
Cyber Angel Dakini | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Cyber Angel Dakini (LIGHT/Fairy/Ritual Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 13/03/2020

Cyber Angel Dakini

Cyber Angel Dakini
Monster TypeFairy
Card typeRitual / Effect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Trigger Effect / Continuous Effect


You can Ritual Summon this card with "Machine Angel Ritual". If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can make your opponent send 1 monster they control to the Graveyard (their choice). If a Ritual Monster you control attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. Once per turn, during your End Phase: You can target 1 Ritual Monster or 1 "Machine Angel Ritual" in your Graveyard; add it to your hand.

How to Get

Level-up rewardAlexis Rhodes Lvl 35 [SR]
Victory againstAlexis Rhodes [SR]
Card trader--
OtherAlluring Alexis Roaming Event [SR]




  • Any monster can be sent to the graveyard even if it has resistance to card effects.
  • The effect of sending monster to graveyard does not target specifically.
  • High attack stats, allows all your ritual monsters on the field to inflict piercing damage to monsters in defense mode.
  • Brings back any ritual monster and also Machine Angel Ritual spell from the graveyard to your hand, 1 card during each of your End phase.


  • Requires total levels of 8 or more tribute materials to summon.


Ritual Spell

These are the possible Ritual spells to summon Cyber Angel Dakini.

Additionally, you can use Machine Angel Ritual spell in your graveyard to protect Cyber Angel Dakini from opponents’ Monster attacks, Monster effects that target your monster and destroy them, Spells such as Super Rush Headlong and Tribute to The Doomed, and also Divine Wrath or Ultimate Providence.


These are the monsters used to search and retrieve Cyber Angel Dakini from your deck.


These are the cards that can be returned to your hand from the graveyard by using Cyber Angel Dakini’s effect.

Card Plays

  • You can ritual summon this card by tributing 1 Cyber Angel Idaten and another tribute material(s) to add another 1000 attack and defense to your Dakini, and at your end phase, return Cyber Angel Idaten from graveyard to your hand.
  • You can ritual summon this card by tributing 1 Cyber Angel Benten and another tribute material(s) to retrieve another LIGHT Fairy-type monster from your deck, and at your end phase, return Cyber Angel Benten from graveyard to your hand.
  • You can ritual summon this card by tributing 2 Cyber Angel Benten, to trigger multiple searches for LIGHT Fairy-type monsters in your deck, and at your end phase, return 1 Cyber Angel Benten from graveyard to your hand.
  • You can ritual summon this card by tributing Cyber Angel Idaten + Cyber Angel Benten to combo trigger effects: 1000 attack and defense add to Dakini, and 1 LIGHT Fairy-type monster search from your deck to your hand, and at your end phase, return either Cyber Angel Idaten/Benten from graveyard to your hand.
  • You can also ritual summon this card by using 1 Vennu, Bright Bird of Divinity as tribute and return that material back to your hand during end phase.
  • Once summoned, you can choose not to activate the effect of opponent sending 1 monster to the graveyard, to avoid Enemy Controller tribute take counterplays, and preserve your Dakini. Choosing this option does not put you in a huge disadvantage because of Dakini’s effect of allowing all ritual monsters on your field to do piercing damage. In this scenario, even your ritual monster(s) piercing attacks will do some considerable damage to opponents’ Life Points, and may also force them to reveal their face-down cards.

Related Skills

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Master of Rites
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Ritual monster or spell card.

Blessing of the Cyber Angel
Can be used if your Life Points drop below 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, one Cyber Angel Monster Card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.



Cyber Angel Deck


ActionsSends from your opponent's field to your opponent's Graveyard / Adds from Deck to hand
Attack categoriesPiercing

Other Cyber Angel cards


Hot New Top
please move Dakini to 1 copy per deck, so we can at least play 1MAR and 1 CPA, and it wont even be meta. Now its unplayable for no reason
unlimit CA
There was still yet one more nerf to this piece of crap 🔥 deck and it's STILL broken, 🔥 and invincible unless it bricks really hard. I see their first turn and unless they brick terribly I just surrender because it's pointless fighting tier 0.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same feeling I have with the Lava Golem stall 🔥 deck, to be honest.

They really should just limit both Lava Golem and that Temple field spell.
Konami to the ones that thought it would be un-limited: TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL
<< Anonymous
Zane lover Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think you guys never fought against an original CA deck.
<< Anonymous
Zane lover Reply
No!,when i was at gold i facing a GREAT cyber angels deck (in KC Cup)so they was very annoying for me(gold rank don't have any chance against the lovely Dakini).but if you want to try playing this amazing deck you would know why this deck was the best(P2W)
Unlimit it, the meta can handle.
Zane lover
It's my love deck
Still cool ! ♡
don‘t cry babies. This deck was nerfed twice. It is still very good but not that good before all the nerfs.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Jasmine and Rosemary is kawaii , Dakini is ugly , Dakini angry and send you to the graveyard .
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why doesn't Red Eyes Slash Dragon effect (Removing an equipped warrior) stop it from being sent to the Gy?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thats why Cyber Angels stay at tier 1. But way more expensive
<< Anonymous
Zaedavinci Reply
It dosnt target
<< Anonymous
Seren Reply
Red-eyes slash dragon needs to be destroyed, either by Battle or by card effects such as Super rush/michizu, for its revival effect to be activated. Dakini forces the opponent player to "send" his monster to the graveyard, not destroys, so similarly, Phoenix won't come back from the grave
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dakini doesn‘t target. It let you send one monster to the graveyard.

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