
3SD Black Luster Soldier: deck recipe

Duel Links Black Luster Soldier deck, how to use Black Luster Solider, Black Luster Soldier decklist.
update 20/01/2018


With the newly updated 3 Star Demotion skill, you can use it to normal summon a Gate Guardian monster without the LP cost once per duel. Pair this with Black Luster Soldier and its supports and you will be able to summon high level monsters pretty easily.

3SD BLS sample deck

Black Luster SoldierRelinquishedRelinquishedSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand HandsSphere Kuriboh
Sphere KuribohSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightDjinn Disserere of RitualsDjinn Disserere of RitualsSanga of the ThunderSanga of the Thunder
Sanga of the ThunderGateway to ChaosGateway to ChaosSuper Soldier SynthesisSuper Soldier SynthesisSuper Soldier Synthesis
Black Illusion RitualBlack Illusion Ritual

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Three-Star Demotion
Can be used when you have 1,000 or less Life Points. Until the End Phase, reduce the Level of all monsters in your hand by 3. However, it can be used on members of the Gate Guardian trio at any time regardless of Life Points. This skill can only be used once per duel.

Paradox Brothers

How to use this deck

3 Star Demotion

Since the skill can be used without the LP cost to summon any of the Gate Guardian monsters (Sanga, Kazejin, and Suijin), you can summon 1 of these for free! The skill can only be used once per duel, so you'll have to consider carefully when to summon this. It's important to remember that its effect can only be used when it's attacked, and can only be used once, instead of per turn. After you already use the skill to summon a Sanga, the other Sangas can be used as fodder for tribute material for either Black Luster Soldier, or Relinquished.

Gateway to Chaos

  • Gateway to Chaos: Early on, it's better to go for BLS so that you can use the Spell Counters for its ritual spell. When you are low on cards later on, you can use it to take Swift Gaia from your deck to normal summon a high attack monster.

  • Black Luster Soldier: It's a high attack monster with no effect, but through Gateway to Chaos and Super Soldier Synthesis, you can summon BLS quite frequently since it can be searched and special summoned from the graveyard.

  • Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight: Its main use in the deck is to be searched by Gateway to Chaos, and still be a good monster to summon when you are low on cards.

Ritual summoning

  • Djinn Disserere of Rituals: This support monster is used as part of the sacrifice to ritual summon either Relinquished, or BLS, making them unaffected by your opponent's trap effects.

  • Super Soldier Synthesis: This ritual spell card has a tricky requirement to summon BLS, but it can effectively bring it back from the grave. Use Djinn as part of the sacrifice to make BLS immune to trap effects.

  • Relinquished: Best used if your opponent summons a strong monster so that you can take it, but it can be risky to use if you think your opponent has Enemy Controller. If you have higher LP than your opponent, summoning Relinquished can be a big advantage since you can always attack into your opponent's monster to deal damage to them, it's a good last ditch effort. You can also use Sphere Kuriboh from your graveyard to ritual summon for Relinquished.

Other useful cards

Anti-Magic Arrows
Anti-Magic Arrows
Because of the high attack monsters in the deck (and relinquished), you can go for an easy win by ignoring the backrow, catching them by surprise.
Fulfillment of the Contract
Fulfillment of the Contract
To bring back ritual monsters in the grave that was ritual summoned before.
Sonic Bird
Sonic Bird
To fetch some of the ritual spell cards from your deck.
A/D Changer
A/D Changer
Useful for ritual summoning BLS or Relinquished, but also has a good second effect that can activate in the graveyard.


Hot New Top
Se puede remplazar la esfera kuriboh por controladores de enemigos, pero tienes menos chances para el renunciado, pero aceleras muy rapido con los senjus y al hacer el primer ritual tendras ya disponible para invocar a tu renunciado
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Omg so pro, such greatness, Amazing, teach me senpai
i use this deck 3SB 2BLS

Where's the backrows?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no need bro
How do you get more than 1 sphere kuribo??? Im a newbie I have no idea!! Theres only 1 in shop??
<< Anonymous(Idunnowhattoname)
Rebel Reply
Tick " box reset "
I like how this was taken from Duel Links Metal and they didn't give Dkayed any credit. All they did was change sphere kuriboh for sonic bird.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Im happy ppl like you mention this, so we who didnt know, now know where credit is due- good job supporting the creators mate
<< Anonymous
Dkayed Reply
Nah, It's okay. I stole this deck from GameA anyways.
<< Anonymous
Arobase Reply
Hi , actually King Halo was the first i saw posting the deck recipe in his youtube channel , way before . ( ) .
best way to farm for 3SD? Been farming gate duelists with paradox bros...but after they added skills to pvp and standard, is that better?
BLS 3SD Discussion video;
Kind of jank but fun to play.
Nice "Lack Luster Soldier Deck" 10/10
"Black Luster 3SD" but only see 1 ritual BLS with 2 Relinquished.

<< Anonymous
M1R4G3 Reply
You can Summon Black Luster Soldier From The grave or hand using its ritual Spell, but u can’t do the same with Relinquished.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

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