
Vanilla Harpies' Hunting Ground: deck recipe

update 07/04/2017

Example deck

The Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - VenusFaith BirdFaith BirdFaith Bird
Harpie LadyHarpie LadyHarpie LadyMystical Shine BallMystical Shine BallMystical Shine Ball
Order to ChargeOrder to ChargeEnemy ControllerHeart of the UnderdogMystic BoxMystic Box
Backup SoldierCommon Charity--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Harpie's Hunting Ground]
Begin Duel with the Field Spell "Harpies' Hunting Ground" activated.


How to use this deck

Normal Monsters

Similar to how the Rex dino decks work with Order to Charge, this deck uses mostly normal monsters and using support cards to sacrifice one to get rid of one monster. The difference being, Venus can easily summon some Mystical Shine Ball to be the sacrifice, opening them up for a direct attack right after it.

Order to Charge, Mystic Box and Enemy Controller

If you have Venus in your starting hand, summon her first if you have one of any of the support cards. During your first turn, set the Shine Balls in defense position. You can use them in attack position if you have Mystic Box or Order to Charge to either deal damage or get rid of a monster. Enemy Controller can be used if your opponent summons a high attack monster, use the shine balls as sacrifice to take control of it. Do this if you are sure that your total attack can already kill them, or if you have Order to Charge set on the field.

Going against field spells

Yami Yugi with "Power of Dark"

Since Venus is fairy type, her attack will be lowered from Yami's effect. This will put you at a big disadvantage since it increases your opponent's monster's attack, while decreasing yours. While it is tempting to use a Harpy to destroy the Yami right away, it is always better to save the spell destruction to destroy the back line spell cards if you plan to attack. This is because the deck is made to use with Order to Charge to get rid of enemies easily. Dealing lower damage with Venus is fine, as long as you have some protection cards like Order to Charge or Two-Pronged Attack.

Mako Tsunami with "Mythic Depth"

When going against Mako decks with Umi, you don't have to destroy Umi right away if you have an Order or Two-Pronged. This is to bait your enemy to use more cards to summon Levia-Dragon - Daedalus when they don't expect that you can destroy it easily. Use either of them the moment Daedalus/Suijin is summoned. If you don't have an answer to counter Daedalus' effect activation, then destroy Umi early in the duel or immediately when the duel starts.

Mai Valentine with "Harpie's Hunting Ground"

Same thing when going against a Mai with Harpies' Hunting Ground, you can either bait them with Order to Charge using Shine Balls or just destroy the field spell immediately.

Noteworthy Infos

It's important to keep in mind that Harpies' Hunting Ground REQUIRES you to destroy a spell/trap card when you summon them. If it's your first, turn then don't summon them if your opponent does not have any field spell that you want to destroy, otherwise your only targets are your own cards.

Order to Charge
Order to Charge
Order to Charge requires a face-up normal monster, so this can't be used on your set monster.
Common Charity
Common Charity
It's highly recommended to not use Common Charity if you don't happen to have a normal monster in hand. The risk of losing your entire hand is too big of a loss.
Backup Soldier
Backup Soldier
Requires you to have 5 or more monsters in your graveyard, but it cannot target Venus or other effect monsters in case you want to put them in the deck. Only normal monsters with 1500 or less attack.


How can I activate Order to Charge in an opponent's turn?

If you want to use them during your opponent's turn, you will have to set the card down in your field.

Why isn't "Skull Red Bird" in this deck?

Backup Soldier can only bring normal monsters with 1500 attack, skull red bird has 1550.

Possible replacements

Two-Pronged Attack
Two-Pronged Attack
Can be used as a substitute for Order to Charge. This card can also work with any 2 monsters instead of normal monsters only.
Shard of Greed
Shard of Greed
A slower alternative to drawing more cards instead of Common Charity.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
A good defensive card that you can use when in need.


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its just me?

why i cant add 2 or 3 "harpie lady with "harpie lady 2" and "harpie lady 3" in 1 dack
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Harpie Lady, Harpie Lady 1, Harpie Lady 2 and Harpie Lady 3 are always considered 'Harpie Lady' even outside of duels. There are other Harpie cards that have a similar effect. Harpie Queen and I think also Harpie Channeler are only considered Harpie Lady while on the field or Graveyard, like Gemini monsters.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is a work around you may add 3 Harpie queen along with your three Harpie monsters as Harpie Queen is only treated as Harpie Lady in the field and graveyard not the deck like Harpie Lady/ Harpie 1 2 3 and Cyber whom are considered Harpie Lady in deck field and graveyard
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Harpie Lady 1,2,3 and vanilla all are treated as "Harpie Lady" at all times, including deck construction. Cyber Dragons and Blue Eyes only change names when in specific locations, such as the field or graveyard. Reading the card explains the card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why are you replying to a very very old question that has already been answered?
Make harpie's deck with new set card
With the now box that is coming out. Hairpie deck gonna get a boost.
Harpies = best deck with new pack?
Running three Venus is stupid.
A tweaked version of this deck seems fitting for Sky Scourge Enrise. Maybe add Sphere Kuriboh and some Fiend monsters?
Solid board control people saying this isn't viable don't get it
Not your valentine
Cyber harpie cards...
Seems like this deck emphasizes Venus + tribute spell effects more than the Harpies themselves. Destroying spells/traps on summons with Hunting Ground is cool, but apart from that, the Harpies are so weak. Seems like this deck would be a little better as a more generic beatdown deck, or maybe a Dino deck.
Harpie Lady+Relinquished
I have a question do. the Hack Tools for the Game reales Works anyone make experience with it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥ing 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥 yourself.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
im so dead rn

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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