
Dark Master - Zorc: deck recipe

Duel Links Dark Master - Zorc Deck, How to Use, Dark Master - Zorc Deck Skill.
update 10/12/2018


What better time to update this page than right now that the Tabletop RPG: Monster World Event is back? Even ignoring the horrible lottery system, if you have played through this event both times it has been available, you will have at least two copies of Dark Master - Zorc, which is honestly all you need in order to play this deck.

Ritual decks are typically very expensive, so we generally wouldn’t advise any new player to build one from scratch, but, if you happen to already have Senju of the Thousand Hands, Sonic Bird and/or Gishki Chain and you are itching to try out this Level 8 Fiend-Type monster, then you have come to the right place.

Example Deck

Dark Master - ZorcDark Master - ZorcDark Master - ZorcSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand Hands
Sonic BirdSonic BirdSonic BirdSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSphere Kuriboh
Djinn Demolisher of RitualsDjinn Demolisher of RitualsDoomdog OcthrosEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerContract with the Dark Master
Contract with the Dark MasterContract with the Dark Master----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Level Augmentation
Reveal 1 monster in your hand, then target 1 face-up monster on your side of the field; that target's level increases by the Level of the revealed monster. This skill can be used once per Duel.

How to Use

The deck is pretty straightforward: use Senju of the Thousand Hands, Sonic Bird and Doomdog Octhros for searching, Ritual Summon Dark Master - Zorc and blow up the opponent’s side of the field with his effect.

Dark Master - Zorc

Dark Master - Zorc is a Level 8 Ritual Monster that, once per turn, allows you roll a six-sided die and then, depending on the result, destroy all monsters your opponent controls (1 or 2), a single monster your opponent controls (3, 4 or 5) or all monsters you control (6).

Chances are definitely in your favour since the possibility of blowing up your own side of the field is only 16,67%, but relying on luck is never a good idea. If you run Master of Rites II, then you don’t have anything to worry about because Ritual Cage will protect Zorc from its own effect.

You can add Dark Master - Zorc from your Deck to your hand with Senju of the Thousand Hands or Doomdog Octhros. You can add Contract with the Dark Master to your hand with Sonic Bird.

Djinn Demolisher of Rituals

If you use Djinn Demolisher of Rituals to Summon Dark Master - Zorc, your opponent won’t be able to target it with card effects like Paleozoic Canadia or Treacherous Trap Hole.

You can use Senju of the Thousand Hands/Sonic Bird, Sphere Kuriboh and Djinn Demolisher of Rituals to Summon Zorc or use Level Augmentation and increase Djinn Demolisher of Rituals’ Level.

You can use Djinn Demolisher of Rituals to Ritual Summon even from the Graveyard by banishing it, it’s a great card and it solves one of the main issues this deck previously had, but it’s still a Level 3 monster, which makes it difficult to use.

Use Senju of the Thousand Hands and Doomdog Ochtros to Search Zorc

Senju and Doomdog can add a Dark Master - Zorc from your Deck to your hand by being Normal Summoned and by being sent from the field to the Graveyard respectively.

Target Doomdog Octhros with Treacherous Trap Hole to get rid of an opponent’s monster, use Enemy Controller to take control of one of their monsters or use Doomdog as material to Ritual Summon Zorc to add another one to your hand.

Use Sonic Bird to Search Contract with the Dark Master

The other standard monster in any Ritual Deck is Sonic Bird, a Winged Beast that can add any Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand when Normal Summoned.

Sphere Kuriboh to Avoid OTKs and as Material

Sphere Kuriboh can prevent an opponent’s monster from attacking by switching it to Defense Position, but, once he is in the Graveyard, he can also be banished to be used as material for a Ritual Summon.

With Hey, Trunade! around, you can’t solely rely on Trap Cards, you need to have another line of Defense. After dropping in popularity, Sphere Kuriboh has become sort of an unexpected card again; the opponent puts everything into the OTK, fails and then Dark Master - Zorc comes into play and wipes the board.

Enemy Controller

It’s difficult to choose between Enemy Controller, Hey, Trunade! and Treacherous Trap Hole, but the Quick-Play Spell is usually more versatile and it allows you to make particular plays when you are using a Ritual deck.

You can Tribute Doomdog Octhros to take control of an opponent’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Masked HERO Anki, add Dark Master - Zorc to your hand and then use the opponent’s monster to Ritual Summon it.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
Level Augmentation
Reveal 1 monster in your hand, then target 1 face-up monster on your side of the field; that target's level increases by the Level of the revealed monster. This skill can be used once per Duel.

Level Augmentation can significantly increase the consistency of the deck, allowing you Ritual Summon Dark Master - Zorc using a single monster.

[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Rites II
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell "Ritual Cage" activated.
Alexis Rhodes
Alexis Rhodes

Ritual Cage will prevent Dark Master - Zorc from destroying itself when you roll a six on the die. Ritual Cage will also bring some advantage when dealing with Gemini Control, Batteryman and other less popular decks.



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"Horrible lottery system" congrats you found a way to get me to ignore your deck suggestion.

And mentioning guaranteed rewards is normally a huge plus with me too but nope gotta get your bashing quota in or whatever.
<< Anonymous(Goodperson25 )
ValleCula Reply
That's just how I feel about the Lottery System. Wait, maybe you appreciate getting 20 copies of the same card but 0 of another one? Maybe that's how it's supposed to be. /s
Does this deck has any synergy with Garandolf - King of Destruction ?
"Arguably the best Trap Card in the game and a good investment since KONAMI has decided that anything above R rarity can’t be limited if it comes from a Box" lmaooooo
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
I'm honestly so glad they decided to Semi-Limit it in the end.
<< Anonymous(ValleCula)
Anonymous Reply
Same, that card is too good for this format
This version of this deck is a 🔥
built this deck and it's a great autoduel deck!!
i want to try this deck with a little add : Garlandolf, King of Destruction.....
But.....TTH is semi-limited already?
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
Fixed it.
Yami Dovah
The event was cool, and also is the effect of Zorc, but isn't viable in the meta. So, it's more one tematic and funny boss card that'll fall in the oblivion of casual duels, just like the Egyptian Gods and Blue-eyes White dragon.
<< Anonymous(Yami Dovah)
Booyahman Reply
This comment aged poorly
<< Anonymous(Booyahman)
Anonymous Reply
Well the only incorrect part is BEWD. The rest of that comment is still correct.
ritual deserve better support like mokubas lvl 30 deck
I got 3 zorc
Konami released this card too late in the game, now it's garbage.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yes it is garbage but i enjoy it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It makes a good deck for non meta tournaments.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You'll roll a 6 and nuke yourself.
Maybe Zorc and the bird UR aren't in the lottery pool yet since you can't unlock them through the event yet? Idk, just a thought since no one seems to be getting either of them but are getting the other UR.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good to know, Konami is just garbage like always then.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Got 2 birds and 1 Zorc in the lotto, so I've been a lot luckier than I thought I would be.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Found 2 in with 300 coins
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
me too

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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