
Clown Control: deck recipe

update 08/04/2017


Popular skill
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Example deck

Sphere KuribohSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightLeotaurSergeant ElectroDiskblade RiderSwarm of Locusts
4-Starred Ladybug of DoomAmazoness Chain MasterPossessed Dark SoulDream ClownDream ClownEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMirror WallSecurity OrbSecurity OrbCurse of Anubis
Windstorm of EtaquaTragedy--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used if your Life Points are at 1500 or below. Select and take control of 1 card Set in your opponent's Spell & Trap Zone. This skill can only be used once per Duel.


How to use this deck

Starting Hand

This often determines how you will be playing the deck. Each monster have their uses, and are helpful in certain situations.

  • Dream Clown is a safe choice to summon when you have some decent spell/trap cards, but this will let your opponent know that you plan on playing defensively.
  • Swarm of Locusts is very good if you get first turn. If your opponent only summons 1 monster, then you only need to use 1 card to protect it, ensuring that you can flip summon on the next turn.
  • Cards like 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom or Amazoness Chain Master are also good at the early turns. You don't need to risk setting a spell/trap card since they are the disposable ones.

Playing Defensively

Almost all of the cards in the deck are usable right away. This will make sure that your monsters have a high chance of surviving for at least a turn, even against Harpie decks.

  • If you are not at risk of losing the duel, you can hold on to the spell/trap cards to save your other monsters next turn.
  • Saving your cards like Enemy Controller can allow you to take control of your opponent's monster later.
  • You can purposefully take some damage so you can use Bandit to take control of your opponent's spell/trap card, or use cards like Mirror Wall, or Amazoness Chain Master to lower your LP.
  • If your opponent has multiple spell/trap cards, it's recommended to not risk getting Mirror Wall'ed by attacking blindly into your enemy unless you have some protection.
  • Tragedy can destroy all defense position monster your opponent controls, even if they are face down. This can help prevent their flip effects or destroy all their monsters.

Other useful cards

Skull Lair
Skull Lair
It will be hard to fully utilize this card due to tons of support for your cards in this deck, however if you find your monsters easily destroyed you can fully utilize this card's effect.
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Helpful to activate effect of your clowns the turn they're summoned.
Desert Sunlight
Desert Sunlight
Can trigger clowns effect to counter your opponents attacking monster.

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Why isn't Pumprincess in the example build for this obviously stall-oriented deck? Especially if Restart can increase your odds of starting with pump, I'm surprised Pumprincess is not a natural staple in this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not a stall oriented deck, this deck focus on controlling the board using clowns and defensive cards to protect them. In this deck pumprincess is too slow and will just destroyed by backrow removal heavy meta.
<< Anonymous
iRain Reply
Clown decks need the entire back row, princess would just waste space as the whole point of the traps you run is to protect your monsters anyway
This is my twist on the clown deck, Any thoughts on improvement? Just got to Plat 1
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
2 kuribo:(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
2 kuriboh makes me sad in pants
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Add more monsters maybe guardian statue or more clown. Remove Leotour, you're gonna have a hard time against harpie sonic duck, and doesnt help much against weevil cocoon better put flash assailant or gaia since you'll find yourself out of cards most of the time.
E.con is nice but maybe you could replace one with security orb just to protect yourself against harpie
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
add a mirror wall if you can to protect your monsters. maybe remove the earthquake not really that much useful without tragedy
This is my favorite deck now because as non lucky person (who never get econ and sphere) it cheaper to build than any meta deck, Honestly I'm never reach gold before, and now I'm on gold 5 with this deck,
got to kog with this deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Ray Reply
What to replays Diskblade ?
And maby better add better cards ? More kuribo, ECON ? Sergeant electro ?
i have 2 kuribo 2 econ ? 3 Elec :)
what you prefer ?
soory i'm not skilled pvp player :(
<< Anonymous(Ray)
Anonymous Reply
I would use a second econ maybe for desert and if you dont have diskblade you can replace with electro leotaur or flash assaillant
<< Anonymous
Ray Reply
I will tray.
Added ECON for desert. Ant +1 electro for Diskblade.
I think this deck is ok, good enough to get to plat, maybe KoG with luck. However, how is it rated a 9.5? Literally all other tier 1 decks are 8.5 and most of them would wipe the floor with this. I stumbled on a few of these on my way to KoG with 3SD Dark Magician, Weevil Burn, LG Plant deck and LG Rock deck and only lost to them once.

It is relatively cheap but too difficult to play, the fact that this website is putting it so high up is def baiting people into playing this deck without having a clue how to use it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think they changed the rate taking into consideration also the cost of the deck (that's the only explanation I gave to myself).
This deck is complete trash. Weak to burn and relinquished. Easily exploitable by a decent duelist. Do not waste your time playing this crap. There are so many better decks and it's pretty clear users are attempting to bait others into playing this trash by listing as a 9.5. Requires a high amount of skill for very little reward where as you can just slam rituals decks and play with your eyes closed to KOTG.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Go play harpies you moron. This deck is fine. Just don't be brainless :)
I think this deck tests who is actually good at dueling and who needs improvement. It's a good deck, but you have to make the right plays
I reached Platinum pretty easy with this deck. Still not done climbing. Pumprincess is questionable, but can work well since the deck stalls and eats at opponent's resources. Might replace with anti meta card or another Sargent electro. Other thoughts on improvement?
Is everybody trying to copy this deck?!?! Really?!?!
You should play with cards you feel confident instead of copying a recipe you don't know how to use
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow someone lost a duel and couldn't handle it
this deck dosent work
this deck dosent work
What can i replace gaia with?
<< Anonymous
Seaworth Reply
Fiend Megacyber could work until you get Yami Yugi to LV 35.

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