
Cyber Dragon: deck recipe [Jan 21]

Duel Links Cyber Dragon deck, Cyber Dragon deck in the meta, how to build Cyber Dragon deck.
update 21/01/2023

Requried Card Boxes

Main Deck

Chaotic Soldiers Cyber Style Extreme

Extra Deck

Shark Fang

Example Deck

Standard Version

Cyber DragonCyber DragonCyber DragonCyber Dragon VierCyber Dragon VierCyber Dragon Vier
Cyber Dragon CoreCyber Dragon CoreCyber Dragon CoreCyber Dragon NachsterCyber Dragon NachsterCyber Dragon Nachster
Book of MoonBook of MoonBook of MoonPolymerizationPolymerizationCyber Repair Plant
Cyberload FusionCybernetic Overflow----
Cyber End DragonCyber Twin DragonChimeratech Rampage DragonChimeratech Rampage DragonCyber Dragon NovaCyber Dragon Nova
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style Evolution
At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Cyber Emergency" and "Power Bond" to the bottom of your Deck. In addition, you can select 1 "Cyber Dragon" that you control and make its Level to 5. This Skill can only be used twice per turn and three times per Duel.

This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 12 or more Machine-Type or Dragon-Type Monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.)
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale

How to Use

Cyber Dragons

The monsters in this deck have effects that let them act as Cyber Dragon, making them compatible with Cyber Dragon’s support.

Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon
LIGHT Machine ★5
ATK 2100 / DEF 1600
Cyber Style Extreme [UR]
If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

The original Cyber Dragon is simply a beater that can be Special Summoned when your opponent controls a monster and you do not.

Cyber Dragon Vier
Cyber Dragon Vier
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1100 / DEF 1600
Ranked Rewards [SR]
This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while on the field or in the GY. If you Normal or Special Summon "Cyber Dragon", except during the Damage Step: You can Special Summon this card from your hand in Defense Position. You can only use this effect of “Cyber Dragon Vier” once per turn. Every "Cyber Dragon" you control gains 500 ATK/DEF.

Its main purpose is to be special summoned to the field so you have 2 monsters when you summon a "Cyber Dragon". This allows you to use the skill and make Nova pretty easily.

Since the other Cyber Dragon related main deck cards will change their names to a "Cyber Dragon" when on the field, you can summon Core or Nachster and Vier's effect will still work.

Cyber Dragon Nachster
Cyber Dragon Nachster
LIGHT Machine ★1
ATK 200 / DEF 200
Cyber Style Extreme [SR]
This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while on the field or in the GY. You can discard 1 other monster; Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 Machine monster with 2100 ATK or DEF in your GY; Special Summon it, also, you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Machine monsters. You can only use each effect of "Cyber Dragon Nachster" once per turn.

Activate its effect to send a level 5 Cyber Dragon to the grave so you can special summon this and revive the Cyber Dragon. You can then use the skill on Nachster to become a level 5 so you can Xyz into Nova.

If you have Core and Nachster in hand:

  • Normal summon Core and search for Cyber Emergency (from the skill).
  • Use Cyber Emergency to search for the level 5 Cyber Dragon.
  • Special summon Nachster by discarding the level 5 Cyber Dragon but DON'T activate Nachster's revive effect.
  • Use the skill to make Core and Nachster into level 5 to make Nova.
  • Activate Nova's effect to special summon Nachster by discarding Nachster as the material.
  • Activate Nachster's revive effect to special summon the level 5 Cyber Dragon to the field.

Its effect can special summon, not just the level 5 Cyber Dragon, but also Nova and Chimeratech Rampage Dragon back to the field. Since Nova can activate its ATK boosting effect without any Xyz materials and also has a floating effect, Nova is what you want to bring back if you can.

Cyber Dragon Core
Cyber Dragon Core
LIGHT Machine ★2
ATK 400 / DEF 1500
Future Horizon [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: Add 1 "Cyber" Spell/Trap Card from your Deck to your hand. If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; Special Summon 1 "Cyber Dragon" monster from your Deck. You can only use 1 "Cyber Dragon Core" effect per turn, and only once that turn. This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while it is on the field or in the Graveyard.

It's a core searcher for the deck, especially since Cyber Emergency is added to the deck because of the skill, allowing you to then search for any Cyber Dragon related monsters.

Search for Cyber Emergency if you have either the level 5 Cyber Dragon or Nachster in hand so you can make a Nova play. This can be a decent turn 1 monster since it has a floating effect, but not if you go against a Harpie deck. If you want to be more defensive, then search for Cybernetic Overflow instead.

Its ATK and DEF are pretty low, but if you have a Vier or Nachster in hand, you can safely summon Core with Vier/Nachster so you can use the skill to make a Nova.

Cyber Techs

Cyber Repair Plant
Cyber Repair Plant
Normal Spell
Zane Truesdale [SR]
If "Cyber Dragon" is in your Graveyard: You can activate 1 of these effects. If you have 3 or more "Cyber Dragons" in your Graveyard at activation, you can activate both effects and resolve in sequence. You can only activate 1 "Cyber Repair Plant" per turn.

● Add 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.
● Target 1 LIGHT Machine-Type monster in your Graveyard; shuffle that target into your Deck.

Since any Cyber Dragon related monster is treated as a "Cyber Dragon" in the grave, this will work as long as you have any of the main deck monsters in the grave, which you can send by activating Nachster's effect.

This means that you can use Nachster to send any Cyber Dragon related monster to the grave so you can use Cyber Repair Plant to search for Core. Then normal summon Core so you can search for a spell/trap and be able to use the skill to make a Nova.

Cybernetic Overflow
Cybernetic Overflow
Normal Trap
Future Horizon [R]
Banish "Cyber Dragon(s)" with different Levels from your hand, face-up field, and/or GY, then destroy an equal number of cards your opponent controls. If this card on the field is destroyed by card effect: Add 1 "Cyber" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. You can only use each effect of "Cybernetic Overflow" once per turn.

It's a powerful trap mainly because the card removal effect is non-targeting, but also because it has a search effect when destroyed. However, its requirement can be pretty difficult in the early turns when you don't have many "Cyber Dragons" available.

You can reliably search for this with Core, which will at least let you destroy 1 card on the field by using the Core on the field as the cost.

An easy way to fuel the grave is by using Nachster or Chimeratech Rampage Dragon. Keep in mind that Cybernetic Overflow needs different levels if you want to destroy multiple cards.

You can chain Cybernetic Overflow if your opponent attempts to destroy it with Mystical Space Typhoon or Harpies Hunting Ground so you can destroy an opponent's card and get a search effect.

Cyberload Fusion

Cyberload Fusion
Cyberload Fusion
Quick Spell
Future Horizon [SR]
Cyber Style Extreme [SR]
Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists a "Cyber Dragon" monster as material, by shuffling the Fusion Materials listed on it into the Deck, from among your cards on the field and/or your face-up banished cards, but monsters you control cannot attack for the rest of this turn, except that Fusion Summoned monster. You can only activate 1 "Cyberload Fusion" per turn.

Being a quick-play makes this good as a follow-up card for more attacks or to dodge targeted cards, but it can also recover banished cards back to your deck.

However, it's very restrictive since it can only use monsters from your field or banish pile, and not good to use at the start of your turn since you won't be able to attack with non-fusion monsters.

Since the non-level 5 Cyber Dragon monsters aren't "Cyber Dragon" in the banish pile, you can't easily make Cyber Twin Dragon unless they're on the field. In most cases, Chimeratech Rampage Dragon or Chimeratech Overdragon are the easiest ones to make if you just want to be able to use any Cyber Dragon related monsters.

Keep in mind that Chimeratech Rampage Dragon's spell/trap destruction effect can miss the timing, so don't chain Cyberload Fusion when your opponent activates something to make Rampage Dragon if you want the spell/trap destruction effect.


Cosmic Cyclone
Cosmic Cyclone
Quick Spell
Galactic Origin [UR]
Selection Box Vol. 01 Mini [UR]
Special Set Bundle Sale [UR]
Pay 1000 LP, then target 1 Spell/Trap Card on the field; banish it.

Fusion Gate

Fusion Gate
Fusion Gate
Field Spell
The Ultimate Rising [UR]
While this card is on the field: Either player can Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster without using "Polymerization", but the Fusion Material Monsters are banished instead of being sent to the Graveyard.

Fusion Gate is a multi-use Fusion Spell allowing you to spam multiple Fusion monsters if you have enough materials. This pairs well with Cybernetic Fusion Support letting you use fusion materials from the graveyard.

Banishing the fusion materials is usually seen as a setback, but in this deck will serve as setup for Cyberload Fusion.

This helps make faster plays but can end up backfiring on you if you go against another Cyber Dragon player.

Book of Moon

Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Quick Spell
Chaotic Soldiers [UR]
Selection Box Vol.04 [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; change that target to face-down Defense Position.

The deck can end up struggling against high ATK monster despite how easy it can be to bring out Nova. Having Book of Moon helps a lot since it can be used in many ways like disrupting your opponent, dodge dangerous targeting cards, or flip your opponent down so you can deal with their DEF instead of ATK, which can often lead to an easy OTK with Chimeratech Rampage Dragon.

Extra Decks

Cyber End Dragon
Cyber End Dragon
LIGHT Machine ★10
ATK 4000 / DEF 2800
Zane Truesdale Starter Deck [UR]
Zane Truesdale at Lvl 30 [UR]
"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Material Monsters. If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Mainly just a big beater with a piercing effect. It can still be somewhat difficult to fusion summon this in a Cyber Dragon deck, but at least it can be special summoned with Nova's effect.

Cyber Twin Dragon
Cyber Twin Dragon
LIGHT Machine ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 2100
Cybernetic Rebellion [UR]
"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase.

Mainly a big beater that can attack twice. Since it can only be fusion summoned using a "Cyber Dragon", you either need to use the level 5 Cyber Dragons, or use the low level ones when they're on the field/grave so their names become "Cyber Dragon".

Keep in mind that the name change from the low-level Cyber Dragon related monsters is an effect. This means that if your monsters get negated then they won't become a "Cyber Dragon".

Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
Chimeratech Rampage Dragon
LIGHT Machine ★5
ATK 2100 / DEF 1600
Future Horizon [UR]
2 or more "Cyber Dragon" monsters
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Materials. When this card is Fusion Summoned: You can target Spell/Trap Cards on the field, up to the number of Fusion Materials used for its Fusion Summon; destroy them. Once per turn: You can send up to 2 LIGHT Machine-Type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, for each monster sent to the Graveyard, this card gains 1 additional attack during each Battle Phase this turn.

Unlike Cyber Twin Dragon that needs 2 specific monsters, Chimeratech Rampage Dragon can use any monster that has Cyber Dragon as part of its name. This makes it much more flexible and easier to summon.

Chimeratech Rampage Dragon is a useful monster to bring out at the start of your turn since the spell/trap removal makes it safer for you to make follow-up plays. The additional attack effect is only activatable during the main phase as well, and it fuels the grave so you can combo it with your other cards.

Unfortunately, if your only fusion spell is Cyberload Fusion, then you won't be able to attack with any other monster aside from this. Keep in mind that Chimeratech Rampage Dragon's spell/trap destruction effect can miss the timing as well. This is only an issue if you chain a quick-play fusion like Cyberload Fusion to your opponent's card.

With Chimeratech Rampage Dragon's effect, you can send Nachster and a level 5 Cyber Dragon from the deck to the grave. You can then follow it up with Cyber Revsystem on the Nachster, or Cyber Repair Plant into Core so you can pick up Cyber Revsystem/Emergency.

With Chimeratech Rampage Dragon and Core on the field, you can activate the skill to make Core into a level 5 and Xyz into Nova with Chimeratech Rampage Dragon. Then activate Nova's effect to revive a Nachster by detaching Rampage Dragon so Nachster can revive Rampage Dragon.

Cyber Dragon Nova
Cyber Dragon Nova
LIGHT Machine ★5
ATK 2100 / DEF 1600
Cyber Style Extreme [UR]
2 Level 5 Machine-Type monsters

Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 "Cyber Dragon" in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can banish 1 "Cyber Dragon" from your hand or face-up from your Monster Zone; this card gains 2100 ATK until the end of this turn. If this card in your possession is sent to your Graveyard by your opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 Machine-Type Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck.

Since the skill can make any monster you have on the field into a level 5, you can Xyz into Nova very easily with any 2 monsters. Just keep in mind that the skill can only be used 3 times in total, and only twice in a single turn. After you run out of skill uses, you can just keep reviving it with Nachster's effect.

Its ATK increasing effect can be used in the damage step, and it requires no Xyz materials to use, but it banishes the monster used for the ATK boost. Not needing any Xyz material for the ATK boost makes it still usable when you revive it with no materials from Nachster's effect.

As long as you have any of the main deck Cyber Dragon cards in the grave, you can activate Nova's effect to revive a Cyber Dragon from the grave, including Nova's material. Make sure to always detach Nachster if you have it as material since this will let you special summon it, which will then lead to a revive of any 2100 ATK monster: Level 5 Cyber Dragon, Nova, or Chimeratech Rampage Dragon.

When it gets destroyed with a card effect, you can special summon any Machine-Type fusion monster. The options are both wide and limited at the same time since there are not that many good options available yet. Barbaroid is used in the deck since it has high base ATK and good OTK potential, but it can only be summoned this way compared to Cyber End Dragon.

Decode Talker
Decode Talker
DARK Cyberse
ATK 2300 / DEF 3
Link Revolution [UR]
2+ Effect Monsters
Gains 500 ATK for each monster it points to. When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a card(s) you control (Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 monster this card points to; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.
Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter
Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter
LIGHT Spellcaster
ATK 1300 / DEF 2
Tag Duel Tournament [October 2022] [UR]
2 monsters with different Levels
If a monster is Special Summoned face-up to a zone this card points to while you control this monster (except during the Damage Step): You can declare a Level from 1 to 8; that monster becomes that Level until the end of the turn. You can target 2 monsters with the same Level (1 from each field); destroy them. You can only use each effect of "Puzzlomino, the Drop-n-Deleter" once per turn.

Other Useful Cards

Cyber Dragon Drei

Cyber Dragon Drei
Cyber Dragon Drei
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 800
Zane Truesdale [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can make all "Cyber Dragons" you currently control become Level 5. You cannot Special Summon any monsters during the turn you activate this effect, except Machine-Type monsters. If this card is banished: You can target 1 "Cyber Dragon" you control; it cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects this turn. This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while it is on the field or in the Graveyard.

This is one way to make a rank 5 to Xyz into a Nova. In any other version of the deck that doesn't use the skill to become a level 5, you can use this to help make a rank 5.

An easy or fast way to make a rank 5 with this is to special summon it from the grave by using a Nova or a Cyber Revsystem. Send it to the grave with something like Nachster or Chimeratech Rampage Dragon.

Cyber Revsystem

Cyber Revsystem
Cyber Revsystem
Normal Spell
Cyber Style Extreme [UR]
Special Summon 1 "Cyber Dragon" from your hand or GY. It cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Useful for the later turns when you have a Nachster and 2100 ATK monster in the grave. Otherwise, it's simply to have a monster on your field so you can summon another monster to make a Nova with the skill.

Machine Duplication

Machine Duplication
Machine Duplication
Normal Spell
Bandit Keith [SR]
Target 1 Machine-Type monster you control with 500 or less ATK; Special Summon up to 2 monsters from your Deck with the same name as that monster.

Only 1 copy of this is available in the game since it's a Bandit Keith level up reward, but only 1 copy of this is recommended if you even want to use this.

It's pretty restrictive since it can only be used on Core/Nachster and you'll need 2 other monster zones available, making this only a good turn 1 card or a comeback card.

Since it can only be used on Core/Nachster (in this deck), then you can only special summon 2 of the level 5 Cyber Dragons from the deck because of naming restrictions.


Normal Spell
Card Trader Inventory [SR]
Hero Rising [SR]
Destiny Rulers [SR]
Master of Chaos [SR]
Joey at level 5 [SR]
Jaden/Yubel Starter Deck [SR]
Chazz Princeton Starter Deck [SR]
Alexis Rhodes Starter Deck [SR]
Zane Truesdale Starter Deck [SR]
Syrus Truesdale Starter Deck [SR]
Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials.

Lets you fuse into Chimeratech Rampage Dragon so you can deal with your opponent's backrow more easily, or force them to use it early, before you commit to other plays.

If you have Core, you can normal summon Core first so you can search for Overflow, Cyberload Fusion, or Revsystem before fusing into Chimeratech Rampage.

Alternatively, if you think your Chimeratech Rampage is going to die right after you summon it, you shouldn't normal summon the Core so you can activate it in the grave to special summon a monster from the deck.

You can use Core to special summon Nachster from the deck, which will special summon the Chimeratech Rampage back to the field and you can use its effect again to dump more cards from the deck to the grave. You can follow it up with a skill on Nachster to make Nova with Chimeratech, but you'll just end up with Nova and the level 5 Cyber Dragon on the field.


Normal Trap
Cybernetic Rebellion [N]
Target 1 "Mermail" monster you control; it gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase. When this Set card is sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 monster your opponent controls; send that target to the Graveyard.

To trick your opponent whenever you need to set a Cybernetic Overflow.

Other Extra Monsters

Chimeratech Overdragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
DARK Machine ★9
ATK ? / DEF ?
Zane Truesdale [UR]
"Cyber Dragon" + 1 or more Machine-Type monsters
Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card is Fusion Summoned: Send all other cards you control to the Graveyard. The original ATK and DEF of this card each become equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for its Fusion Summon x 800. Each turn, this card can attack your opponent's monsters a number of times equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for its Fusion Summon.

Making Chimeratech Overdragon is a bit situational. He can sometimes be made with stats high enough to OTK with a single attack, but he is vulnerable to disruption. The only time you want to make him is after clearing the opponent's backrow with Chimeratech Rampage Dragon, Cybernetic Overflow, or other backrow removals.

Using Cyberload Fusion to make Chimeratech Overdragon while you have a lot of banished monsters is a quick way to make a huge beater while also returning all banished monsters to your deck.

Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine
Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine
EARTH Machine ★12
ATK 4000 / DEF 4000
Warriors Unite [N]
5 Machine-Type "roid" monsters

This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. After damage calculation, if this card attacked an opponent's monster: Negate the effects of that monster (including in the Graveyard). If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.

A strong boss monster that you can summon when Nova is destroyed by your opponent's card effect. Has good OTK potential because of its high ATK and effect.

Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
LIGHT Fairy ★5
ATK 2600 / DEF 1700
Rage of Volcano [SR]
2 Level 5 monsters
This card's effects can only be applied/resolved while it has Xyz Material. This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked: Target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy that target. During each of your End Phases: Detach 1 Xyz Material from this card.

A strong but temporary monster to have on the field. Not being able to be destroyed by card effects gives it a decent layer of protection.

Number 61: Volcasaurus
Number 61: Volcasaurus
FIRE Dinosaur ★5
ATK 2500 / DEF 1000
Rage of Volcano [UR]
2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; destroy that opponent's monster, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. This card cannot attack your opponent directly during the turn you activate this effect.

Gives the deck an option to destroy an opponent's monster without having to attack them, which helps avoid dangerous handtraps like Score the Melodious Diva or Sphere Kuriboh.

It won't be able to attack if it uses the effect, but the monster removal plus effect damage can make it worth it to consider bringing.

Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
WIND Dragon ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Infinite Ray [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 5 or 6 Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Lets you make follow-up plays in case your rank 5 gets negated or locked up. Ranking up into this will also let you attack if you used Volcasaurus' effect.

Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja
Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja
EARTH Warrior ★5
ATK 2400 / DEF 1700
Sign of Harpies [SR]
2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this turn, face-up "Ninja" monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects.

Lower ATK compared to Tiras, but it has protection to battle and card effects. While it does give a good amount of protection, it's still vulnerable to cards like Cyber Slash Harpie Lady or Karma Cut, but since it's a quick effect, it can chain block a Cyber Slash Harpie Lady once.

Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
DARK Fiend ★5
ATK 2600 / DEF 1700
Shark Fang [SR]
2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; destroy it.

Similar to Volcasaurus, except without the effect damage.


Hot New Top
I hate everyone who plays this deck so much.
Every time I play against it, my opponent always has Cyber Dragon Core on his turn 1 and Fusion Gate. But when I tried to play with this deck, my starting hands were almost unplayable.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Already a working post ban deck list xDD Nice try hater loser, the deck lives on. I will enjoy claping your pathetic kind again.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The topic:Conspiracy about The deck being unplayable when played by OP and very playable when played by opponent

Just in case you guys forgot what OP try to bring out here
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah i know and still stupid azz take thats why nobody mention it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Bien, gracias, ¿y tú?
Just to force people to buy the new pendulums?
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Yes. Anyone knows how to bind account to accumulate gens?
This deck is hot garbage now. Konami killed it. This is why you NEVER invest decks that heavily rely on a anime skill.
Cukup, Ani!
Oh no, not this again.
There are already a post banlist list and works fine xD How are you feeeeeeel now crying biatchies? I told you it was not dead.
Yami Aster
I wonder how Eren feels about all this?
The end of this cheating skill after 2 years.
Veteran player since 2017 looking to sell my main account all worlds unlocked lots of characters still low level lots of staples and fully complete cyber dragon,resonators, and heroes transfer would be by konami id hmu discord for more info UnopposedMystery#7726
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's not allowed, dude!!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Complete Onomat and I will be really interested.
how to beat this deck besides hoping that they brick?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
battle immunity and negation or destruction prevention. They have a strong turn 2 and decent removal but falter quickly when the opponent can tank thier attacks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Have Sphere Kuriboh in your hand. Really.
Don't summon anything. Set your trap(s). On their turn, CyDra players will cockily summon their Rampage, thinking they'll otk. Pretend to struggle a little. When they finally attack, Sphere them. Fearing get counterattacked, they will instantly surrender.

That's mostly how I win against CyDras
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you don't draw your Sphere Kuriboh on your turn 1 you are done.
This deck should gets an outright ban.
<< Anonymous
MangakaJ96 Reply
With Cydra fans and Konami making money, it won't happen.

Also, if Konami banned one deck, then it would have to ban multiple decks (which would be a mess considering the divisiveness of Duelists).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol Power bond, limiter removal and cyber dragon infinity aren't even a thing for players yet so stop complaining
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just ki ll the skill, no more free resources and they'll be forced to buy whatever new cyber dragon konami wants to sell. Both sides win konami gets more money and cy dra haters get to see the deck nerfed more
Not KoG
Ultimate Providence crash the party.

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Heart of XyzShining SunriseStars of SynchroLink RevolutionStage of Trickstar
Braver VictoryArms of GiantFuture CircuitLord of BorrelRaiders Requiem

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Dragonic KnightsSpellbound SilenceSynchro ConnectionThe White Dragon of LegendSwordbound Silence
Ancient Gear AwakeningNeos FusionReturn of the Red-EyesFull Metal DesperadoMaster of Chaos
Kings ResonanceDragunity OverdriveGladiators StormHERO GenerationReturn of the Fire Kings
Gagaga XyzTales of the Noble KnightsBlue-Eyes EvolutionStardust NexusRise of Gaia
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I’m a certified medical shaman from the Swedish Rain Forest. My specialty is symptomatic co...
And I just ate a pine and an apple
This is Pingu’s hot little sister, right?
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