
Dark Magician Three-Star Demotion: deck recipe

update 26/05/2017


This deck is aimed towards F2P players, by using cards that are mostly obtainable through farming in the game, with the exception of Legion the Fiend Jester and Double Summon. For a more in-depth explanation about Three-Star demotion deck, check the other version using this skill.

skillThree-Star Demotion
Essential cards
Box resetUnnecessary - Recommended
PackFlame of the Tyrant
Chaotic Compliance

Example deck

Dark Magician GirlDark Magician GirlDark Magician GirlLegion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend Jester
Dark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianDouble SummonDouble Summon
Dark Magic AttackSage's StoneSage's StoneSage's StoneThousand KnivesChampion's Vigilance
Champion's VigilanceChampion's Vigilance

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Three-Star Demotion
Can be used by paying 3000 Life Points. Until the End Phase, reduce the Level of all monsters in your hand by 3. This skill can only be used once per turn.

Paradox Brothers

How to use

Search and summon

This deck relies heavily on summoning Dark Magician to unleash its full potential. The popular combo is by summoning Legion the Fiend Jester followed by using one of its effects which gives you an additional tribute summon for Spellcaster-Type monsters. Summon Dark Magician Girl by tributing Legion the Fiend Jester on the same turn. Legion the Fiend Jester's other effect will trigger which lets you search a normal Spellcaster-Type monster from your deck and add it to your hand. You can then use Sage's Stone to special summon Dark Magician from your hand or deck.

Maximize skill usage

Three-Star demotion is a double-edged sword which lessens the levels of the monster from your hand by 3 at the huge cost of 3,000 Life Points. It's less used now since the skill re-balancing, but it could still be deadly especially when paired with Double Summon. Maximize its effect by summoning 2 high level monsters at the turn when it's activated. Just make sure that you have a clear advantage upon using it, since the drawback might cost you the game.

Clearing your opponent's field

By having a Dark Magician on your field you can use Dark Magic Attack or Thousand Knives to completely clear all spell/trap or destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field. Dark Burning Attack can be used when you have a Dark Magician Girl on your field, it destroys all of your opponent's face-up monsters.

Countering your opponent

Champion's Vigilance currently is the only card in the game that can negate a summon. By preventing your opponent's summon, you can attack directly on the next turn if he/she has no monsters. You can start using this once Dark Magician is on your field. It can also negate spell/trap activation, which is very good on disrupting your opponent's combos. Just pay attention to your opponent's moves and don't use it on impulse, they might bait you to use this card before doing their true combinations. Being knowledgeable about other decks would greatly help.

Other useful cards

Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
Synergize very well with Champion's Vigilance since it can be special summoned from your hand when you negate a spell or trap and it has a variety of effects depending on the type of the negated card
Crystal Seer
Crystal Seer
You can add this card if you feel the lack of monsters and draw power in this deck. Also gives you an option on what to pick between the 2 cards at the top of your deck.
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
A monster removal which helps you summon your high level monsters but disables your battle phase at the turn when it's activated.
Supremacy Berry
Supremacy Berry
Mainly used for recovering your Life Points when you use Three-Star Demotion.
Ultimate Providence
Ultimate Providence
A counter trap that can negate all kinds of cards as long as you have the resource for it. Work very well with Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
Aegis of Gaia
Aegis of Gaia
Same as Supremacy Berry but it clogs your back row and you will take damage when it's removed from the field.
Solemn Wishes
Solemn Wishes
Very good when the duel drags out since it heals you over time. Also clogs your back row.

Old Version

Barrel DragonBarrel DragonBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon SummonerLegion the Fiend JesterLegion the Fiend Jester
Dark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianSupremacy BerrySupremacy BerrySupremacy Berry
Double SummonDouble SummonDark Magic AttackEnemy ControllerThousand KnivesChampion's Vigilance
Champion's VigilanceChampion's Vigilance--------

F2P availability

Getting Dark Magician

Using the 2 search cards, you can get them from either your deck or graveyard to your hand. If you get first turn, it's best to use these 2 to get more to your hand, thinning your deck and getting multiple copies. You can make the best use out of a single skill activation that costs 2,000 LP by using Double Summon and get both DM on the same turn.

Barrel Dragon or Dark Magician

The starting hand often will determine which one is better to summon. If you have a Champion's Vigilance, you can summon DM and wait a turn so that it's ready to use on the next. Summon Barrel Dragon when you don't have anything that you can use. It's recommended to play it more safe and attack when you are certain. If your monster is destroyed, it can be hard to make a comeback when you can't recover your LP to activate the skill again. If your opponent has multiple spell/trap cards, it could be Order to Charge or Mirror Wall. Activate Barrel Dragon's ability each turn and don't attack into a attack position monster if you are not certain.


Dark Magician Girl

Instead of Barrel Dragon, you can use DMG together with Sage Stone and make it more spellcaster oriented. Summoning DM might be easier, but DMG has lower attack, defense, and less useful effect.


If you find that the deck is lacking some draw power, you can use cards like Crystal Seer, or Jar of Greed so you can get the ones you need faster.

Other normal monsters

Instead of only using Champion's Vigilance for DM, you can bring more normal monsters, or exchange them with Barrel Dragon. This will make it more normal monster oriented, but it can still work since they have their own supports as well as searchable with Legion the Fiend Jester, or Blue Dragon Summoner.


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<< Anonymous(Benox)
Anonymous Reply
Champ vigilange?
<< Anonymous
muhammed Reply
plz tell me how did u get 3 dark magicions ? and champions village ? and that card concering dark magicion girl ? plzzz ?
<< Anonymous(muhammed)
Anonymous Reply
Check card catalog "how to get".

Ps: champion vigilance is being limited now.
<< Anonymous
Dark*Moon Reply
Definitely, champion s vigilance is limeted to 1 card.
Always got Dead hand :(
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
That's the issue I see with DM in Duel Links given the short number of cards. DM decks, in contrast to BEWD, for example, are heavily depended on various Spell combinations in order to make it work, unless you summon DM immediately. So this deck just doesn't work if you're unlucky.
How i rescue this deck?
This needs update lol
dark magi 3star user
die 🔥
So how is this after nerf?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not consistent anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's playable if you remove berries and go for the OTK,
Made it to king of games with my version
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sorry dude. Think I overstate it. My main intention is to discourage people who are thinking they are "so proud" winning with a 3sd.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All good bro, I was being overly aggresive myself.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Who tf cares if u cant beat a lousy 3sd then u should be trying to get it. Ur living in denial dude
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
anyone have a version of this w/out 3 star demotion?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Buy Mausoleum Of The Emperor field spell
<< Anonymous
Raijin Reply
This is similar in that it focuses on getting out Dark Magician fast. But it's closer to a beatdown deck than a deck that just focuses on a skill or certain card.
Konami does this all over again. Seen it too many times...
Is this deck still going to work after the nerfs by using Maloseum?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah but with masoleum you need to draw the field spell first, so it's a little bit incosistent, unless you dedicate your deck to search it.
I really don't understand why people complain so much over those skills, the only thing i hated so far is the fact you can have only one structure pack for gems, rest is about p2w, so gives an unfair vantage to those who pay, despite that, konami is doing a good job
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
people complain about 3sd because it's 🔥ed

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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