
Sky Galloping Gaia: Deck recipe

Duel Links Sky Galloping Gaia deck, Sky Galloping Gaia in the meta, how to make Sky Galloping Gaia deck.
update 17/01/2018


As some people correctly assumed during the “Pick-a-Gift” Campaign, when one of the possible choices was “Spiral Spear Strike”, Sky Galloping Gaia The Dragon Champion is now available by buying the Selection Box vol. 1, and will be included in a future box after the Selection Box is removed from the shop (so don’t worry if you didn’t get it now, or if you don’t feel like buying this Box).

Sky Galloping Gaia

King of the SwampSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightMirage DragonMirage Dragon
Mirage DragonTroop DragonTroop DragonTroop DragonGateway to ChaosGateway to Chaos
Spiral Spear StrikePolymerizationPolymerizationStormStormDouble Cyclone
De-FusionWindstorm of EtaquaSky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionSky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionBuster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer SwordsmanElemental HERO Neos Knight
[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used after starting hand is distributed. Shuffle all the cards from your hand into the Deck. Then draw the starting hand again.
Check here!

Sky Galloping Gaia w/REBD

King of the SwampSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes Wyvern
Red-Eyes B. DragonRed-Eyes B. DragonGateway to ChaosGateway to ChaosRed-Eyes InsightDe-Fusion
Spiral Spear StrikePolymerizationPolymerizationStormStormDouble Cyclone
Red-Eyes SpiritRed-Eyes SpiritSky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionSky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionBuster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer SwordsmanElemental HERO Neos Knight
Meteor B. Dragon
[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba

How to Use

The first example deck focuses more on always having a dragon available to fusion summon thanks to Troop Dragon, with the second example you don’t solely rely on getting out Sky Galloping Gaia The Dragon Champion, because you can attack with Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Although it is easier to bring out Sky Galloping Gaia with the first deck, the second deck has more potential for big swing turns because you can summon the Red-Eyes that you used for the fusion summon with Red-Eyes Spirit, and De-Fusion also becomes much stronger.

Potential skills for this deck are Duel, Standby! and Restart to up the chances of having a decent opening hand, or in the second version Beatdown could be very strong because of the multiple high level monsters you can get on the field at the same time.

Sky Galloping Gaia & Spiral Spear Strike

When you fusion summon this monster (with a gaia the Fierce Knight monster and a Dragon type monster) you can add, from your deck or graveyard, a Spiral Spear Strike to your hand. Spiral Spear Strike makes it so that your “Gaia the Fierce Knight”, “Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight” and “Gaia the Dragon Champion” (this also includes Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion because this card’s name becomes Gaia the Dragon Champion while on the field) deal piercing damage and when these monsters deal battle damage with this effect you also get to draw 2 cards and discard 1. This effect works great together with Sky Galloping Gaia because he can change the battle position from a monster when it attack. So if you attack a monster in attack position you can just switch it to defense position, deal piercing damage, draw 2 cards and discard 1 card from your hand.

The effect of changing a monster to defense position also has the added bonus that you have to fear Mirror Wall less (and to some extent Wall of Disruption) because you know your monster won’t be destroyed because of the attack drop.

Swift Gaia & Gateway To Chaos

Although you can also fusion summon Sky Galloping Gaia with Gaia the Fierce Knight (the normal monster), Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight is obviously preferred because of its bonus effect that it can be normal summoned without a tribute when it’s the only card in your hand.
Gateway To Chaos allows you to add a Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight to your hand. When dealing with Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight always carefully consider the order in which you activate your cards. For example if you have another Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight in your hand you’d first want to set Gateway To Chaos (to clear your hand) so that you can summon Swift Gaia without a tribute, afterwards you can flip over Gateway To Chaos to add another Swift Gaia to your hand.

Storm & Double Cyclone

Storm fits perfectly in this deck because Gateway To Chaos becomes useless after it searched for a Swift Gaia (so is Red-Eyes Insight if you have no Red-Eyes Spirit/Red-Eyes monsters remaining in your hand/deck), and Spiral Spear Strike can be searched from the graveyard with Sky Galloping Gaia. Don’t forget you can chain Red-Eyes Spirit to your Storm activation to destroy an extra spell/trap on your opponent’s side of the field and still get its effect.

Double Cyclone works kinda like a “small Storm” but the added bonus is that it’s a quick-play spell card, meaning you could activate it during the end phase of your opponent’s turn after they set a new spell/trap card so that they can’t chain it (for example destroy their Red Eyes-Spirit before they can get use out of it)


By chaining Red-Eyes Spirit to the activation of your Double Cyclone/Storm, your opponent won’t be able to use Floodgate Trap Hole on your Red-Eyes monster. (you can also chain Red-Eyes Spirit to any other card activation to avoid Floodgate Trap Hole’s effect, but chaining it to your own Storm/Double Cyclone will be a common situation)


De-fusion gives this deck quite some OTK potential because fusion summoning Sky Galloping Gaia with Swift Gaia and Red-eyes, which gives you a Spiral Spear Strike to deal piercing damage, followed by De-Fusion to bring back your Swift Gaia (which can also deal Piercing Damage now) and a Red-Eyes Black Dragon is a lot of damage.

King of the Swamp

Keep in mind that this card cannot be used as a fusion material for Sky Galloping Gaia because Sky Galloping Gaia needs a “Gaia the Fierce knight” monster and a dragon monster , meaning the names aren’t specifically listed (which is the requirement for King of the Swamp).
This card is mostly just used as a searcher for Polymerization but can also be used as Fusion material for one of the other Fusion monsters included in this deck. For example you can summon Elemental Hero Neos Knight by using King of the Swamp and Swift Gaia as the materials.

Additional Notes

  • Other useful skills with this deck would be Destiny Draw and Last Gamble.
    Mirage Dragon is included in the first example because it blocks your opponent’s traps during the battle phase. If you prefer using another dragon like Twin-Headed Behemoth you can replace it.
  • In the second version Red-Eyes Wyvern was included because it can be normal summoned without a tribute (which could clog your hand less than Red-Eyes Black Dragon) and its effect to summon from the graveyard during the end phase can be used during the turns you fusion summon because most likely you will not have a monster to normal summon as well.

Other useful cards

Twin-Headed Behemoth
Twin-Headed Behemoth
Just like Troop Dragon the use of this card would be to up the chances of having a Dragon available to fusion summon Sky Galloping Gaia. Can also help to stall the game if you use Last Gamble as skill.

Fusion Recycling Plant
This card can help you search Polymerization from your deck or graveyard and add a monster back to your hand from your graveyard that was used this turn as a fusion material.


Why "Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman" in second deck, dragon based, if no have Buster blade in deck list?
<< Anonymous(Darth)
Anonymous Reply
Fusion substitute
<< Anonymous(Darth)
Anonymous Reply
you have 5 extra deck slots so why not run him, even though you might not summon him often, there is no reason not to use those extra slots in your extra deck

and you can bring him out with king of the swamp
<< Anonymous(Darth)
Anonymous Reply
Valid point
<< Anonymous(Darth)
Anonymous Reply
red eyes slash would be better in the red-eyes version,more ways to summon + more useful card overall
Any way to modernize this? I recognize it will never be Top Tier but I would like to make it as strong as possible.
<< Anonymous(Parade)
Anonymous Reply
Sky Gaia is still unreleased outside of selection box so most people don't even have the card.
I think that the cost should be $$$$$$$
I think that the cost should be $$$$$$$
An actually decent Game A deck. Good job, guys
Worst Gaia deck ever
Can u guys post a deck without swift gai the fierce knight. I can already think of using blue summoner and the normal gaia with hunter dragon but im stuck after that
<< Anonymous(Joker)
rtfg Reply
That's what Gateway to Chaos is for.
I tried running the red eyes variant, in silver rank. Kept losing to 30 card decks. Instead of storm I ran parallel twister. Played roughly 6 matches with only 1 win. Was very sad to lose to 30 card decks lol.
How to get swift gaia the fierce knight ?
Thx ^_^
<< Anonymous
Joker Reply
One is from leveling up yami yugi. Another one is a previous duelathon reward so u cant get it. And the last one is from the ex event card trader which is not available
You can’t use Gaia the swift knight as fusion material, it doesn’t work
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Swift Gaia the fierce knight, sorry
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes you can
Learn how to read before you make yourself look like a 🔥.
<< Anonymous
rtfg Reply
Yes you can, because it is part of the "Gaia The Swift Knight" archetype.
Its not like this is atm a p2w deck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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