [R]All levels
Photon BoosterPhoton Booster [R]All levels
Constellar BeltConstellar Belt [R]All levels
Light of JudgmentLight of Judgment [N] NewAll Levels
TendernessTenderness [N]All levels

Combo Example

If you are using a Fairy type monsters only deck, you can use Ishizu's Fairy's Smile skill to gain some LP whenever you normal draw a Fairy-type monster. Using Zeradias' effect, we can get The Sanctuary in the Sky from the deck. If you have more ways to increase your LP like Aegis of Gaia, you can get Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin's attack high enough to be able to OTK.

With some of the newer support, a Fairy counter trap deck might start to become viable. Use these with some of the more easily usable counter trap cards like Divine Wrath or Magic Drain to activate your monsters' effects and gain some advantage.

How to beat Superb Tea

Since Tea doesn't really have good ways to deal with monsters above 2000 attack and/or defense, you can have a pretty easy time by using Paradox Brothers' skill "Elements Unite!", or Rex's Dinosaur Kingdom. Together with some draw cards in the deck can help speed up the farming process much faster.

Notable cards [New Updated]

Voltanis the Adjudicator [UR]

Voltanis the Adjudicator
Voltanis the Adjudicator
LIGHT Fairy ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 1400
Superb Tea Event [UR]
After 1 of your Counter Trap Cards has been activated and has resolved, you can Tribute all monsters you control to Special Summon this card. If this card is Special Summoned in this way, you can destroy cards your opponent controls up to the number of Fairy-Type monsters you Tributed.

Herald of Purple Light [SR]

Herald of Purple Light
Herald of Purple Light
LIGHT Fairy ★2
ATK 300 / DEF 500
Superb Tea Event [SR]
During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Trap Card: You can send this card and 1 other Fairy-Type monster from your hand to the Graveyard; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it.

Light of Judgment [N]

Light of Judgment
Light of Judgment
Normal Trap
Superb Tea Event [N]
If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, you can activate this card by discarding 1 LIGHT monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Choose 1 card your opponent controls or 1 in their hand (you can look at their hand), and send it to the Graveyard.

Meltiel, Sage of the Sky [UR]

Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
LIGHT Fairy ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1200
Superb Tea Event [UR]
Each time a Counter Trap Card is activated, gain 1000 Life Points, and if "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is face-up on the field, destroy 1 card your opponent controls.

Harvest Angel of Wisdom [SR]

Harvest Angel of Wisdom
Harvest Angel of Wisdom
LIGHT Fairy ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 1000
Superb Tea Event [SR]
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 Counter Trap Card from your Graveyard to your hand.

Radiant Jeral [SR]

Radiant Jeral
Radiant Jeral
LIGHT Fairy ★4
ATK 1000 / DEF 2000
Superb Tea Event [SR]
When this card is sent to the Graveyard (except if destroyed by battle), gain 1000 Life Points if "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field.

Zeradias, Herald of Heaven [SR]

Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
LIGHT Fairy ★4
ATK 2100 / DEF 800
Superb Tea Event [SR]
You can discard this card to the Graveyard to add 1 "The Sanctuary in the Sky" from your Deck to your hand. If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is not face-up on the field, destroy this card.

Divine Punishment [SR]

Divine Punishment
Divine Punishment
Counter Trap
Superb Tea Event [SR]
Activate only if "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is face-up on the field. Negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect, and destroy that card.


Joey; You act like a noob, but ya crush my monstas usin' spells and then diss me sayin' how weak I am!

Tea: No I haven't! Not lately anyway!

Joey: Well, it ain't chill ta rely on Spell Cards ta deal damage and win!

Tea: And it's "chill" to rely on luck to win? Becuase that's all you do!

Joey: Whoa there.. I'm just sayin' nicely dat you're too chicken to fight bead-on! Dat's all!

Tea: Well, you got a rep too! That's you're super annoying! Go bark up another tree!

Joey: Tea... Oh no,,, I may be wrong, but I got a slight feelin' dat I made her mad...

Yugi Muto: You think? You better apologize to her later.
Joey: Yeah...

Tea: That Joey! Who does he think he is, flapping his gums like that? I'm going to build a deck spafically designed to beat him!

But I don't know if I can make one on my own... Hmm... I bet Mai and Ishizu can give me some pointers!


Hot New Top
I've been farming Tea since the event started. I swear I've gotten 7k or more in every farm, have played her more than 40 times and I have only gotten one UR, which was Mestiel. WTF...
I just need one Voltanis, but I don‘t think I need it three times.
Anonymous No. 2
How many points have you racked up?

I really put my foot down this time to make sure to try and get some prismatics, but unfortunately, not a single one.
I did level up my character a few levels though.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
Farmed her for 7000+ points from day 2 and still 0 prismatics...
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
And right as I posted this comment, a wild pristmatic Zeradias appeared!
Why Zeradias, Herald of Heaven does not drop in super Tea ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
1.) took you long enough
2.) no one cares
just wondering... anyone actually bother to farm this event even though the drop cards are pretty much worthless?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yep since I like in-character deck.
<< Anonymous
Xenon Reply
The dropcards aren't worthless. I used them during the DD Tower event and even DP is now useless against her deck as well.
Heck the Fairies are even used in my Thethys farm deck!
<< Anonymous(Xenon)
Xenon Reply
useless --> useful. Damn writing...

It's funny to use her own cards due her own play(Sanctuary). xD
Too easy. 1st duel and I've already got of these now. Boring.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That card been out
<< Anonymous
jaximus Reply
wtf 3kpts and u get 2UR cards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
what the 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I haven't found a single copy of it yet
Zeradias hate me -_-
I got this one from last event mission
Please give me zeradias Tea, I beg you :")
<< Anonymous(Kamoney)
Anonymous Reply
I got everything except Zeradias. RNG sucks.
<< Anonymous(Kamoney)
Anonymous Reply
you have 1??! how?! i have 0
<< Anonymous
Kamoney Reply
Get from mission
First event of superb tea
<< Anonymous(Kamoney)
Meltielcomehereplis Reply
I have everything but meltiel. I need 3 copies of him to build the fairy deck
Well for the first time in a while, the drop rates are actually pretty decent. Too bad he rewards are meh, counter fairies as ok gimmick deck.
<< Anonymous(Brickedhands)
Anonymous Reply
the drop rates aren’t decent at all I haven’t gotten a single UR
<< Anonymous
Brickedhands Reply
Well I guess I just got lucky, then again, I had most the UR/SR from the last time this event came around.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
this has literally been my luck too
Lvl 30 gives better rewards trust me
<< Anonymous
Some dude Reply
That was my experience this time also. I only got a purple light from lv 40, the others all came from lv 30s.

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