
Inzektor Deck [~Before Nov 2019]

Duel Links Inzektor deck, Inzektor in the current meta, how to use.
update 12/11/2019


“Inzektor” is an archetype of DARK Insect-Type monsters that debuted back in August in Empire of Scarlet. “Inzektor” monsters are able to equip themselves to or with other monsters of their own archetype from the hand or Graveyard in order to enable certain effects.

The archetype mostly focuses on Xyz Summoning, a mechanic that has not been introduced yet into the game, and, since no further support outside of their original Mini BOX has been released up to this point, it’s not a surprise it hasn’t seen much competitive play.

Inzektor is definitely a viable deck that can get you to King of Games, but the archetype is still lacking a few key components, namely Inzektor Dragonfly and Inzektor Hornet.

Note: :To see the latest update of Inzektor Decklist, please click the link below:

Example Deck

Inzektor CentipedeInzektor CentipedeInzektor CentipedeInzektor Giga-MantisInzektor Giga-MantisInzektor Hopper
Inzektor HopperInzektor HopperInzektor EarwigInzektor EarwigHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!
Inzektor Sword - ZektkaliberInzektor Sword - ZektkaliberMirror WallMirror WallMirror WallLair Wire
Lair WireLair Wire

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Until the end of the turn, increase the ATK of all face-up Level 5 or higher monsters on your field by the number of of Level 5 or higher monsters on your field times 300. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas

How to Use

Lair Wire

Lair Wire is a pretty decent Trap Card that allows you to destroy a monster on your opponent’s side of the field by banish an Insect-Type monster from your Graveyard. An Inzektor deck can easily fulfill the activation requirement of this card and use it to get rid of problematic monsters such as Masked HERO Anki.

Inzektor Centipede

Once per turn, Inzektor Centipede allows you to equip an “Inzektor” monster from your hand or Graveyard to it; being able to use your Graveyard as a resource is part of what makes this archetype so good. Notice that you can equip Inzektor Centipede with another Inzektor Centipede.

If an Equip Card is sent to the Graveyard while equipped to Inzektor Centipede, you can add an “Inzektor” card from your Deck to your hand. You can search not only monsters with this effect, but even Spell Cards like Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber and Trap Cards like Inzektor Orb.

Thanks to Inzektor Hopper and Inzektor Ladybug, you don’t have to run cards like Storm or Release Restraint Wave in order to trigger Inzektor Centipede’s effect, you can just send them to the Graveyard with their own effects while they are equipped.

Inzektor Hopper

Inzektor Hopper can be sent to the Graveyard while it’s equipped to a monster to allow it to attack your opponent directly. The monster affected by Inzektor Hopper’s effect will be the only one able to declare an attack during the turn you activate this effect, but, if you consider that we only have 4000 Life Points to work with in Duel Links, it’s really not that big of a deal.

Normal Summon Inzektor Centipede, use its effect to equip it with Inzektor Hopper, activate Beatdown!, send Hopper to the Graveyard with its effect, add Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber or Inzektor Giga-Mantis to your hand, equip the card you’ve just added to Inzektor Centipede and attack your opponent directly for 2700 damage.

Inzektor Giga-Mantis

Inzektor Giga-Mantis can be equipped to a face-up Inzektor monster you control from your hand. Giga-Mantis changes the original ATK of the monster it’s equipped to to 2400 and, if it’s sent to the Graveyard while being equipped to a monster, it allows you to Special Summon another Inzektor monster from your Graveyard.

Giga-Mantis can’t, however, Special Summon itself from the Graveyard and its effect will not trigger if, for example, you tribute the monster it was equipped to or if that monster is destroyed.

Hey, Trunade!

Inzektor’s playing style is quite weak against cards like Floodgate Trap Hole and Paleozoic Canadia, both of which are quite common in the current meta: Hey, Trunade! provides a quick way of getting rid of your opponent’s backrow, possibly enabling an OTK.

Additional Notes


[Skill] descriptionUser
Until the end of the turn, increase the ATK of all face-up Level 5 or higher monsters on your field by the number of of Level 5 or higher monsters on your field times 300. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas

When they are equipped to a monster of their own archetype, Inzektor Hopper, Inzektor Centipede and Inzektor Ladybug increase its Level by 4, 3 and 2 respectively, easily making it Level 5 or higher and giving it access to the ATK boost from this Skill.



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Does the new support help this deck become relevant at all?
Love this deck, so underrated.

Here's my build, it's been tearing people up at kog level. It also might be the most fun deck I have atm.

I would switch an earwig for a 3rd centipede if I had one. Be careful not to fill all you spell/ trap zones!

Switcheroo if you ever get insect queen in hand. Also always use the draw effect of cocoon on insect queen if possible so you can summon a second time! I've tried this deck with multiple queens and I find I just draw into her too often.

<< Anonymous(EsTwHeAdN)
Anonymous Reply
Thanks. I've been trying your deck currently and it was fun. I was trying to reach legend with it. Wish me luck.
Anonymous No. 2
What is the correct combo here?
1. Summon Centipede
2. Equip Hopper,
3. Unequip Hopper,
4. Search for Giga Mantis or Lady Bug or Earwig,
5. Equip Giga Mantis
6. Attack

That's still only a 2400 attack.
How do you OTK with it?
What am I missing?
<< Anonymous(Inzektor User)
Inzektor User Reply
I run my deck with:
Centipede * 1 (would have more but no $$$)
Hopper * 3
Inzektor Sword * 2
Giga-Mantis * 1
Giga-Cricket * 2
Earwig * 2
Ladybug * 2
Ant * 3
Inzektor Orb * 1
Variable Form * 1
Man-Eater Bug * 1
Gokipon * 1
Danipon * 1
Enemy Controller * 2
De-Spell * 1
Worm Bait * 1
Mirror Wall * 1
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous Reply
I run Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce in my Inzektor deck. They don't mind the discard, and it's easy enough to get over 2k atk with centipede and beatdown, so it's an easy otk.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Slushi Reply
Summon Centipeed
Take off hopper
equip hopper
Play caccoon.
Big bug
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
You know what? That's actually very interesting. I like it.
Pinch Hopper helps make Metamorphized Insect Queen not be a brick if you draw her.

Resonance Insect can help pitch Inzektors to the grave when banished and add to the hand when sent to the grave (by many different methods). Right now I am messing with Gold Sarcophagus banishing Resonance Insect to act like a Foolish Burial for my Inzektors which then gives me Resonance Insect in my hand to continue using to go Plus in card advantage with. Layer Wire and Doomdozer if you need something to banish Ressonance insect from the grave with.

Also lastly Mage power is a great equip for Inzektors since it's usually a +1500/def at least. Find a good field spell and bump it up to a +2000 atk/def.
Still love these bugs hope we get Hornet or Dragonfly even at 1 they would be pretty damn good. This Deck doesn't fear WoD/Econ/Ebola/

Also instead of using Twin Swords might I suggest Double Attack? Toss a Hopper or Earwig give Centipede double Direct attack access.
I'm considering trying to build them with evocator chevalier, but since the only wsy to pull him is drawing into it, or maybe using jaden's ability, it probably won't do ttoo well...
IMO, this is a rather underated deck. I was surprised at how fun and versatile it can be, particularly if you take the time to learn it. Actually managed to topple some HFH and Amazoness with it.

YTDan also has a good template to build around.
if only we could get atleast one hornet and dragonfly this would be tier 1 they should release it.
<< Anonymous
non a anon Reply
i wouldnt mind them being at 1 since you only need one of each anyway
<< Anonymous
yatzee Reply
just reach legend 3 with inzektors ill try to kog with it.
<< Anonymous(non a anon)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, but if both are at 1, you can only run either Hornet or Dragonfly.
Finally, now I can create a Kamen Rider themed deck.

Hope they release the rest soon.
The deck just needs a few small changes and it's totally tier 1 worthy.
Wcs reward pls. So only limited card that who can use.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This card is limited in TCG ... How is it supposed to be in duel links with 3 copies ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To be fair, Hornet being limited isn't THAT big a deal. You only need 1, it just helps consistency since you hit it earlier and, being an Inzektor itself, can also start plays if you don't have anything better.

If they were uber-concerned, though, they could just give it to an LD like Weevil at some point. (Wouldn't even be out of place given he uses Inzektors in Legacy of the Duelist.)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
card is too good for this meta
How can I build this deck? :(
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
By putting the required cards in it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
And obtaining them.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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