
Brotherhood of Fire Fist: deck recipe

Duel Links Brotherhood of Fire Fist deck, Brotherhood of Fire Fist in the current meta, how to use.
update 21/07/2018


Overall Fire Fists are a well-rounded deck with great synergy with each other. They work as a control deck with their Fire Formation cards as support, providing them with small attack boosts that stack up and are used as cost for Fire Fist monster's effects. Fire Fist monsters are only decent low-leveled beaters but when facing high-leveled monsters they also have effects that let them attack over them. Use the Balance skill so that you will always open with monsters and some support.

Example deck

Balance Version [Notes Added]

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - DragonBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - DragonBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - DragonBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - GorillaBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - GorillaBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - RhinoBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - RhinoCosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneFire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - Gyokkou
Fire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - TensuHorn of the Phantom BeastHorn of the Phantom BeastWall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
Fire Formation - TenkenFire Formation - Tenken----

Beatdown Version [Previous]

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - SwallowBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - SwallowBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - SwallowBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - RavenBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - RavenBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - BuffaloBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - CoyoteBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - CoyoteBrotherhood of the Fire Fist - CoyoteGladiator Beast AndalGladiator Beast Andal
Gladiator Beast AndalEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerFire Formation - TensuFire Formation - Tensu
Fire Formation - TenkenFire Formation - Tenken---Gladiator Beast Essedarii

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck.
Alexis Rhodes
Alexis Rhodes
[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba

How to Use (Balance Version)

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino

With Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino your Fire Fist monsters would be able to attack over anything, provided that you have a Fire Formation card on the field and a Fire Fist monster in your hand to use as cost. Since this effect could be costly, you can use it to boost Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla's attack while he is in battle and then search out another Fire Formation spell after he destroys the opponent's monster. The Fire Fist monster sent to the graveyard with Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino's effect can then be revived by Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon to swarm the field.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon

If you activate a Fire Formation spell while Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon is face-up on the field, You get to search and set a Fire Formation trap card from your deck. A good search target would be Fire Formation - Tenken which can be activated during your opponent's main phase to protect your Fire Fist monster from their effects. Fire Formation - Tenken will also give your monsters an additional 300 attack. And when it has outlived it's usefulness can be sent to the graveyard as cost for Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon's revival effect or Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino's attack boost effect. Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon also has a revival effect which you can use to bring back Fire Fist monsters in your graveyard, particularly ones you sent to the graveyard with Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla can search out any of your Fire Formation spells to support your Fire Fist monsters whenever he destroys an opponent's monster by battle. The downside is that instead of adding them to the hand, they are set on the field which could make them vulnerable to destruction until your next turn. Most of the time the first Fire Formation spell you would want to search is Fire Formation - Tensu to give you swarming capabilities. You can search a Fire Formation spell card, summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon the next turn then activate the searched Fire Formation spell to search a Fire Formation Trap with Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon's effect. You can send 1 Fire Formation spell card to the graveyard to destroy a spell/trap card your opponent controls, usually you would use Fire Formation - Tenken for this cost.

Fire Formation Spells

Use these Fire Formation spells to support your Fire Fist monsters. Fire Formation - Tensu gives your deck some swarming capabilities by giving you an extra normal summon. Fire Formation - Gyokkou pins down an opponent's set backrow so that you can make your plays safely. Additionally, Fire Formation cards give your Beast-Warrior monsters small boosts which could stack up to be significant with multiple Fire Formation cards active on the field. Fire Fist monsters usually have effects that costs you a Fire Formation card on the field to activate making these cards also act as fuel.

Horn of the Phantom Beast

Horn of the Phantom Beast boosts a monster you control by 800 attack which could help Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla attack over a monster to search a Fire Formation spell. Also, when the monster equipped with Horn of the Phantom Beast destroys a monster by battle, you draw a card which could help you maintain card advantage with all the Fire Formation cards being used as costs.

How to Use [Previous Version]

Using the lower levels

Using the Fire Formation spell/trap cards, even the lower level monsters can get a pretty decent attack increase. The lower levels are mostly going to be used as ways to stall and protection until you can draw the higher levels. Starting with Raven is a good and safe option. Its effect will activate even if it's not destroyed by battle.

Setting up for spell/trap cards

Both of the high level cards can be special summoned. Summoning Swallow will let you set a Fire Formation - Tenken from your deck. This can help boost all Beast Warrior type monsters by 300, easily making them high attack beatsticks. Special summon Coyote whenever you already have a Fire Formation spell/trap card that you control when you have no monsters on the field. This can also be used for tribute summoning into Swallow if you want to thin your deck faster.

Increasing base attack

Using Tensu, you can special summon Coyote and 2 other low level monsters. All of them will get boosted by 100 attack each from Tensu's effect, and you can activate Kaiba's skill "Beatdown" to increase all monsters by 300 as well. Tenken can be tricky to activate, but once you manage to do so, all of your Beast Warrior type monsters will get a significant attack increase.

Other useful cards

Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Useful for protecting you for a turn.
Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
This can prevent you from taking damage if your opponent activates Wall of Disruption.
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
This can help prevent you from being unable to summon your higher level monsters.
Beast Rising
Beast Rising
All the monsters in the deck are Beast-Warrior, and this can raise a monster's attack significanty. Can be activated in damage step and helps avoid your monster from being targeted.


Just played against a guy who clocked out using this deck. Sad part was he probably would've beaten me if he didn't take thirty seconds figuring out which card he wanted to pull out of his deck halfway through the match.

P.S. I too almost clocked out. Had like forty seconds left because each card has a short essay for their effects and I haven't played against the deck before.
This actually looks better than gladiator beasts, I think you would definitely run soul exchange and possibly a beast rising. Maybe even some Bazoo instead of andal
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I was wrong.. I tested and this is garbage
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That escalated quickly
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
It's a good deck. It only lacks the support it has outside the duel links game
This deck is insanely fun to play in Gold, you've got all the consistency and raw power you need to absolutely steamroll most beatdown decks. Only deck I've never beaten with these boys is Amazoness.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Any deck is fun in gold cause everyone is too dumb to know wtf is happening
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
True. Got introduced to duel links first, then TCG. After that, I realized I barely understood the card effects and deck building until a year or so later. The right cards and the right strategy guarantees higher success rates. In short, yes, we're all not yet caught up enough lol
This deck so underrated but actually pretty fun to play
I found Joey/field of warriors skill works well here as well
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow , This card has a Bug when is normal , special summoned. Effect not active.,
please fix .
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is not the official konami site.
<< Anonymous
bruh.. Reply
<< Anonymous
Kunyum Reply
effect is activated if you tributed fire fist monster also swallow just search trap card in this game
Not the entire toolbox released but even with those cards, you can really hurt some decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So long as Wall of Disruption exists, no you can't
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
someone is 🔥ing salty about wall of D lmao
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i hate wall of disruption so much that i teched cosmic cyclone into my fire fist deck lol
<< Anonymous
LordKarasu Reply
Give us bear and gorilla already Konami this deck will be so good with their release. Still trying to get all cards for my Fire Fist deck looks interesting.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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