
Mokuba Kaiba

Duel Links Mokuba Kaiba, Skills, How to Unlock, Level Rewards, Duel Rewards, Starter Deck.
update 04/04/2022

Mokuba at the Gate!

Mokuba has been added to the Gate on Feb 13 2017. Now you can unlock him by completing Mokuba unlock missions. You need to reach Stage 13 (DM) in Duel Word to see him.

Mokuba roaming event

Bingo Mission

Since Mokuba is now available at the Gate now, you don't have to play this limited-time event to unlock Mokuba.

Mokuba Kaiba' skills

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Monstermorph: Evolution
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. Once per turn, send 1 Monster on your side of the field (except a Token) to summon 1 random Monster (that can be Normal Summoned) from your deck whose attribute and type are same to and level is 1 higher than the tributed monster.
Heavy Starter
If your Deck has 3 or more Level 5 or higher monsters with different names, you will have improved chance of having a Level 5 or higher monster in your starting hand.
Draw Sense: LIGHT
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Light attribute monster.
KaibaCorp Bling
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Prismatic or Glossy Card.
Monstermorph: De-Evolution
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. Once per turn, send 1 Monster on your side of the field (except a Token) to summon 1 random Monster (that can be Normal Summoned) from your deck whose attribute and type are same to and level is 1 lower than the tributed monster.

Common skills

Level Rewards

2Gem x10
3Rude KaiserRude Kaiser
4Skill: Monstermorph: Evolution
5Deck Slot (Mokuba Kaiba)
6Gem x15
8Deck Slot (Mokuba Kaiba)
9Gem x25
10Dragunity TribusDragunity Tribus
12Gem x35
13Skill: Heavy Starter
15Gem x50
16Ruins of the Divine Dragon LordsRuins of the Divine Dragon Lords
17Gem x60
19Gem x75
20Skill: Draw Sense: LIGHT
22Gem x100
23Ancient RulesAncient Rules
24Gem x120
25Lady of D.Lady of D.
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Mokuba Kaiba)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Gem x300
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Dragonic GuardDragonic Guard
34Gem x250
35Ancient RulesAncient Rules
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Lady of D.Lady of D.
39Gem x250
40Guardian of FelgrandGuardian of Felgrand
41Deck Slot (Mokuba)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Ruins of the Divine Dragon LordsRuins of the Divine Dragon Lords

Duel Rewards

Exclusive reward cards from Mokuba Kaiba

Card / [Rarity]Level
Darkflare DragonDarkflare Dragon [UR]30 or more
Frost and Flame DragonFrost and Flame Dragon [UR]30 or more
Kidmodo DragonKidmodo Dragon [SR]30 or more
Divine Dragon ApocralyphDivine Dragon Apocralyph [SR]30 or more
Beacon of WhiteBeacon of White [SR]30 or more
Advance DrawAdvance Draw [SR]30 or more
Lava DragonLava Dragon [R]All levels
Divine Dragon RagnarokDivine Dragon Ragnarok [R]All levels
Dragon's RageDragon's Rage [R]All levels
D. TribeD. Tribe [N]All levels
The Dragon's BeadThe Dragon's Bead [N]All levels


In Manga/Anime

Mokuba is Kaba Seto’s younger brother who is totally devoted to his brother. Although he is not seen as a duelists and is frequently get kidnapped several times by his brother’s enemies, but his supporting roles is not less important than any other main characters. For his beloved brother’s honor, he won’t back down for any challenge.

In Duel Terminal

In the Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Terminal, a player can challenge against Mokuba Kaiba. He uses the following three cards at least.


Hot New Top
Big brother, can I be in this game too?
<< Anonymous(Naruto)
Goku Reply
.... Okay. (Im the first to have a wife and a child) ....
<< Anonymous(Kaibaman)
Pegasus chan Reply
Ooooooo Kaiba Boiiiii
<< Anonymous(Mokuba)
Kuririn Reply
i guest im dead </3
<< Anonymous(Mokuba)
Seto Kaiba Reply
Of mokuba it's my world I can do what I want, if anyone beat you just tell me to 🔥 him
I don't care if they put in Mokuba. As long as they keep the other generations OUT!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The rank and pendulum icon's were in the game release data... if you can't except the extra deck your not a very loyal yugioh fan
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
Oh... filler characters wont be added to the game. You want to play as Pegasus's security?
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
Definitely not. But I wouldn't mind playing as Kaiba's referee from Battle City, that Roland/Isono guy.
Mokuba's Drop Skill. Kaibacorp Blind.
<< Anonymous(TheGengarKing)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe that's why they've been giving increased stones/gems/gold drops.

Gotta at the very least make the cards that can save you glossy (i.e. Super Rush Headlong)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think this is Draw Sense (Tech Card), if you get what I mean. If you're keeping only one copy of any card, to use against a very specific opponent- this card that you dont ever want to see except for this matchup- this might be the way to get to that card. Examples: Kuribohs, Defensive Traps, Quickplays, Armored Zombie for instawin, etc. Not the best skill, but it can be used.
<< Anonymous(TheGengarKing)
Anonymous Reply
I don't think this counts as your turns draw either.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
First comment that makes sense
So evidently Evolve counts as a normal Summon. Red-Eyes into Gandora nukes ftw. Actually, come to think of it, in that replay I think Gandora didn't 🔥 after being summoned by Evolve, but I'm not sure. Can someone please confirm?
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy )
Anonymous Reply
Correct, spirit monsters brought out using this skill do not return to the hand during the end phase.
<< Anonymous(Anonyboy )
Anonymous Reply
More important news. Gandora does not send itself to grave at the end phase when you bring it out using this skill. Additionally, Gandora keeps the atk boost from its effect and the effect of increasing its atk will stack if you use it multiple times. This skill basically turns Gandora into Judgement Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
can't tell if this is the intended effect of this skill, or a major oversight by konami and I should expect a nerf soon...
<< Anonymous
NMS Reply
Judegement dragon was a son of bi..dragon.
Gandora The Dragon Of Nukes
If they gone to have Mokuba than might as well have Tristan Duke the Bones guy the Rare Hunter guy the String guy the guy with the Red Dark Magician The 2 guy with Gate Guardian Noah Kaiba Gozaburo Kaiba Rebecca Hawkins Yugi Grandpa hell put Kaiba Dueling Robot in it to
<< Anonymous(EXPLODIA)
Player J Reply
I agree!

They should add Bones because his deck is a Zombie deck.

It has Call of the haunted!
Zombies need support!

They should add Arkana.
He used the Red suited Dark Magician.

They should add Grandpa + Professor Author Hawkins + Rebecca Hawkins simply because they have knowledge of there deck content.

They all dueled in the anime.
They can simply copy the decks!

<< Anonymous(EXPLODIA)
Inti Reply
Well the Paradox Brothers did get added.
<< Anonymous(EXPLODIA)
Anonymous Reply
Did anyone play the old Dark Duel Stories game? Tristan's intro is almost verbatim the line from this new LD coming in. Ngl, I'm hoping it's him.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good point. I remember that game.
What voice lines with special cards does Mokuba have I like to at least have one deck on my characters witch are similar to there legit decks the game gives them???
<< Anonymous(AmbroseAsylam)
Anonymous Reply
trojan horse
<< Anonymous(AmbroseAsylam)
Super Joey Reply
Ancient Rules
<< Anonymous(AmbroseAsylam)
gollion Reply
luster dragon
<< Anonymous(AmbroseAsylam)
Anonymous Reply
Krokodilus , Niwatori , Rude Kaiser
Everyone keeps saying Tristan, but I wonder what cards can he offer? Cyber Commando?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Super Roboyarou!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^Both cards are already at this game.
<< Anonymous
Blue Eyed Dragon Reply
Super roboyarou isnt obtainable though
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'd rather have Rebecca be added than stupid Tristan.
Mokuba is honestly a terrible choice for a new character. What would make his deck or skills different from Kaiba?
Much better choices would be Bonz, Espa Roba(though Jinzo is OP), PaniK, Umbra/Lumis, or even Jaden from GX.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They should have espa roba as a legendary character that u can get as for the event he should have a psychic deck with jinzo I or jinzo support cards
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Jaden's not going to be added because he's from GX.
<< Anonymous
Panos Reply
There are leaked characters of who is gonna enter duel links and they are espa roba,arkana,bonz,yami joey,and all the protagonist of gx
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If mokuba had a deck i would make it a strong trap and spell card deck and cards 2 increase his lifepoints and a few good monsters
Traps like mirror force negate attack
Shadow spell kunai with chain spellbinding circle.....shadow ghoul and discard 35 monsters and power up shadow ghoul and win the duel in 2 turns....
will the new world expires on jan 1? then how bout the characters unlocked and cards obtained? is it going to expire too?
( sorry for my english)
<< Anonymous(PLEASE DONT SNOB)
Anonymous Reply
no, gx world is permanent lol
<< Anonymous(PLEASE DONT SNOB)
Anonymous Reply
Where did you read that it would expire?
<< Anonymous(PLEASE DONT SNOB)
Anonymous Reply
It's the tickets the ones that expire on that date
<< Anonymous(PLEASE DONT SNOB)
Anonymous Reply
It just for the ticket and all character will permanent
His skill are all trash! Not worth leveling up but for the gems and Ancient Rules!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
His skills are ok just really difficult to figure out how to use. The Red-Eyes Gandora combo is the best thing found so far.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All depends. He has some good cards to loot and if you fail to see how they can make a deck strong then you must be the kind of duelist to copy and paste a meta deck. The weaker bird monster can send kidmodo to the graveyard and you can select a card from you hand to special summon. If you use Dragon Vanguard's effect to send kidmodo to the graveyard you can trigger the effect and summon a monster
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dragconnection can send kidmodo to the grave and trigger for a monster to summon from your hand pkus the cards effect gives you another copy of kidmodo in you hand. I also toss in rare metal dragon and several other 5 and 6 star dragons. If you add divine dragon apoc. you can use it fkr retrieving a kidmodo from the grave. Judge the deck but I have used in against level 57 duelist as well as pvp
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
In pvp using these cards and using other divine dragons and the divine dragon spell he gets later on, I win a good 8 or 9 out of 10 level 57 standard duelist fights and I can do descent in pvp with it. It is easy to judge a deck and find weaknesses but the results are what counts. Do not sell Mokuba short. He is a dueling genius and has a fanbase reguarkdess of your 3rd rate opinion.
Please make Mokuba a playable character!!! And give him and seto special lines!! :D
<< Anonymous(MokubaLover)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(MokubaLover)
Valencia Reply
I know! I don't know why they made it so that Seto doesn't even seem to recognize him. I hope that Konami at least decides to bring the event back, because I want Kidmodo dragon.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Wow, active personas....Twice now
<< Anonymous(MokubaLover)
Beta Reply
Please no. He's literally the worst character in the show.
As I saw there is a Guardian of Felgrand and a Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords. So why isn't there any Paladin of Felgrand? Or even Arkbrave Dragon? Or at least, Silver's Cry?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Rule 1 of Duel links:NO good cards or even playable cards most of the time

Rule 2 of Duel links:You get it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agreed. I took a pick at those cards on wikia page the cards are good. It'd be awesome if they released it all for Mokuba's level up rewards.
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
Pretty sure Arkbrave Dragon and Darkblaze dragon are coming in the next structure deck being released on the 28th of March. It was leaked recently.
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Anonymous Reply

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why you don't let the card obtinable
There are alot of cards that are still not in duel links that should be. And there should be a no...
DUNE NECTAR WEB EXPERT Our name is even more stupid than our scam victims lol
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