
Vanilla Harpies' Hunting Ground: deck recipe

This page notes Fast Harpie Deck profile, including essential cards and the best character and skill to use the deck.
update 26/06/2017


Vanilla Harpie decks uses normal Harpies, and Mai's exclusive skill Harpies' Hunting Ground. The combination of Order to Charge, and the ability to destroy your opponent's backrow, makes it quite versatile, which can then be often updated with newer cards from new boxes.

SkillHarpie's Hunting Ground
Essential cards
CostBudget - Expensive
(Box reset)

Example deck

Knight of the Red LotusSphere KuribohSphere KuribohHarpie Lady 1BirdfaceBlazing Inpachi
Sonic DuckSonic DuckSonic DuckHarpie LadyHarpie LadyOrder to Charge
Order to ChargeEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMirror WallMirror WallSoul Resurrection
Windstorm of EtaquaTragedy--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Harpies' Hunting Ground
Begin the Duel with the Field Spell Harpies' Hunting Ground on the top of your deck.


How to use

General strategy

Generally, the way you play Harpie decks is to simply summon the Harpies to destroy your opponent's backrow before attacking their monsters. This will allow you to attack your opponent's monster without having to worry about their spell/trap cards. If your opponent summons a stronger monster with a higher attack, then you use Order to Charge to take them down.

Harpie's Hunting Ground

Harpies' Hunting Ground is what makes Harpie decks quite strong, but it can potentially be a weakness as well. Since Harpie decks are quite common, people have been bringing cards to counter this field spell. If your opponent has no spell/trap card, summoning a Harpie monster will activate its ability, forcing you to choose your own card. Cards like Security Orb, and Wild Tornado are also getting more common, making you think twice instead of blindly choosing to destroy your opponent's spell/trap card(s).

Vanilla Harpie

The non-effect Harpie monsters are often used because of Order to Charge, which is a really good card that allows you to confidently summon this card, despite its low attack. It can be used to destroy most monster your opponent summons, and can be activated during their turn. But you can use the other different Harpie monsters, which offers different effects and can be useful depending on your playstyle.

Special summoning from the grave

The effect of Harpies' Hunting Ground is activated even when your Harpie monsters are special summoned from the graveyard.

  • Knight of the Red Lotus can be tribute summoned, or special summoned. It can activate its ability once per turn, so if you want to attack your opponent's monster, it's better to use the lower level first, in case it gets destroyed. This is so you can special summon it again on your next turn.
  • Soul Resurrection can only special summon normal monsters in defense position. Use it at the end of your opponent's turn to make sure it doesn't get attacked/destroyed, and allows you to switch to attack position on your next turn.

Other vanilla beaters

Since you can only put 3 Harpie monsters, you will need to use other monsters in the deck. If you want to use Order to Charge, it's better to put normal monsters like Sonic Duck, or Blazing Inpachi since they have high attack. They both have low defense, but it won't matter that much if you have an Order to Charge at the ready.

Tips for using the deck

  • Summon a Harpie monster if your opponent sets spell/trap cards, so you can destroy a spell/trap card your opponent controls by the effect of the field spell.
  • If you don't want to risk destroying your opponent's Wild Tornado, or Security Orb, then it's better to destroy their field spell instead, or destroy your own Wild Tornado.
  • Guard the "Harpie's Hunting Ground" field spell against Twister or other spell removal by using counter trap cards, or bring Minefieldriller.

Other useful cards

Harpie Lady Sisters
Harpie Lady Sisters
Put 1 copy of this card if you feel like the deck is running slow.
The Atmosphere
The Atmosphere
Surviving for a turn is not difficult because of the spell/trap cards in the deck, making it easier to summon this.
Elegant Egotist
Elegant Egotist
2 or 3 copies of this card with 1 Harpie Lady Sisters to increase the chance of getting it.
Big Bang Shot
Big Bang Shot
Useful when you equip it to your monsters or banish your opponent's monster when you destroy it with a harpie.
Adhesion Trap Hole
Adhesion Trap Hole
Weakens your opponent's monster to ensure that you can destroy it with any monster.
Wild Tornado
Wild Tornado
Can be used to destroy any face up card when you have a harpie card with the hunting ground still active.
If your field spell gets destroyed, you can return it to your hand using this card.
Symbols of Duty
Symbols of Duty
Can be used to special summon any monster from your graveyard, or your opponent's graveyard.
Harpie Lady 1
Harpie Lady 1
Increases your other monsters' attacks.

Other example decks


Hot New Top
My deck officially has no set spell or trap cards and I've gotten kog with it. Suck it harpie homos.
started farming yesterday with Cerberus deck, got today from Mokuba lvl 40
Sagt do you Think is the best Option in a Vanilla Harris deck: Red Lotus, Gaia oh Megacyber?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*What *Harpies
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Red lotus...because he has more versatility
Anyone playing this deck probably sucks and just wants to net free wins.
<< Anonymous
Tiernan Adel Reply
No you're just a sore loser.
Is vannila Harpie , Harpie relinquish or Harpie EG
Better since I only have one order to charge. And a kind of finished Harpie relinquish.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If sou only have one OTC you shouldnt go vanilla harpie
Adham Nader
Is it good deck?
How to get 2 birdface? I only got one at the wonders of the sky pack.
<< Anonymous
Gem Hunter Reply
You can reset the box and get another one.
Here is my harpie deck.
2 Sphere Ebola
Harpy lady 1
2 Dunmaes
1 Jerry beans man
3 sonic duck
2 Harpie lady
2 otc
1 Econ
1 Mirrow wall
1 Dimension gate
1 Desert twister
1 Windstorm

Any advice? Weather it's me being a sucky player(not afraid to admit lol) or the fact that I only have one ECON. I've been knocked around in the gold rank a bunch. Highest I've gotten was gold 4
<< Anonymous(trumoo)
Anonymous Reply
Maybe change deck for a chance? Why keep use meta harpie?
<< Anonymous(trumoo)
Anonymous Reply
use your dimension gate with jowls
<< Anonymous(trumoo)
holybread Reply
lol your deck is strong! one thing is out of place... desert twister.. change it to wild tornado...
<< Anonymous
EZ Reply
May i know what deck u are using? Curious
everyone handless kid is now playing absolutely OP deck of HHG or damn paradox brother with 3SD, whats tze 🔥ing sense?! There are million of cards, but those both are simple overpowered as hell. Either GK decks isn't that OP, ffs konami is just 🔥ed up as hell
<< Anonymous(ub3R)
Anonymous Reply
a week before the championship qualifiers, I started farming skills. I was thinking it will be a waste of time playing if I don't get 3sd or harpies hunting ground. I got 3 star demotion which is great, but harpies hunting ground is strong; 75% of what I fight against
<< Anonymous(ub3R)
Anonymous Reply
Its simple to explain - HHG deck is destroying trap/spell cards and also easy destroying your monster, as example with order to charge or wild tornado + econ + mirror wall etc makes this deck overpowered in compare to other. At platinum u wont meet anyone else beside HHG or 3SD deck and it make this game borring as hell. Everywhere same decks with same cards. All u can is pray for luck. Wow
<< Anonymous
Alief Reply
Not really, I just reached KOG (and final qualifier) with my Relinquished deck and I can still beat HHG, though I should admit that HHG is the hardest deck for my deck. You need to remember that HHG user MUST destroy 1 spell/trap card if they summon harpies, hence if we don't have any, they will have to destroy their own.
<< Anonymous(Alief)
holybread Reply
just reach KOG myself I was grinding for 4hrs and I'm using HHG group A...most of the decks i fought are clown a lot of variety, parasite, and the new 🔥 3SD! less HHG a little of everything
Does Judgment of Anubis counter HHG?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's a good question, but the despells,l and security orbs are great ways to destroy hunting ground. JoA may not work because the card isn't activated itself. The effect is activated. JoA can counter storm though
Any tips?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Normal 1*
<< Anonymous(Dan FCB)
Player J Reply
- 2 Harpies' Lady Effect monster
- 2 Jelly Bean
- 2 Sonic Bird
- 1 E.Con
- 1 Mirror Wall
- 1 Metalmorph

+ 2 Harpies' Lady Normal monster
+ 1 Bird Face
+ 1 Dunames Dark Witch
+ 1 The Atmosphere
+ 1 Harpies' Lady Sister
+ 2 Elogant Egotist
+ 1 Trap Jammer
<< Anonymous
Ohoo Reply
<< Anonymous(Dan FCB)
Cancerous HHG Reply
Hell yeah. Jump off a bridge! :) You my dear boy are adding to the lack of variety. Switch out your underdog for another vanilla harpy and you'll have yourself one sweet copy/paste deck. Good job!
HHG is not overpowered!
This deck is so easy to counter
<< Anonymous
Virtus Reply
But all stall decks are infuriating, strong or not. "Ooooh, let me play like a scared house-cat until I get my lucky-ass draw that lets me clear your field for free!"
<< Anonymous(Virtus)
Chis Reply
Nah he's right, it is pretty easy to counter. If you manage to get rid of HHG, then the deck you're up against immediately becomes sub-par. If you throw in a few de-spells/twisters then you shouldn't be relying on luck at all, nor should you need to stall. Problem is, your deck is then weakened against non HHG decks. That's what makes it annoying.

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