
Zombie Spirit: deck recipe

Duel Links Zombie deck, PvP, Meta, and Best deck.
update 16/07/2017


This deck centers around summoning Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon, while also having great search power and card removal. Summon Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon when possible so that you can activate Beatdown! and give your monsters the attack boost they need.

Example deck

GozukiGozukiGozukiRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes Zombie DragonRed-Eyes Zombie Dragon
Heavy Knight of the FlameSergeant ElectroBacon SaverRed-Eyes InsightRed-Eyes InsightEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerStormFloodgate Trap HoleRed-Eyes SpiritRed-Eyes Spirit
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Boosts the ATK of face-up attack position monsters you control by 300 per level 5 or more monsters you control. You can only use the skill once per turn.

Seto Kaiba

How to use

Search cards

Gozuki is quite versatile in a zombie deck, especially when you run multiple copies of him. He can be use to send zombie-type monsters from deck to the graveyard where they can easily be revived or, if you have a zombie-type monster in your graveyard that isn't Gozuki, you can send another Gozuki to the graveyard to activate his effect and special summon a zombie-type monster from your hand. Both of Gozuki's effects will help you get Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon out on the field. Goblin Zombie will primarily be used to search Gozuki, but can also be used to search another Goblin Zombie to mill down your deck. Red-Eyes Insight searches for Red-Eyes Spirit and sends Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon to the graveyard, making it practically a free Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon summon when you revive him with the Red-Eyes Spirit you added to hand.

Special summon Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon

Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon and is basically a 2400 attack beatstick, but unlike other beatsticks with similar or more attack, Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is very well supported belonging to at least two archtypes, namely zombies and red-eyes. Because of this, there are many ways in which he can be summoned. You can special summon him form your hand with the effect of Gozuki, or revive him from the grave with Red-Eyes Wyvern or Red-Eyes Spirit. You can also tribute summon him with one zombie-type monster, if summoned this way using Gozuki as tribute will allow you to use Gozuki's effect to special summon another zombie-type monster from your hand, or by using Goblin Zombie as tribute for tribute summoning allows you to search your deck.

Chain spell/traps

All spell/trap cards in this deck can be chained with one another. Knowing this, you can use Storm on spell/trap cards you set the turn before like Enemy Controller and Red-Eyes Spirit then chaining them to get all their effects out.

Handling stronger monsters

Heavy Knight of the Flame, Enemy Controller and Super Rush Headlong are teched into this deck to deal with monsters stronger than your Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon.

  • Instead of destroying your opponent's monster by battle, you can use Heavy Knight of the Flame or Super Rush Headlong to destroy them with card effects. Heavy Knight of the Flame when re-summoned, destroys any special summoned monster that he battles. Which is great since most decks special summon their strongest monsters. Super Rush Headlong allows a monster to immediately destroy any monster of an attribute you declare, and it is a quick play spell making it good for offense and defense.
  • Enemy Controller changes the battle position of your opponent's monsters. For monsters with both high attack and defense points (e.g. Blue-Eyes White Dragon) use Enemy Controller's second effect to take control of it for this turn, then set up for a direct attack.

Other useful cards

For versatile cards that can be used in any deck, check the link below.

Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Can also be revived by Red-Eyes Wyvern and Red-Eyes Spirit.
Il Blud
Il Blud
Can special summon Zombies from your hand or graveyard.
Goblin Zombie
Goblin Zombie
Great deck search for Zombie-type monsters.
Samurai Skull
Samurai Skull
Mill Zombie-type monsters from your deck and can be used as revival for low leveled Zombies.
Cards of the Red Stone
Cards of the Red Stone
Uses your Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon as a draw engine and sends him to the grave to later be revived.
Call of the Mummy
Call of the Mummy
Special summons Zombie-tyoe monsters from your hand no matter the level.
Security Orb
Security Orb
Can be used to replace Enemy Controller, and works well with Storm.
Tutan Mask
Tutan Mask
Protects your Zombie monster from spell/trap effects that target them.

Other useful skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey Wheeler

Other example decks

GozukiGozukiGozukiRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes WyvernRed-Eyes Wyvern
Red-Eyes Zombie DragonRed-Eyes Zombie DragonGoblin ZombieGoblin ZombieHeavy Knight of the FlameRed-Eyes Insight
Super Rush HeadlongEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerStormStormRed-Eyes Spirit
Red-Eyes SpiritWall of Disruption--------


Hot New Top
Even after the recent buff, I remember this deck being much more menacing to the meta in its glory days. I guess beat down decks will not be the same again, the lose by default to amazoness.
<< Anonymous(Duelrelic)
Cobra Reply
Fur Hire is a beatdown deck.
Unlimit spirit,CAs and vigilance.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
agree with spirit but not the CA man.
i think vigilance will get unlimit if jinzo is in the game, or atleast semi limit to 2 instead since the effect is actually scoopfest.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Woodland sprite (trash card) is still being limited and you put your hope on konami to unlimit CV, CA, etc?

Here's disappointment for you as breakfast.
why i can chain my red eyes spirit when i use storm???
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Toggle on the chain
Is this deck still tier 1? Maybe I run it wrong but lack of back row control seems to be an issue. Storm just doesn't cut it often enough.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the bigger problem is its lack of answers to sylvans since when you play that match unless you draw sylvan counter cards early the only thing you can do is let mushroom pop and hope for the best
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
or who knows maybe you're just playing the example deck this site gives so it doesn't work
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Probably just wasn't using storm right. Always felt like giving up my stuff to activate it hurt too much. Have an easier time with aliens bc it is more forgiving if I miss a play.
<< Anonymous
Hanu Reply
Honestly I had the same issue with Storm. Replaced it with Anti-Magic Arrows and it honestly works smoother for me. I do not aspire to be world champ and AMA just works better for me. Always easy Legend.
This deck is can do OTK If u get the 1st turn when you activate RE Insight and set RE spirit then norm. Summon Gozuki then activate the effect and set 1 Wall of D/ Etaqua/ Super Rush for protection. Gozuki ATK: 1700 + REZD: 2400=4100 + Anti-Magic Arrows to shut down the backrows
<< Anonymous(Candend)
Anonymous Reply
That's only if your opponent literally does nothing on his turn
Hi guys I love beating CA players using this deck.
Is it ok to have 2 gozuki and 2 samurai skull and 1 red wyvern?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, you can replace the 3rd Gozuki with another samurai skull !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks dude
I almost finished the REZD, it runs smoothly as I expected, though it dropped to tier 2, still this looks good on farming.
P.S. there is no perfect deck. :)
NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I was about to finish this deck. Why?!! Now tier 2?. I hate this game i spend many gems to finish this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Honestly what Gamea consider as tier 2 is still fine for reaching KOG.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gamea's definition of tier 2 is that it has more counters than tier 1 deck, but your opponent must draw them early.
<< Anonymous
Oscarex Reply
It can be tier 1 but with the current meta you need at least 2 cyclone galaxy for aliens and ssa.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Me too took all my gems away only for gozuki and you need three of them thangs
Reset pack three times and got x3 gozuki and 0 red eyes zombie dragon great!!
Only been playing a week only bought the $5 dragon structure because I wanted to support the game and I like Exploder dragon XD

Did reroll a few times going for at least a Gozuki or Wyvern and a Red-Eyes Zombie
<< Anonymous(Freedoom)
Anonymous Reply
you must have gotten some epic pulls. iv been playing for a week too and spent $10 and want though alost 200 pk of crimson and 15 pk of DoD and only got 1 Gozuki Wyvern and a Red-Eyes Zombie. got lucky and pulled Super Rush from the first 10 pk
<< Anonymous(MMASniper)
Anonymous Reply
i just started and the game gives you a couple of SR tickets that you can get spirit from and the first ranked SR ticket is easy to get
<< Anonymous(MMASniper)
Freedoom Reply
I started out with 5k gems, rerolled for key cards, Bingo event gave SR tickets, winning 20 duels is another SR ticket.... also got SR ticket(s) for logging in every day 7 times or w.e that was.

<< Anonymous(Freedoom)
Freedoom Reply
But w.e you can believe me or not I don't really care Rerolling and a little luck gets you quite the head start, you get quite some SR tickets starting out as well... so no clue what you are talking about that I could only have 3 SR tickets max..... it was my first week I got 6+ of em >.>
i bought 370 packs to get 2 gozukis? is this some fake or whats going on? this cant actually be bad luck
<< Anonymous(awidres)
Anonymous Reply
You bought 370 packs?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
its possible because he reset the box multiply time

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