
Fairy Synchro: deck recipe

update 08/10/2018


It has been a while since the last time any meaningful cards were added to the Card Trader, but it looks like we have finally gotten something interesting in the form of a couple of past Level Up Rewards, a new Tuner and a Synchro monster.

This deck focuses on using the newly added Tuner in combination with Court of Justice in order to Special Summon high Level Fairy-Type monsters that can then be used as material for a Synchro Summon.

SkillCyber Style/ Last Gamble
Essential cards
(Box reset)
Galactic OriginGalactic Origin
Valiant SoulsValiant Souls

Example Deck

Sphere KuribohD.D. SpriteGuardian Angel JoanGuardian Angel JoanAirknight ParshathAirknight Parshath
HanewataHanewataHanewataCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneCosmic Cyclone
Cards from the SkyCards from the SkyCourt of JusticeCourt of JusticeCourt of JusticePaleozoic Canadia
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic Canadia----
Stardust DragonFlamvell UruquizasFlamvell UruquizasGravity Warrior--

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style
Can be used each time your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" on from outside of your Deck for every 1000 Life Points below 4000. This skill can nly be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale
[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Joey Wheeler
Joey Wheeler

How to Use

D.D. Sprite & Hanewata

These two Level 1 Fairy-Type monsters allow you to activate Court of Justice’s effect; ideally you want to Normal Summon one of them, activate the Continuous Spell and then Special Summon either Guardian Angel Joan or Airknight Parshath.

You can discard Hanewata to prevent you from taking effect damage during this turn; you can use this effect before attacking an Amazoness Swords Woman or before the effect of a card like Lava Golemactivates.

D.D. Sprite can be Special Summoned by banishing a face-up monster you control; the monster that was banished is returned to the field during your next Standby Phase. You could use Enemy Controller to take control of an opponent’s monster and then banish it to Special Summon this card, but you wouldn’t be able to keep that monster and it would immediately return to the opponent’s side of the field during your next Standby Phase.

Cards from the Sky

The main combination of the deck requires three cards, so consistency may be an issue. Cards from the Sky allows you to draw two cards, but you need to banish a LIGHT Fairy monster in order to activate it; he main purpose of this Spell Card is to cycle through your Deck until you draw the cards you need, it is pretty effective, but it also prevents you from Special Summoning and conducting your Battle Phase the turn you activate it.

Guardian Angel of Joan

The last time this card saw some play was back when Three-Star Demotion had just been released, its only effect just makes you gain some Life Points, so it’s primarily here for its high ATK and its Level.

You are mainly going to summon this monster using Court of Justice, but, even if the Continuous Spell is not on the field, you could still be able to bring it out by tributing two copies of Proto-Cyber Dragon.

You can use Guardian Angel of Joan and either of the Level 1 Tuners as Synchro Material to Special Summon Stardust Dragon.

Airknight Parshath

Parshath is easier to summon than Angel of Joan—you only need a Cosmic Cyclone—and its effect is actually pretty useful as it lets you draw a card every time it inflicts battle damage to the opponent, which is made easier by the fact that it has 1900 ATK and piercing.

You can use Parshath and either of the Level 1 Tuners as Synchro Material to Special Summon Gravity Warrior or Flamvell Uruquizas.

Sphere Kuriboh & Paleozoic Canadia

These two cards are used for protection, they can gain you a couple turns and even save you from an OTK. Paleozoic Canadia is great against Fur Hires and other currently relevant decks as it’s able to slow them down by flipping their monsters face-down.

Cosmic Cyclone

This Quick-Play Spell is used for backrow removal, it can get rid of Amazoness Onslaught or any other card that would normally give trouble to the deck and the activation cost has synergy with Cyber Style.

Stardust Dragon

We are still very limited when it comes to the Extra Deck, we have very few options and Stardust Dragon is the only generic Level 8 Synchro available.

Stardust Dragon is a decent monster that can negate the effect of a card that would destroy something on the field by tributing itself and then coming back during the End Phase; while there are certainly a lot of ways to get rid of this card since its protection does not cover banishing and its ATK is not the highest, it can’t be negated that it’s still a nuisance for a lot of decks.

Flamvell Uruquizas

Flamvell Uruquizas is a generic Level 6 Synchro with piercing and the ability to increase its ATK every time it inflicts damage to the opponent; most of the times you are going to prefer keeping Parshath on the field, but having options is still a good thing.

Gravity Warrior

Another generic Level 6 Synchro, Gravity Warrior can reach up to 3000 ATK and force the opponent’s Defense Position monsters to switch into Attack and attack during the Battle Phase.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style
Can be used each time your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" on from outside of your Deck for every 1000 Life Points below 4000. This skill can nly be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale

This Skill has synergy with Galaxy Cyclone and it allows to get your high Level monsters on the field with relative ease.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Joey Wheeler
Joey Wheeler

This Skill makes it easier to draw the cards you need for the main combination of the deck; Sphere Kuriboh and Paleozoic Canadia make it easier to survive until the fifth turn.


  • Consistency is a big issue with this deck, it’s very easy to brick with so many high Level monsters; without the Level 1 Fairy monsters, the three copies of Court of Justice are pretty much dead cards.

  • Fur Hire, Masked HERO and Vampire decks are usually too fast to keep up with, if you don’t have Paleozoic Canadia or Sphere Kuriboh.

  • Wiz, Sage Fur Hire and Silent Magician can negate the activation or Court of Justice and Cards from the Sky.

  • Without Cosmic Cyclone and Amazoness Onslaught is a big issue as none of the monsters in the deck have protection against its banishing effect; Amazoness Swords Woman can just attack into Stardust Dragon or Gravity Warrior freely and cause substantial damage.

  • Masked HERO Anki ties with Guardian Angel Joan when it comes to ATK, so the only monster that would be able to deal with it would be Gravity Warrior.

  • Excluding Stardust Dragon, the rest of the deck is weak to any form of removal, so Vampire Kingdom, despite having a “once per turn” restriction on its destruction effect, can still be a problem; Vampire Vamp can easily get rid of any of the high Level monsters in the deck.


Arcana Force Temperance is not only a good monster on its own, it also let this deck access Level 7 Synchro.

One of the Level 7 Synchro that could be interesting for this deck would be Ancient Sacred Wyvern, as the LP gain from Joan benefits it if you have both ASW and Joan on the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You di realise this is a 2 years old deck? This deck has no chance in our mete. Really outdated.
Luna level up rewards include 3 Sunny Pixie for this deck
<< Anonymous(Ozmandias42)
Anonymous Reply
Sadly it's a Spellcaster, not a Fairy for whatever reason.
This deck doesn't really achieve any kind of win con besides summoning a mediocre Synchro.
Winged Watapon :D
i want to correct the atk Airknight Parshath actually 1900
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, the Gamea staff mking this article must have mistaken it with Neo-Parshath, which does have 2300 ATK.
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, sry for the mistake, the issue has been fixed :)
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
My mistake, I apologize.
I wonder why you guys are SOOOO INSECURE about succeeding with your own business. I wonder if you are always that lame.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because they are the embodiment of fear.
I'm gonna get DD Sprite this season
<< Anonymous
Aster lover Reply
Me too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Interesting deck, with winged version of watapon! :D

*Sponsored by Kmoney
Neo-Parshath is best.
Hanewata MVP

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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