
Duel Chronicle GX Yubel: King of Game Challenge Guide

update 22/06/2020
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Duel Chronicle GX Yubel: King of Game Challenge Guide
Challenge Guide


Use Challenge Tickets to Duel Yugi Muto and earn great rewards when you win. But beware of the Egyptian Gods that he will use starting the fifth turn. Significant Rewards include the event's Card Sleeve, Game Mat, and Icon. And get a new skill for Jaden/Yubel the third time you win against Yugi Muto.

Challenge Rewards

First RoundSR Jewel x1
Second RoundGems x10
Third RoundSkill: I'm Always Near You
Fourth RoundCard Sleeves: Obelisk Blue
Fifth RoundGame Mat: Obelisk Blue
Sixth RoundGems x20
Seventh RoundUR Jewel x1 / Exclusive ICON
Eighth RoundGems x30
Ninth Round and BeyondLottery Coins x150

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
I'm Always Near You
Return all banished "Yubel", "Yubel - Terror Incarnate", and "Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare" to your deck or graveyard.
This skill can be used once per turn.

Superheavy Samurai Synchro Deck

Example Deck

Superheavy Samurai WagonSuperheavy Samurai SoulpiercerSuperheavy Samurai SoulpiercerKiteroidKiteroidSuperheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker
Superheavy Samurai SoulpeacemakerSuperheavy Samurai Big WarajiSuperheavy Samurai FlutistSuperheavy Samurai FlutistSuperheavy Samurai GigaglovesSuperheavy Samurai Gigagloves
Superheavy Samurai GigaglovesSuperheavy Samurai Soulshield WallSuperheavy Samurai Soulshield WallSuperheavy Samurai TrumpeterSuperheavy Samurai TrumpeterSuperheavy Samurai Trumpeter
Superheavy Samurai SoulhornsSuperheavy Samurai Soulhorns----
Superheavy Samurai Stealth NinjaSuperheavy Samurai Stealth NinjaSuperheavy Samurai Ogre ShutendojiSuperheavy Samurai Ogre ShutendojiSuperheavy Samurai Swordmaster MusashiSuperheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi
[Skill] descriptionUser
Defense Charge
1 face-up monster you control gains the current turn x100 DEF until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Sera (DSOD)
Sera (DSOD)

Anti-Trap Deck

Example Deck

Elemental HERO WildheartElemental HERO WildheartElemental HERO WildheartTenkabito ShienTenkabito ShienTenkabito Shien
Mage PowerMage PowerMage PowerPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians
Axe of DespairAxe of DespairStarlight RoadStarlight RoadWidespread RuinWidespread Ruin
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale

Yugi Muto Lvl 50 Deck

Divine Beast Advent (Skill): At the beginning of turn 5 and onward, Yugi Muto will play "Slifer the Sky Dragon," on his side of the field. The Skill can only be used once per Duel.

King of Games: Lvl 50


Can i do skill farm with this KoG challenge?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
sure you do :)
42k++ coins = 477 gems. My biggest haul ever. Thank you Konami!
That was harder than it needed to be...

But I got the Skill at least...

Maybe next rerun I can get the Icon...

Or just make it a Lifetime Mission so as to make room for newer events...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Superheavy Samurai just beat him easily.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yugi is a piece of cake if you have a decent rogue deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
DSOD Yugi with a fairly decent (but not ideal) Dark Magician deck got me the 7th victory. That was CLUTCH!! I am thrilled and finally I can say I conquered this GX Chronicles event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Are you trolls? You really had a problem facing the bots??? I usually beat them in 3-4 in auto duel mode.
King of Cheat!
I don't have Jaden/Yubel right now as I wasn't playing during that event, can I still get this skill for regular Jaden or Jaden/Yubel later on?
<< Anonymous(Branwu)
Anonymous Reply
I've got the same problem :/
<< Anonymous(Branwu)
Anonymous Reply
No u can't obtain the skill. The skill will remain in the reward box and can't be collected
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Branwu)
Anonymous Reply
his missions are available now.
I need the event agian I m newland I got all the characters and meats I need the sacred beasts
I’m sure they’ll make Judaibel available for unlocking again next month. No need to worry if you don’t have him/her/it/them.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami confirms this in the notification
Also even if you missed that event they'll make sure to include this skill as mission when Jayden/Yubel becomes gate duelist
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah they always give those skills later anyway. Though those wanting to get the Master of Magicians skill on Yummy Yugi got shafted hard.
I have jaden and yubel but can’t get the skill it’s just sitting in my box and says it can’t be obtained.
So if I don't unlock Jaden/Yubel until 21/10, the skill will disappear?
<< Anonymous(Aiden)
Anonymous Reply
I think so but it's highly possible to make this as a mission when he becomes gate duelist
King of Game Challenge EZ!! I did it in less than 54 min. with D Hero deck with Auto-Dual lol. EASY
<< Anonymous(taki)
taki Reply
I mean in less than 5 min. lol ;DDD
<< Anonymous(taki)
David Reply
Nice man :D
<< Anonymous(David)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(taki)
Anonymous Reply
How did you do it in 5 minutes, even if you used auto duel on all lvl 20 opponents the cutscenes and stupid ai thinking time is too long
So the skill is for jaden/yubel only?
<< Anonymous(Nanofriend)
Anonymous Reply
Yep, only Jaden/Yubel

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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