
Nephthys: deck recipe

Duel Links Deck, Dawn of Destiny, Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, Fire, Best Deck.
update 12/03/2018


The core strategy of this deck is destroying your own monsters via card effects to trigger their effects. At the center of this deck is Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys which can revive and destroy all spell/trap cards on the field after being destroyed by a card effect. And then there are the Fire King monsters, that quickly can swarm the field and also have great synergy with almost every card in this deck. Goka, the Pyre of Malice and Fire King Island provide support for destroying your own monsters and triggering their effects.

Example deck

Sacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysGoka, the Pyre of MaliceGoka, the Pyre of MaliceGoka, the Pyre of Malice
Fire King Avatar BarongFire King Avatar BarongFire King Avatar BarongFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar Yaksha
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerFire King IslandFire King IslandFire King IslandCard of the Soul
Card of the SoulCard of the Soul----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba

How to use

Add Nephthys to hand

Card of the Soul can search any monster in your deck, but the down side is that the monster has to have a combined attack and defense points equal to your current life points making this card somewhat difficult to use. The best use for Card of the Soul in this deck would be to search for Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys while your life points are still at a full 4000.

Special summon Nephthys

Tribute summoning Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys is not recommended, since destroying him while in your hand is a much quicker and less costly way of summoning him.

Destroy Fire Kings

Fire King monster's effect activates when a monster you control is destroyed by card effects. Their primary effect is always special summoning them form your hand except during the damage step. In addition, they have secondary effects which support their play style.

  • Fire King Avatar Yaksha can destroy another card in your field or hand after he is destroyed. this can trigger the effect of Fire Kings, Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys or other cards you might add to this deck.
  • During the next standby phase after being destroyed by a card effect, Fire King Avatar Barong searches your deck for a Fire King monster and adds it to your hand. Destroying him while in your hand with Fire King Island or Fire King Yaksha is a great way to thin your deck and search for combo pieces.

Goka, the Pyre of Malice is a great card to use in this deck. Normal summon a Fire King monster then special summon Goka to destroy it. This puts a powerful monster on your field while aslo triggering your Fire King's effect, and can also cause other Fire Kings to be special summoned from your hand. You can also use destroy Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys with Goka's effect, giving you two high leveled monsters and clearing your opponent's backrow during your next stanby phase.

Other useful cards

For cards that can be used in any deck, check the link below.

Hand of Nephthys
Hand of Nephthys
Helps you quickly special summon Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys.
Goka, the Pyre of Malice
Goka, the Pyre of Malice
Can easily be special summoned and helps destroy Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys to trigger his effect.
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
A defensive card that can be activated from your hand,
which is great for this deck as it will not be destroyed when Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys is revived
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
Allows you to use your opponent's monster as tribute can be used with Hand of Nephthys.
Generation Shift
Generation Shift
Destroys monster on your field and searches deck for a monster of the same name.
High Tide on Fire Island
High Tide on Fire Island
Can be used to destroy your opponent's card your opponent controls, or destroy Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys to trigger his effect.
Destruct Potion
Destruct Potion
Destruct potion is an excellent card to use on Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. Not only does it heal you 2400 LP, it also destroys Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys to trigger his effect.
Wild Tornado
Wild Tornado
Can be used to destroy your opponent's face-up spell/trap cards or, when destroyed by a card effect, destroy any face-up card on the field.

Other useful skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used after starting hand is distributed. Shuffle all the cards from your hand into the Deck. Then draw the starting hand again.
Check here!
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Check here!

Other example decks

Soul Exchange version

Sacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSphere Kuriboh
Goka, the Pyre of MaliceGoka, the Pyre of MaliceFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaHand of Nephthys
Hand of NephthysSoul ExchangeSoul ExchangeSoul ExchangeSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush Headlong
High Tide on Fire IslandHigh Tide on Fire Island--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand.


How to use (Soul Exchange ver.)

Tribute opponent's monsters

Use Soul Exchange on an opponent's monster to be able to use it as tribute this turn. Summon Hand of Nephthys then activate her effect, using herself and your opponents monster as tribute you can special summon Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys from hand or deck. You can also use Soul Exchange to tribute summon Goka, the Pyre of Malice if you don't have Hand of Nephthys on hand and you need to remove your opponent's monster from the field. Tokens summoned by Goka, the Pyre of Malice can also be used for Hand of Nephthys' effect.

Destroy Nephthys

When Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys is destroyed by a card effect he revives himself during your next standby phase and clears the field of all spell/trap cards. By using cards that take advantage of his effect we are able to continuously clear the enemy's backrow.

Destruct Potion version

Sacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysSacred Phoenix of NephthysSphere KuribohSphere KuribohHeavy Knight of the Flame
Heavy Knight of the FlameFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaFire King Avatar YakshaSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush Headlong
Fire King IslandFire King IslandFire King IslandCard of the SoulCard of the SoulWild Tornado
Destruct PotionDestruct Potion----

King of Games [Mar 2018]

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
iAn!RestartMarch 11


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<< Anonymous(Thewrudio)
Anonymous Reply
Dark magician LOL
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Free gems and gold at
<< Anonymous
Maria Reply
What a great joy in my heart to share this to the entire public on how Dr Bleble cured me from herpes1&2 with his herbs, I never believe it will work because the doctors keep saying there is no cure but I was desperate and needed to get this thing out of my body. I saw a comment online testifying how Dr Bleble cure her from herpes and HPV and i contact Dr Bleble and explain my problem to him and h
<< Anonymous(Maria)
Anonymous Reply
Missed opportunity to post this on the Harpies page because of herpes. Got it? Harpies, Herpes?

Okay, I will sh ut up...
i hope konami add more cards from this archetype
<< Anonymous(XMTH)
:3 Reply
I guess some guys got REVERELY REKT by Yubel, so I don't know if they are going to release more support for this one anytime soon lol
If Konami could just release this card already, the new update in ranked wouldn't hurt this deck that badly DX
<< Anonymous(Faded)
Faded Reply
What this deck desperate needs in Fire King Avatar Arvata to shut down all the monster effect 🔥 going on (i.e. Sylvans), and Circle of the Fire Kings for more synergy. Fire King High Avatar Garunix would probably be too broken for Duel Links, but those two other cards alone would make this deck Tier 1 or 2 again.
<< Anonymous(Faded)
Faded Reply
<< Anonymous(Faded)
Heya Reply
I do agree with you that those cards you mentioned are very good to this deck, but none of them can search nephthys in your deck and special summon it or add it to your hand you know. My point is a decent replacement for Card of the Soul.
<< Anonymous(Faded)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
Bring 3 Sphere Ebolas and you'll be fine until the turn your "fire turkeys" return and nuke the field.
Was it not considered good if you didn't have goka in the deck?
Does anyone think this deck will become meta again if High Avatar Garunix ever gets added to the game?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If garunix gets added, this deck will probably get abused to hell and back. I don't think they'll add him sadly because of that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Garunix isn't considered OP. It's fine and needed in order for phoenix deck to competitive again on current meta.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
I agree.
Garunix please, Konami!
Nephthys's effect isn't even considered strong anymore, since nowadays you can obtain Vision Hero Witch Raider from a much more useful box (e.g. Canadia), with more ATT, an effect that destroys ONLY your opponent's spells and traps, and can be tribute summoned using TRAP CARDS TOO.
Is there a way to beat this deck consistently? I don't see it much in PvP but I'm worried because I heard SDs use it later on so I'll have to deal with this deck once I get to the last stage levels.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
Trust me. Once you reach that level, it's going to be one of the easiest SD decks to beat. Any 2500+ monster will do, spell destruction spell to destroy Fire King Island, Econ to change Nephthys to defense position once it revives (since it's quick play), super rush headlong, wall of disruption, ... so many ways to counter.
This archetype got a crapload of support yesterday and people are saying its more duel links oriented. so prepare to see this deck return if they bring it over like the furries
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
What support exactly would that be?
Mourn the Loss
With the LP now being 5K, Cards of the Soul is a dead card, making the deck much less consistent. Until they add support to make the deck viable again, the deck as a whole is now dead.
<< Anonymous(Mourn the Loss)
Anonymous Reply
Learn to read, 5k LP is only for this season.
RIP my bird.
Is there really no way to use card of soul to get sacred phoenix in pvp anymore? Does it have to equal exactly the amount of attack points of a monster or can it be over the amount as long as it still covers it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can you read?!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah! I'm just wondering if there could still be some technical loophole and that the card text is leaving something out. It can happen. Remember hallowed life barrier? No need to be a douche!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Your life points have to exactly equal the total of the monster's ATK and DEF points. The 5000 lp change will only be for the 1 month/season.
Seeing Phoenix on tier 4 breaks my heart more than if my girlfriend would break up would. I spend so much time and gems only into building this piece of deck and i wasted so many gems that this is the only real deck i have. :( hope Konami brings out more support and aliens & sylvians stop raping the meta
<< Anonymous
Dr.Agon Reply
Actually is quite good, you can counter a lot of hight tier decks, even sylbans.
<< Anonymous
Josh Reply
Just bwcause it said tier 4 doesnt mean you cant get to king of games. All you need it change a few cards and thats all you need, this deck was the first deck to get me to KOG
<< Anonymous(Josh)
chen Reply
same for me.
also the only deck I like. hopefully some cards in the future will make it more consistent. My current version runs Berserk and some other stuff for stalling.
<< Anonymous
ツVanessa Reply
Well the new update in Ranked broke my heart that badly i can not search for my Phönix(〒︿〒)
I'm still using this deck until last month, but didn't viable much on Legend rank so I've move on to Sylvan.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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