
Cyber Dragon: deck recipe [Jan 21]

Duel Links Cyber Dragon deck, Cyber Dragon deck in the meta, how to build Cyber Dragon deck.
update 21/01/2023
Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry
Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry
EARTH Machine ★5
ATK 3200 / DEF 2000
Arts of Atlantis [R]
3 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; send the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard, then, if any monsters were sent to the Graveyard by this effect, destroy cards your opponent controls, up to the number of monsters sent.

Offers the deck more non-targeting card removals, but requires 3 monsters to make. Since you can only use the skill twice per turn, you'll need at least 1 level 5 Cyber Dragon on the field to Xyz into this.

Its effect is kind of a gamble, but the high ATK makes it somewhat decent even if the effect fails. It's worth noting that sending cards from your opponent's deck to the grave can end up helping them instead, so you'll want to make sure that it counts when you use it.

Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
WIND Machine ★5
ATK 2600 / DEF 1900
Voltage of the Metal [R]
2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 2 Set cards on the field; destroy them.

Destroying your opponent's backrow makes it safer for you to make follow-up plays, or at the very least, this will force your opponent to use one of their backrows. This can also destroy set monsters, making it useful against defensive opponents, or if you use Book of Moon to flip them down.

[January 2022] KOG Notes


Cyber DragonSerginho1Cyber Dragon Serginho12
IGN: Serginho1, Skill: Cyber Style Evolution, Date Submitted: Jan 4

Noted by: Serginho1

After taking a huge gap on Duel Links I came back to action using Cyber Dragon and KoGing 31st December so I kept using the same build for Jan 22. It seems that 2 CyDra and 2 Nachsten are enough for me right now, but of course the deck would be way better adding the missed copies (and removing Toon CyDra, which it is always in my hand).

About match-ups, Melodious is almost impossible to beat with Cydras in general and with this version in particular, as I enhance being as consistent as possible but removing techs cards like the omnipresent BoM. Any other match up is way easier and basically depends on coin flip and not hard bricking.

About tips for using this version, I do believe CyDras do not have huge secrets, but just try to destroy backrow and hold your normal summon (Cyber Dragon Core) as long as you can. Remember that Wind-up Zenmaioh can destroy your own sets so it pairs well with Cyber Overflow. An opening with Crimson Ninja and Overflow has proved to be decent when you go first, although just spamming a couple Cyber Dragons + Overflow works if your hand is not stellar enough for going to Cyber Dragon Nova moves. CyDras work better as going second as you can optimize your backrow destruction moves and you can push for high damage, whiping the board and/or going for game. I am not a fan of the Quick-Spell Fusion Spell right now and I prefer going for double trap as it seems I cannot banish that much to make the spell to be really worthy. Instead of that I prefer using normal Poly (at 3) and flood the grave with Core, Nachsten and CyDra to either combo that turn or the following one. Of course remember that Nachsten can revive any 2100 atk or def Monster and not only a CyDra, so Chimeratech is a good target, and Toon is an option as well.

Thanks and good luck using this deck (or any similar or improved version of CyDras).


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we need infinity
>search and set overflow
>summon nova
>opponent mst overflow
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You play cydra to make terrible plays and lose in silver/gold rank.

I play cydra to reach kog for fun and clap everyone with huge winstreaks. We are not the same.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Decklist or it never happened.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
3×Cydra, 3×Core, 2×Nachster, 3×Vier, 1× Drei, 1×Overload fusion, 1×Cyberload Fusion, 1× Machine duplication, 2×Cyber repair plant, 3×BoM, 1× Overflow. Extra Deck: 1×Cyber End, 1× Cyber Twin, 2× Rampage Dragon, 2×Nova, 1×Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh. If you have 3 Nachster then replace it with drei. Also Cyber rev system can be good sometimes but i removed it for now and put a third BoM.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
+ Super Vehicroid - Stealth Union can be good too in the Extra deck, it can steal the win from melodius. Here you go, gl and try to make the deck better. Ofc the Skill is the new one.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Replace Drei with a 3. Nachster if you have one. Thats what i meant just typed this on my phone quickly, sorry for that, just wanted to make it clear. I only have 2 and i don't want to to buy the deck again. But 3 nachster is better, but if you have 2 like me its still playable.
See how they do your asses every single time ? They always ban every single "competitive" deck after 1 year. Shira, Invoked, Elementsaber, DM, Snackwings And ofc they never give a single dollar back to u, despite u cannot play with the product u paid hundreds of dollars... HAHAHA Its called theft ! Thats why u should never ever pay for any deck, bunch of nolife sukerz.
Pay for a real console game or pc game for example. If u had understood this game can be played for 100% free with smart deck choice (minibox tiered deck), u wouldnt get fukd ur cash like that after 1 year. Same will happen to harpies, Resonator, etc. This is a milking cow machine. Arent u tired ? (BTW I always hated Cydras but making them unplayable is just stupid)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's literally in their tos that they can limit cards as they want lol
<< Anonymous
MangakaJ96 Reply
…but Duel Links is on PC tho.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You must buy a new competitive deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Golden era for Destiny draw players
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
always has been, this skill is bs clown strong.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Destiny draw: a skill that not only gives you wins out of nowhere by drawing your needed card, but also acts as the perfect stall when your opponent doesn't have lethal. I remember games when my opponents refused to attack for 4 turns in order to not trigger the skill.
This deck is so bad! Gets absolutely wrecked by all the top decks, nothing ‘ex’ about this structure deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I still wonder what EX means in structure decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sure mate, go back to your deep fried crack pipe and fantasise some more about your little wet dream of getting a red coloured name purely with your amazing cyber dragon deck that miraculously wins more than 2 duels in a row. If that league is gold then you’re right
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So much denial xdd i laughing my 🔥 off. Cope more kiddo, you cant change the fact i got kog while you suffering in gold at max, you cant change reality with your pathetic denial xddd inhale more copium to feel better loser kid!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The E is for: the deck is paywalled after your first purchase, and you need 3 |mao

The X is for: now buy the rest of the deck from the upcoming mainbox thank you for playing duel links
Why bring barbaroid when there's no roid monster at all!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Whenever barbaroid makes it to the field my opponent takes like 90 seconds to figure out how that happened
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can summon it with Nova's effect. You don't need roids.
Getting Access to Digvorzhak and other powerful lvl5 Xyz will make this deck very powerful, maybe they will add another support card in near future
Some decks play 2 Overflow instead of Rampage Dragon + Cyberload Fusion. Some decks put more monsters (Cyber Dragon Drei) instead of MST or Book of Moon. Anyway this deck is kinda cheap if you don't mind buying the structure deck 3 times.
Cyberload fusion and overflow at 2 is probably the best hit konami has ever done
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sadly they can't do to other decks just for a T3 at best deck. Konami and their expert balance team. Even a amnesiac hobo can do better balacne changes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That was a good hit indeed, they should have the b@lls with other decks and limit/ban the real problem cards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree, as a cyber player i don't mind limitations, but they are too p*ssy to noramly balance every deck, or just they balance around how they can sell more boxes which is sad.
Ahh yes, let me just buy this other structure deck 2 times as well
"Cyber Dragon Dead", Yeah thats why i clap everyone in this thrash event with a huge winstreak, but its okay, don't play it guys. I will use this deck instead of everyone.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't care if this deck is dead or not but the real deal is the player can't have a free 3x cyber dragon anymore.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Skill was busted, so it was a right decision to nerf it, i agree, but the fusion spell limit was not okay.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Neither was the limit on navigation and it’s a trap card lol

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