
Kickfire OTK: deck recipe

update 14/06/2017


Using Goka, the Pyre of Malice, and Bonfire Colossus's effect, you can destroy your own monsters to deal 1000 damage for each Kickfire counter, allowing you to potentially OTK your opponent pretty fast.

Essential cards
(Box reset)

Example deck

Ver 1

Rigorous ReaverRigorous ReaverGoka, the Pyre of MaliceGoka, the Pyre of MaliceBonfire ColossusBonfire Colossus
Bonfire ColossusSeed of FlameSeed of FlamePoki DracoPoki DracoPoki Draco
Great AngusGreat AngusKickfireKickfireKickfireGeneration Shift
Generation ShiftGeneration Shift----

Ver 2

Sphere KuribohGoka, the Pyre of MaliceGoka, the Pyre of MaliceBonfire ColossusBonfire ColossusBonfire Colossus
Crystal SeerCrystal SeerCrystal SeerPoki DracoPoki DracoPoki Draco
Great AngusGreat AngusGreat AngusWindstorm of EtaquaKickfireKickfire
KickfireTwo-Pronged Attack----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Check here!

How to use this deck

Early turns

The main use of this deck is to use Kickfire to beat your opponent, by destroying your own monsters to add counters. Using the skill Balance, you will have a guaranteed chance to draw a trap, but it might not be Kickfire. Starting the duel by setting a Crystal Seer is usually a safe choice, since even if you get a Kickfire, you still need to wait a turn before you can activate it, but it can potentially let your opponent know about your strategy.

Fueling Kickfire

To fuel the Kickfire, use either Goka or Bonfire to destroy your own monsters. You should only destroy them if you will have at least a monster on the field to defend yourself, or if it will add enough counter to finish off your opponent. If you summon a Goka, you do not have to attack into your opponent and risk getting Mirror Wall'ed, you can wait until your next turn so it can summon a token so it can get destroyed, or to get Bonfire out.

It's also important to remember that Kickfire can only be increased once per turn. Destroying multiple monsters with a single effect or activation will add multiple counters, but destroying them again with a different effect on the same turn will not increase the counter.


Poki Draco is a useful card that you can summon to help get Goka out quite easily, and since it can get more copies from the deck, it can set up for some more destruction if you ever get another Goka or a Bonfire, but it can potentially clog your hand if you don't use Balance skill. You can use Two-Pronged if you have monsters like a Crystal Seer, or the token that Goka makes. Using Goka's token and a Poki Draco, you can destroy both to take down your opponent's monster.

Other useful cards

Card Explanation
Curse of Royal
Curse of Royal
This deck's biggest weakness if Kickfire gets destroyed. Use cards like Curse of Royal / Anubis, or cards like Twister to destroy Harpies' Hunting Ground as soon as possible.
Burning Land
Burning Land
This can speed up the burn process, or lower the amount of counter you need.
Jar of Greed
Jar of Greed
Essentially lowers the amount of cards in your deck, getting you to the ones you need faster.
A Cat of Ill Omen
A Cat of Ill Omen
Used to get a Kickfire from your deck. Even if you get 2, having both of them up and summoning Bonfire is enough to finish your opponent.
Double Summon
Double Summon
This will let you summon 2 Poki Draco in a turn, allowing you to summon Bonfire easily, add 2 counters, and leave you with a high attack monster.
Dragon's Gunfire
Dragon's Gunfire
Less damage than 1 counter of Kickfire, and only usable if you have more dragon monsters, but it can help with dealing some damage.

Other useful skills

Last Gamble

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey Wheeler

Duel, standby!

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand.



Hot New Top
This trap seems op but it's kinda difficult to activate.
again stealing another deck without giving credit to duel partner on youtube btw check him out he's the actual creator of this deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Doesn't mean someone post early, the idea is originally from him . Yugioh have been created ages ago. Anyone can come up with something similar. Don't be complacent dude.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't say 🔥 bro, I have a friend that came up with this long time ago... there is no such thing as "the creator" l, kid.
<< Anonymous
Goodwood Reply
I made this deck on my own before I looked it up online. It's not very complicated. Some of us can think and don't need to watch videos to build decks. Here's a little tip that might keep you from looking foolish next time - ideas aren't invented by the first person to post it on the internet in a spot you check. It's a big world, kid.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
dDdayum lots of burn damage in this thread
useless KOG material Ring-a-Ding Baby!!
This deck works good on Some Legendary Duelists if you modify it a slight bit
Does anybody have some new ideas for this deck since the Dawn of Destiny is released?
<< Anonymous(Ulle)
Slowking Reply
I'm playing:

3 Goka
2 Bonfire Colossus
3 Yaksha
3 Kirin
1 Cat of Ill Omen (gotta get that kickfire)
2 Fire king Island(Gonna try 3 when I get a third)
2 Mirror Wall (Cause why not)
2 Michizure (Oh the destruction)
3 Kickfire (Of course)

I'm still testing it so it's not a final product but it's something to start with.
<< Anonymous(Slowking)
Slowking Reply
Puzzle reborn might be a choice as well if.
how would anyone already have 2 Goka? It's like Konami is ........
<< Anonymous(jj)
Anonymous Reply
They saved up gems, its very possible because there are 2 Goka in one box.
<< Anonymous(jj)
Anonymous Reply
I have 3 :v
<< Anonymous(jj)
Anonymous Reply
i am aiming for wyvern got 3 gokas instead and 0 wyvern.
This deck is very dirty...
Infinite dismissal works really well too
<< Anonymous(Mike)
Anonymous Reply
Not really. Its hard to draw it. Only one copy. You sure u can survive till then?
Have you tried Thunder Clash?
<< Anonymous(Deeznuts)
Anonymous Reply
Yes, it adds fun to the fire
I have found that the card The Unfriendly Amazon may be an alright card to use. You can combo with Goka and destroy the tokens to keep her on the field, plus it counts towards the kickfire fuel, although it may take some time, one must protect the two...
<< Anonymous(N)
YatsuoKogame Reply
good idea ! I'll add here my idea with an other 2000 atk monster which fit good in this deck: Gaia soul the combustible collective ;)
<< Anonymous
YatsuoKogame Reply
oh yes you're right it's not a fire type :/
<< Anonymous(N)
Anonymous Reply
Tributed and destroyed are different
<< Anonymous
YatsuoKogame Reply
Yes, I thought he was talking about the second effect of Unfriendly Amazon (selfdestruction) but it's not a fire type
could this deck reach kog?
<< Anonymous
Firegod Reply
Yes. I believe it can if played well. Some changes might need to be made too. I enjoy double summon to get stuff out quickly for bonfire. Or getting two kick out at once, you can pretty much otk crazy quick with just 1 monster and a bonfire.

Lots of potential here.
Possible farming tool? Maybe make it so that you can do 10,000 effect damage? That wilp net you a LOT of points

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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