
How to beat/farm Antinomy Lvl 40

Duel Links Antinomy Lvl 40, decks to farm Antinomy, and Antinomy's Duel Rewards.
update 23/07/2020

Magician Girl Farm

Lemon Magician Girl Version

Chocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician Girl
Fortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeGravekeepers VassalLemon Magician GirlLemon Magician Girl
Lemon Magician GirlUnion AttackUnion AttackWonder WandWonder WandWonder Wand
Magicalized FusionSecret Pass to the Treasures---Quintet Magician

Apple Magician Girl Version

Chocolate Magician GirlChocolate Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlBerry Magician GirlFortune Fairy Chee
Fortune Fairy CheeFortune Fairy CheeGravekeepers VassalApple Magician GirlApple Magician GirlApple Magician Girl
Lemon Magician GirlUnion AttackUnion AttackWonder WandWonder WandWonder Wand
Magicalized FusionSecret Pass to the Treasures---Quintet Magician

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: Fire
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Fire attribute monster.
Draw Sense: Light
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Light attribute monster.


  • Your goal is to thin your deck as quickly as possible. The Magician Girls are good at this with their various draw and search effects.
  • Chocolate and Lemon lets you thin your deck while also loading your graveyard. Berry lets you search from your deck twice.
  • Alongside the Magician Girls, Fortune Fairy Chee is also a good draw engine. You can trigger Chee's effect when you draw her with Chocolate's effect. And for any Spellcaster deck, Wonder Wand is a good draw card.
  • On your final turn, use Magicalized Fusion to make Quintet Magician and equip him with Wonder Want. Summon Gravekeeper's Vassal and use 2 Union Attacks and Secret Pass to the Treasure on him.

Cloudian Ra Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenZeradias, Herald of HeavenCloudian - AltusCloudian - Altus
Cloudian - AltusCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid CloudCloudian - Acid CloudGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugShooting Star Bow - CealThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkyThe Sanctuary in the SkySpirit Barrier
Spirit BarrierSpirit Barrier----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
LP Boost α
Increases starting Life Points by 1000.


  • Stall by having a Cloudian monster and The Sanctuary in the Sky or Spirit Barrier on the field.
  • Search The Sanctuary in the Sky with Zeradias' effect.
  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug.
  • You should have 3 Cloudians on your field before your final turn.
  • Summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give it your accumulated LP. Equip it with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal to attack directly.

Antinomy Lvl 40 Decklist

Drop Rewards


There is a typo in the Magician Girl farm for the roaming event. You can't face Antinomy with Yami Marik but you can use either Akiza or Jack Atlas which has the same common skill so that skill isn't limited to just Yami Marik. Even Yubel decks with Restart could work, however, there is a chance that the farm could fail if you can't destroy Yubel in the first turn and if he fills his side of the field before you even draw the last card in the deck, you won't be able to use Shien's Spy on Montage.
<< WoodFrJared
Sir Van Cleer Reply
Why does the Magician Girl Deck need the DS: Fire skill?
There are no Fire monsters in that deck to draw. Shouldn't it be a DS: Water? Or Earth?
<< Anonymous(Sir Van Cleer)
Anonymous Reply
Wondered that myself. Hope someone provides an answer
<< Anonymous(Sir Van Cleer)
Anonymous Reply
That's for drawing apple magician girl although you can also use draw sense light to draw lemon magician girl
<< Anonymous(Sir Van Cleer)
WoodFrJared Reply
Well, there is two version which is Apple Magician Girl version and Lemon Magician Girl Version. The Light Skill is for LMG Version whereas the Fire Skill is for AMG Version :). Sorry for making you misunderstand
Are these seriously the only 2 decks that can farm him because I can't make either of them.
<< Anonymous(thanonyx)
Anonymous Reply
Amazoness Ra can work well if I can find a way to stop that stupid broken enemy controller trap from stealing my Amazoness Queen.
<< Anonymous(thanonyx)
Anonymous Reply
#ShareDeck #DuelLinks
only bricked once with this and got 8000 plus the other 6 times, be very careful tho, I don't snychro till the turn before i make my move. Search for fusion first by sending wyvern to the graveyard then attack with red-eyes slash and use archfiend's effect if they swarm till 3 cards left in deck.
Secret room 3: defeats Madison 2 times, you get 100 gems.

Secret room 5: defeats Bruno 10 fa kin times and you'll be rewarded 10 gems.

Seems fair and square.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Very much so. High Tension (Kylie) is a Goddess. I wish there was more art to exalt their amazing bodies.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I like their haircut too. Very cute.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They are extremely beautiful from top to bottom.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just look at those armpits
TG power Gladiator
i though finally we had a good level 5 synchro but guess what it requires a non-tuner TG monster...
haha get it?
<< Anonymous(TG power Gladiator)
Armades, the Lv 5 Reply
We already have a very good level 5 Synchro monster.
<< Anonymous(TG power Gladiator)
Anonymous Reply
If they were in main box, Power Gladiator's rarity would be R and Tank Grub's rarity would be N
<< Anonymous(TG power Gladiator)
Mech Bass Reply
Guess you will need to wait
They really need to start making a t.g deck for the t.g summoning.
Cloudian Ra Farm for Antimony is reeeeeally bad. he can destroy 2 times the field spell, and change the control of your monster with one of his not-fairy to inflict the last damage, even at lv30
<< Anonymous(Marvin)
Anonymous Reply
Same he gains so much speed counter cause of his synchro spam and destroyed my field spell
<< Anonymous(Marvin)
Anonymous Reply
try using Lunalight Farm. It's more consistent
(you need to adjust the limited cards tho. Replace 1 Fox with another Lunalight monster, Secret Pass with Shooting Star Bow - Ceal)
Wish this guy would spawn WAAAY more often. Every time it says Antinomy or Wisel will show up soon...its always Wisel....
<< Anonymous
Marvin Reply
Especially since you have to beat him 10 times to unlock the last room
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Antinomy's rewards are worse than Wisel's tho. Better wait until his unlock event comes next month or 2 months later, we'll get much better T.G. cards, although I am sure some cards like Hyper Librarian would be released in a box instead.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I've already faced him 10 times. But I guess that I was just very lucky.
I think lunalight may work. 2 fox for protection so we cannot use "secret pass", instead add "stop defense".

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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