
Cyber Dragon: deck recipe [Jan 21]

This deck is so bad! Gets absolutely wrecked by all the top decks, nothing ‘ex’ about this structure deck
Not 100% true, I destroy thundra with this, but yeah melodious is almost imposibble to win, also harpies is a 50-50% for me right now. Maybe this deck won't be tiered, but i think its a usable deck. Atleast we cydra player are happy for the new cards. If you don't like it or don't care, just skip it.
<< Anonymous
yeah, you are very intelligent to buy a deck that will struggle again the most played decks of the format for the following 3 months
<< Anonymous
I’m sure buying a deck I wanted to use has no correlation to my intelligence haha I’m rightfully salty over paying money for this garbage which can’t string wins together in platinum.
<< Anonymous
Also the game gets awfully stale if new decks that can compete arent introduced, I’m bored of facing the same 3 decks, least they could do is give us 1 or 2 more cards so it could be tiered
<< Anonymous
Konami is lowering the meta power once more because new boxes are sh t.
<< Anonymous
They are always try to balance around selling boxes and not for healthy balanced meta. Sure i understand these type of games can't be balanced 100% perfectly. Still konami doing jack 🔥 job.
<< Anonymous
Exactly!I’m sure everyone who’s waited forever and a day for cyber support is rightfully annoyed that this can only do well in gold rank
<< Anonymous
I don't want to 🔥 your intellect, but you blindly bought the deck. Next time maybe wait for a little or just accept your fate. Sadly this is a card game, no one can predict what will be strong or what will be weak. So my suggestion if you buy something in this app, Buy it for Fun firstly. This is my advice for everybody not just for you.
<< Anonymous
That’s good advice for sure but I think as duel links players we’ve been groomed to expect the bare minimum and as a fan favourite card and deck archetype you’d hope they’d make cybers atleast a little more playable/competitive, we have waited all this time for some support just to get run over by magician girls or sharks which came out like 6 months ago
<< Anonymous
I understand your opinion and ofc you are right to complain! I wish the game has more frequent balance changes or something. The Tiered decks are very strong right now. Personaly i enjoy playing cydra and i don't care about rank after i had the icons for kog. So my views are different maybe because of this, but i agree! Every deck should be atleast capable of doing KoG! Current meta is not healthy
<< Anonymous
Sure, let's make reaching KoG even easier than it already is.
<< Anonymous
You missed my point, reaching kog is just luck most of the time, getting a lucky streak etc. Im talking about how some decks have million tools while other decks are forgotten completely by konami. When a deck struggles to reach KoG in the current system, thats a sign how unfairly balanced the game are. That was my point, so yeah as i said every deck should be capable of reaching kog.
<< Anonymous
Also kog capable not equal instant auto kog. You still need to learn the deck etc. So please learn to read before posting stupidity gugys.
<< Anonymous
Totaly agree on the making ranked like kc cup. Ofc sometimes kc cup is a meta fest too, still the gaining ranks are more fun than the standard ranked, but still the game need more healty balance or card distribution for other decks. Sadly konami don't care about this. Only selling new boxes and ruining old decks the only thing they truly care.
<< Anonymous
I’ve played the deck a hell of a lot, it’s not a hard deck to play it’s just outdated, ofcourse I don’t expect to get kog in the first day. It’s just an unfortunate fact that until we get further support this will be garbage! excuse us for expecting some value for our money that we worked for…if you manage to get out of platinum with this then kudos to you man!
<< Anonymous
Like i said i don't care about which rank im in, its completely not how i view decks anymore, but even still i agree with you! Decks should be capable of ranking and eventualy reaching kog. The current tiered decks are too strong, even with the new card limits, nor really much will change, only thundra will be weaker. As for spending money on day1 in a card game, i won't write my opinion again.
<< Anonymous
Yes right now Cydra is just for Fun, it won't be tiered and struggles reaching kog, while other decks have powerful tools and cards. I don't want to repeat myself 1000 times, but obviously they don't care about balancing the game in the right way. Its sad. Now let me inhale my "master duels will be better" copium.
<< Anonymous
"excuse us for expecting some value for our money that we worked for…"
xDDD And tell me where konami promised this will be a meta breaker deck? Nowhere? Hmmm interesting! If you stupid enough to play Day1 then thats your problem, konami won't care. Seethe, cry, suffer, your choice.
<< Anonymous
I never implied that they did? They did however market it as ‘cyber style extreme ex’ and yet it cannot string together a few wins in gold rank, defend it all you like, if you’re happy that you can beat NPCs with this deck then good for you
<< Anonymous
more like reached KoG with this deck, sorry if you whining losers can't play think or play a deck. Congrats paying in day1 and whinig after coz you suk ballzs xDD Truly pathetic like the rest of this crying community.
<< Anonymous
What kind of deep fried crack you been smoking to think you’d get KOG with this? You must be joking It’s an easy deck to play, especially when you just surrender most of the time haha
<< Anonymous
Interesting?! Then why a reached KoG with this deck yesterday? Maybe this STRANGE red colored name i have must be something else! Hmmmm! Sorry buddy, scurry back to your autopoliot 🔥 deck, We clearly in different league. Bye!
I still wonder what EX means in structure decks
<< Anonymous
Sure mate, go back to your deep fried crack pipe and fantasise some more about your little wet dream of getting a red coloured name purely with your amazing cyber dragon deck that miraculously wins more than 2 duels in a row. If that league is gold then you’re right
<< Anonymous
So much denial xdd i laughing my 🔥 off. Cope more kiddo, you cant change the fact i got kog while you suffering in gold at max, you cant change reality with your pathetic denial xddd inhale more copium to feel better loser kid!
<< Anonymous
The E is for: the deck is paywalled after your first purchase, and you need 3 |mao

The X is for: now buy the rest of the deck from the upcoming mainbox thank you for playing duel links


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