
Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event [Nov 30 2022]

Duel Links Paradox Unlock Event, rewards, how to defeat Paradox, best decks to farm Paradox.
update 05/12/2022

Duelist & Duration

Event Duration: 30 November 2022 - 8 December 2022

Best Elemental HERO Neos Deck to Farm Paradox

Example Deck

Elemental HERO StratosElemental HERO NeosElemental HERO NeosElemental HERO NeosMegamorphMegamorph
MegamorphSummoners ArtSummoners ArtGeneration NextGeneration NextGeneration Next
Ancient RulesAncient RulesAncient RulesTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
Power of the GuardiansPower of the Guardians----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Neo Space!
Begin the duel with the card "Neo Space" activated.
Jaden Yuki
Jaden Yuki


Best Dark Magician Deck to Farm Paradox

  • No Skill Necessary
Essential cards
(Box reset)
No Box Reset Necessary

Example Deck

Dark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianDark Magic CurtainDark Magic CurtainDark Magic Curtain
Dark Magic VeilDark Magic VeilAncient RulesAncient RulesAncient RulesTwin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TrycePower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansArmory Call
Armory CallArmory Call----


Best Hermos Deck to Farm Paradox

  • No Skill Necessary
Essential cards
CostBudget - Expensive
(Box reset)
No Box Reset Necessary

Standard Version

Dwarf Star Dragon PlaneterDwarf Star Dragon PlaneterDwarf Star Dragon PlaneterGrappler AnglerGrappler AnglerGrappler Angler
Dark MagicianDark MagicianDark MagicianDark Magical CircleDark Magical CircleThe Claw of Hermos
The Claw of HermosThe Claw of HermosPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansMagician Navigation
Magician NavigationMagician Navigation----
Rocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos CannonStardust Dragon--

Budget Version

Dwarf Star Dragon PlaneterDwarf Star Dragon PlaneterDwarf Star Dragon PlaneterDark MagicianDark MagicianAncient Rules
Ancient RulesAncient RulesThe Claw of HermosThe Claw of HermosThe Claw of HermosPower of the Guardians
Power of the GuardiansPower of the GuardiansSwamp MirrorerSwamp MirrorerSwamp MirrorerGood Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping-Rocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos CannonRocket Hermos Cannon


  • Main Combo Setup will be Dark Magician equip with Rocket Hermos Cannon and Power of the Guardians to deal massive amount of battle damage.

  • Search out Dark Magician (DM) by Dwarf Star Dragon Planeter during your End Phase and prepare for Special Summoning DM by using Magician Navigation or Ancient Rules.

  • Dark Magical Circle for searching out Magician Navigation or rearrange your card order to let you draw out the core card easily on your next turn, you can replace this with other cards to filter the deck for getting core deck quickly.

  • Grappler Angler's purpose in this Deck is for Synchro Summoning Stardust Dragon or Special Summoning Rocket Hermos Cannon by using The Claw of Hermos, you can choose Swamp Mirrorer instead of using Grappler.

  • Power of the Guardians is for ATK Boost Purpose.

Damage Bonus

  • Ace Monsters will do Triple Damage.

  • The Following monsters will do Five Times Damage, but keep in mind that you cannot inflict Battle Damage using Elemental HERO Neos Knight unless you negate its last effect with a monster effect.

Dark Magician [UR]

Dark Magician
Dark Magician
DARK Spellcaster ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2100
Yami Yugi [UR]
Yami Yugi's starter deck [UR]
Pre-registration bonus (alternate artwork) [UR]
Arkana Event [UR]
Ranked Rewards [UR]
The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense.

Dark Magician Girl [UR]

Dark Magician Girl
Dark Magician Girl
DARK Spellcaster ★6
ATK 2000 / DEF 1700
Tea Gardner [UR]
Special Pack Vol. 02 [UR]
Tea's starter deck [UR]
Ranked Rewards [UR]
WCS 2018 Support Campaign [UR] [UR]
This card gains 300 ATK for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard.

Elemental HERO Neos [UR]

Elemental HERO Neos
Elemental HERO Neos
LIGHT Warrior ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Jaden Yuki [UR]
Special Pack Vol. 02 [UR]
KC Grand Tournament Celebration Campaign [UR Glossy]
A new Elemental HERO has arrived from Neo-Space! When he initiates a Contact Fusion with a Neo-Spacian, his unknown powers are unleashed.

Elemental HERO Neos Knight [R]

Elemental HERO Neos Knight
Elemental HERO Neos Knight
LIGHT Warrior ★7
ATK 2500 / DEF 1000
Blades of Spirits [R]
Neos Fusion [R]
"Elemental HERO Neos" + 1 Warrior-Type monster
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card gains ATK equal to half the ATK of the Warrior-Type Fusion Material Monster used to Fusion Summon this card, other than "Elemental HERO Neos". This card can attack twice during each Battle Phase. If this card attacks or is attacked, your opponent takes no Battle Damage.

Junk Warrior [UR]

Junk Warrior
Junk Warrior
DARK Warrior ★5
ATK 2300 / DEF 1300
Structure Deck: Synchro Connection [UR]
Stardust Nexus [UR]
"Junk Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersIf this card is Synchro Summoned: It gains ATK equal to the total ATK of all Level 2 or lower monsters you currently control.

Junk Gardna [UR]

Junk Gardna
Junk Gardna
EARTH Warrior ★6
ATK 1400 / DEF 2600
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [UR]
"Junk Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls, and change its battle position. This effect can be activated during either player's turn. If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can select 1 monster on the field and change its battle position.

Stardust Dragon [UR]

Stardust Dragon
Stardust Dragon
WIND Dragon ★8
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Selection Box Vol. 03 [UR]
Stardust Acceleration [UR]
Stardust Nexus [UR] (Alternate Art)
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card(s) on the field: You can Tribute this card; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. During the End Phase, if this effect was activated this turn (and was not negated): You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.

Shooting Star Dragon [UR]

Shooting Star Dragon
Shooting Star Dragon
WIND Dragon ★10
ATK 3300 / DEF 2500
KC Grand Tournament Celebration Campaign [May 2021] [UR]
1 Tuner Synchro Monster + "Stardust Dragon"
Once per turn: You can excavate the top 5 cards of your Deck, shuffle them back in, also this card's maximum number of attacks per Battle Phase this turn equals the number of Tuner monsters excavated. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card(s) on the field: You can negate the effect, and if you do, destroy it. Once per turn, when an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can target the attacking monster; banish this card, and if you do, negate that attack. During the next End Phase: Special Summon this card banished by this effect.


Exclusive Skill: The Opposites

Get this Exclusive Skill by Summon a Level (Rank) 7 or higher Dragon-Type monster 3 time(s) in one Duel using Paradox during the Event Period.

[Skill] descriptionUser
The Opposites
Select 1 of your Level 7 or higher Dragon-Type monsters that is banished or in your Graveyard, and 1 card that has the same Level, ATK, and DEF and a different card name. Add 1 of them to your hand, and return the other to the bottom of your Deck/Extra Deck. Then, return 1 card from your hand to the bottom of your Deck.

This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Master's Diploman [UR]

Masters Diploman
Masters Diploman
DARK Machine ★5
ATK 2000 / DEF 2000
Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event [UR]
If this card is Tribute Summoned: You can target 1 monster in your GY and 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; equip the monster from your GY to that opponent's monster. While equipped by this effect, the equipped monster loses ATK equal to the ATK of that monster equipped to it. Your opponent cannot activate the effects of monsters they control that are equipped with Equip Cards in your Spell & Trap Zones.

Stall Turn [SR]

Stall Turn
Stall Turn
Counter Trap
Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event [SR]
When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated that negates the Summon OR the activation of a Spell/Trap Card: Banish 3 cards from the top of your Deck, face-down; negate the activation, and if you do, shuffle that card into the Deck.

Darton the Mechanical Monstrosity [UR]

Darton the Mechanical Monstrosity
Darton the Mechanical Monstrosity
DARK Machine ★1
ATK ? / DEF 0
Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event [UR]
Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can check the difference between the current and original ATK of each monster on the field, add up the total of each of those differences, and make this monster's original ATK become that combined amount until the end of your opponent's next turn.

Imprudent Intrusion [SR]

Imprudent Intrusion
Imprudent Intrusion
Normal Trap
Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event [SR]
Your LP must be lower than your opponent's to activate and to resolve this effect.
Activate 1 of these effects;

● Destroy 1 monster your opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to the difference in LP.
● Special Summon 1 monster from your GY with ATK less than or equal to the difference in LP.

Exclusive Items

ItemsHow to get
Card Sleeves: Bond Beyond Time
Card Sleeves: Bond Beyond Time
Defeat Raid Boss at Lvl. 2000 or above in Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event.
Game Mat: Bond Beyond Time
Game Mat: Bond Beyond Time
Inflict 30,000 or more points of damage in one Duel against Raid Boss at Lvl. 2000 or above in Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event.
ItemsHow to get
Icon: Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event
Icon: Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event
Achieve 16,000,000 pts in Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event.
Card Sleeves: Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event
Card Sleeves: Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event
Achieve 2,200,000 pts in Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event.
Game Mat: Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event
Game Mat: Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event
Achieve 6,000,000 pts in Raid Duel - Bond Beyond Time: Paradox vs The Three Duelists Event.

Drop Rewards


Hot New Top
how to unlock the skill? I have to summon 1 level/rank 7 Dragon 3 times or what?
It's way way better to make a deck with the Shooting Star Road skill. Meet the requirements for the deck and put in as many Junk Synchron and Tuning cards as you have and cards that can get you into a second Junk Warrior/Stardust Dragon or revive like Monster Reborn and Stardust Flash. The equip cards help a lot to deal even more damage.
<< Anonymous(Diana)
Anonymous Reply
Too lazy. Wanna auto duel.
Oh yes, the rerun of this useless event, yeah, I'm so happy to play this boring event
When is Z-one going to be added
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We already have it:
no ! raid duel - bond beyond time: paradox vs the three duelists
Probably the trippiest event we’ve seen in DL, lore wise. Basically the characters acknowledged that the DL timeline is different than their home universe, but they still retain the same respective pasts. And that the player controls what goes on.
Too salt.... Is Konami fault os I'm just unlucky
<< Anonymous(aaa)
Anonymous Reply
I got a lot of Fiendish Portrait from Paradox's previous event
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's cool. Now you can open a portrait gallery.
My farming deck.
<< Anonymous(RR)
RR Reply
3x Junk Synchron
3x Mach Synchron
3x Turbo Synchron
3x Changer Synchron
1x Jet Synchron
1x Junk Converter
2x Hyper Synchron
3x Tuning

Extra Deck:
Shooting Star dragon
Vermillion Dragon Mech
Junk Destroyer
Stardust Dragon
Junk Warrior x2
<< Anonymous(RR)
RR Reply
Use against LVL 2000+ on a friendship duel. You want Junk Synchron on hand ASAP. You will make Junk Destroyer with it which you will use to pop the field spell. Use both skills to get Shooting. Use any lvl1 tuner with Destroyer to go into Vermillion to pop cards every turn. If you have Junk Synchron and tuning in hand, do NOT use tuning, you want to have as many tuners as possible in the deck.
<< Anonymous(RR)
RR Reply
Hyper Synchron is kind of a filler. I don't have other level 1 tuners but it's still a tuner for extra attacks for Shooting.

Just like Tuning, if you got Junk Synchron in hand, don't use Junk Converter in hand. The more tuners in deck, the more attacks Shooting will have.

I use this simple strategy and I can beat lvl2000+ Paradox on my turn 2 or 3.
Sorry for asking. But what's the purpose of "Blank Card"?
<< Anonymous(Hart)
Anonymous Reply
Makes Paradox spawn at a high level
Not Scammed
3x dm
3x mega
3x maus
3x rules
3x pog
3x tryce/fmc
2x armory

there's, that's as budget as one can get, not the one gamea promotes
<< Anonymous
Trick Up Your Sleeve Reply
Your starting hand will include 1 Lvl 7 or higher DARK spellcaster-type monster, randomly selected from your deck. This skill will not activate if your DECK does not include 1 Lvl 7 DARK spellcaster-type monsters. You cannot special summon effect monsters during your First Turn.

(Please tell me if you can't read, or you'll go straight to concentration camp)
<< Anonymous(Not Scammed)
Anonymous Reply
Mausoleum of the Emperor is a terrible option because it helps Paradox to help have some malefic monsters on the field.
<< Anonymous
Fetih 1453 Reply
Use Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it.
<< Anonymous(Fetih 1453)
Blue-eyes fag dragon Reply
Why doesn't beggers have house? I mean, just buy it duh?
ebon illusion rank 7
gaia *7
statue of anguish pattern *7
Are there any stardust and/or junk decks?

Commens and feedback


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Comments (updated every hour)

It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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