
KC Grand Tournament Celebration Campaign [May 2021]

Duel Links KC Grand Tournament Celebration Campaign, how to get Shooting Star Dragon, rewards.
update 20/05/2021

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#デュエルリンクス KCグランドトーナメント2021 開催記念キャンペーン開始✨ ゲームにログインして、特別仕様のUR「シューティング・スター・ドラゴン」や不動遊星の新スキル「シューティング・スター・ロード」等、豪華プレゼントを…


There is some information about lots of giveaways awaits duelists leading up to the KC Grand Tournament. Every Duelist will be receiving exclusive rewards to gear up for the upcoming tournament!

Official Preview


Shooting Star Dragon [UR Prismatic]

Shooting Star Dragon
Shooting Star Dragon
WIND Dragon ★10
ATK 3300 / DEF 2500
KC Grand Tournament Celebration Campaign [May 2021] [UR]
1 Tuner Synchro Monster + "Stardust Dragon"
Once per turn: You can excavate the top 5 cards of your Deck, shuffle them back in, also this card's maximum number of attacks per Battle Phase this turn equals the number of Tuner monsters excavated. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that would destroy a card(s) on the field: You can negate the effect, and if you do, destroy it. Once per turn, when an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can target the attacking monster; banish this card, and if you do, negate that attack. During the next End Phase: Special Summon this card banished by this effect.

Gem: Every Player would be receiving 1000 Gems sent through the mailbox

Every Player would be receiving 1000 Gems sent through their mailbox.

Log-In Ticket Bonus

Log in during this event period and you will be able to obtain a ticket each day for a total of 2 Usual UR tickets and 1 SR Dream ticket, 2 Usual UR tickets and 1 UR Dream ticket! 1 out of each tickets being a foil card.

The exchange options for the regular SR and UR tickets are Legendary Duelist card rewards, Card Trader cards, Event LDs and previous event exclusive rewards.

You can exchange your tickets from the banner on the upper right of the screen, or go to ranked duels and select "Exchange Tickets".


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UR and SR dream ticket. What are the best cards to obtain. Any suggestion?
<< Anonymous(Y)
Byakuya Reply
UR : Forbidden Lance, Divine Wrath...
SR : Karma Cut, Treacherous Trap Hole...
Why is the 50% gem sale only goes all the way to warriors unite box? Why isn't cybernetic box has 50% off?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why? Contact support to ask.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is the same as january. It only goes up to warriors unite.
Kinda a shame that it appears it's just regular Prismatic, not the ghost-like one they used for that free copy of BEWD and BEAWD.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Turns out it IS the ghost-like one, so YAY
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why don´t we have a feature that lets us DOWNGRADE rarities? Let people enjoy these weird effects if they wanna, but also allow the rest to remove it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You must sell your blue eyes Alternative Dragon, then buy it again. This is the only way to remove prismatic effect.
You get a dream ticket every year. Konami won't give out 2 dream tickets within a year.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Resonator enthusiast Reply
We actually get 3-4 dream tickets per year...we get tickets on:
Duel links anniversary (January)
World cup qualifiers (May)
New world opening (September)
And maybe another ticket campaign if duel links hits a milestone like 100 million downloads for example
<< Anonymous(Resonator enthusiast)
Anonymous Reply
yep, so OP is dead wrong
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OP must be a new player. You are guaranteed to get at least 3 UR dream tickets + 3 SR dream tickets per year. Along with all your free gems from events if you cannot build a competitive deck then you must be a noob picking the wrong card all the time.
with this I will have 2 Dream UR and 2 Dream SR, as a free player, is this best to invest on a structure deck cards?
<< Anonymous(Byakuya)
Anonymous Reply
Never. Get those main box UR like Sphere Kuriboh.
no dream ticket? sry F2P we don't need u anymore :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the problem is : we want to build other decks,we r tired from those meta, so dream ticket are very good to build others deck and we can skip bad box. for example mysc deepseadiva, ... r in bad box.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There's still probably going to be dream tickets. I think they just never show them in the banner for whatever reason.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
then use money, 1 ticket can't build "other decks" by itself
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We do get Dream Ticket lol
This is really unexpected to have Dream tickets already. Awesome!!!
Enjoying my shiny new Legend Rare copy of Shooting Star Dragon, while the shiny new Skill is un-nerfed...

Still, I have been waiting for this...

Pwotagonist powers, activate!!
Better use survey and vote among 3-5 cards.
Well at least they just gave Shooting Star Dragon a summoning animation.
No Dream Tickets = Don't care ;D
Dead game
<< Anonymous(Agüero)
Anonymous Reply
If the game's dead there won't be any KCGT in the first place

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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