
Snipe Hunter: deck recipe

Snipe Hunter deck, Snipe Hunter in the meta, how to make Snipe Hunter deck.
update 29/01/2018


Primal Birst gave birth to an expensive control deck with Volcanic Rocket, and now with Resonance of Contrast that control deck has become even more expensive with the addition of Snipe Hunter. If you are a F2P player you should not look at investing in this deck and if you hate expensive decklists, or decklists that use Sergeant Electro, you should just close this guide right now.

Example deck

Snipe HunterSnipe HunterSnipe HunterVolcanic RocketVolcanic RocketVolcanic Rocket
Sergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroVolcanic ShellVolcanic ShellVolcanic ShellBlaze Accelerator
Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMirror WallMirror Wall
Wall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
[Skill] descriptionUsers
Sleight of Hand
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. Add 1 7 Completed card, hidden in your wristband, to your hand. This skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.


How to Use

Snipe Hunter

The idea behind this deck is to gain board control through the effect of Snipe Hunter. The effect of Snipe Hunter is you discard a card (this is a cost) , then you can target a card on the field and you’ll roll a die, that target will be destroyed unless you rolled a 1 or 6. This means you have a 66.67% chance of destroying a card in exchange for one of yours, however if you target your opponent’s backrow with this effect, and he can chain it, he’ll more than likely use it because the odds aren’t in his favor meaning you still got him to waste his backrow in many cases (for example if it was Super Rush Headlong) even if you did roll a 1 or 6.

This card is great because it can get some use out of every card you have, even if a card has become useless in a duel.

This is why this deck runs the skill Sleight of Hand, because every time you lose 1500 life points you can use the effect of Snipe Hunter an extra time. Don’t forget you can proc your own skill by paying for Mirror Wall.

Volcanic Rocket

Besides having a very high attack of 1900, the main reason this card is in the deck is to either draw a Blaze Accelerator from your deck, or bring it back from your graveyard if you already sent one there through the effect of Snipe Hunter/Eliminating the League (that’s why the deck only has to run 1 copy of Blaze Accelerator).

Sergeant Electro

This card has been the MVP in many control decks and for good reason. You either force your opponent to activate cards early or they risk having that card locked down for a long time. Going first and starting out with a Sergeant Electro and Floodgate Trap Hole is devastating for your opponent. Always use Sergeant Electro’s effect first before changing the battle position of a monster, setting any cards or summoning a new monster.

Don’t forget if you have a “7 Completed” thanks to your skill you can use it to boost this card’s attack (if you don’t have access to Snipe Hunter or Eliminating the League).


Both Mirror Wall and Wall of Disruption basically serve the same purpose but have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are best used when your opponent attacks your monster to debuff the attacking monster and let your monster kill it.
Mirror Wall halves your opponent's attack meaning the it will work well no matter how few your opponent's monsters are, but only affects the attacking monster and only while Mirror Wall is face-up on the field needing a 2000 LP cost to maintain. On the other hand, Wall of Disruption can usually reduce more of your opponent's attack and affects all attack position monsters your opponent controls.
In terms of activation, Mirror Wall can be activated anytime after you set it, meaning it can dodge being pinned down by Sergeant Electro, Xing Zhen Hu, Fire Formation - Gyokkou, and most Ancient Gear monsters. Wall of Disruption can only be activated during battle, clogging your spell/trap zone when pinned down.

Super Rush Headlong

As we mentioned in other guides, this card is getting very popular again with the nerf to Cyber Angels (and Enemy Controller losing popularity because of it). It’s a great offensive and defensive card in many decks, plus in this deck it can also be used for the effect of Eliminating the League if necessary.

Remember when attacking to use it in the Battle Step and NOT during the attack declaration , as to play around Sphere Kuriboh.
If you are confused; to do this you put your toggle to “ON” and declare the attack, when it asks if you want to activate Super Rush Headlong you say no. You wait until your opponent decided if he wants to activate cards, and if he has Sphere Kuriboh in hand this will be the only time has can use it. If he decides not to use Sphere Kuriboh you will now get a prompt saying you entered the Battle Step and asks if you want to activate Super Rush headlong, now you activate it and your opponent will not be able to respond with Sphere Kuriboh.

Also don’t forget that the turn player has priority with Super Rush Headlong, meaning if both players activate Super Rush Headlong, the person who declared the attack will be the person whose Super Rush headlong will take effect first and thus win the battle.

Additional Notes

  • Snipe Hunter can also work well in a Necrofear deck, you can discard fiends for Snipe Hunter’s effect, and to bring out your Necrofear faster.

  • Snipe Hunter’s effect does NOT work with Dark World cards because the discard is a cost and not an effect.

  • Snipe Hunter is a card that actually was on the Forbidden & Limited list in the TCG many years ago.

Other Useful Cards

Divine Wrath
Divine Wrath
Snipe Hunter can’t target Hazy Flame monsters, that’s where Divine Wrath comes in to help with that matchup.
Parallel Twister
Parallel Twister
You can use this card to get rid of your “7 Completed”, Blaze Accelerator or pay for your Mirror Wall, which will proc your skill, and then destroy it with Parallel Twister.
Double Cyclone
Double Cyclone
Same use as Parallel Twister but can only target your opponent’s backrow. The added advantage is that it’s a quick play spell.
Autonomous Action Unit
Autonomous Action Unit
The reason this card works well with this deck is that the cost to activate it is 1500 life points, exactly enough to proc your skill, and even if you don’t have enough life points anymore you can still use it with Eliminating the League.
Chiron the Mage
Chiron the Mage
This card also works well with Sleight of Hand and Blaze Accelerator because you need to discard a spell card to destroy one spell/trap your opponent controls. However this effect can only be used once per turn.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Both this card and Curse of Anubis are great choices for defensive traps if you are missing copies of Mirror Wall/Floodgate Trap Hole.

King of Games [Mar 2018]


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
iDrumZ!SwitchherooMarch 4


Hot New Top
Why the features of cards Dark world do not work with Snipe Hunter

<< Anonymous(RomitoERU)
Anonymous Reply
Cause it's a cost, not a true discard
can this snipe beat red eye slash dragon with equip on ??
<< Anonymous(aront)
Anonymous Reply
Big NO
<< Anonymous
arony Reply
Snipe Hunter is an Easy way to summon blue eyes with Silvers Cry
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Cosmo brain is much better
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sleeping Forest
"The trees entangle their arms and
stretch upward into the sky."

"The budding leaves devour the light, adding depth to the forest's darkness."

"The hunter does not notice the glare nor the claws of the beast biding in the darkness."

"Tonight is the night when the hunter will be hunted."

"This is the Sleeping Forest."
<< Anonymous(Sleeping Forest)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Sleeping Forest)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Sleeping Forest)
Anonymous Reply
Air Gear? gives me back the chills lol
this dude is quite a sick card xd
Very easy to play
why why why why why why
Why do card brochures " dark world"
Do not work with these sheets " Divine Wrath" "Tribute to The Doomed" " Snipe Hunter" ... ex
<< Anonymous(RomitoERU)
Anonymous Reply
Please learn the difference between discarding as Cost and discarding as Effect

DW cards only works if they are discarded by an Effect, not by a Cost :)
<< Anonymous(RomitoERU)
Anonymous Reply
Brochures?? Sheets?? You playing Duel Links or handling a PTA meeting???
Anonymous No. 2
Looks like all the rich kids finally got something more 🔥ous and expensive to build than a Dark World Deck.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous Reply
Rich kids only know copy deck from YouTube
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous No. 3 Reply
This deck is not for "rich" kids. I got 3 Snipe Hunter during the first 30 packs while looking for Red Eyes Slash dragon (only got 1 though).
Snipe Hunter + Volcanic Shell (R Rarity) + Thunder Dragon (Card Trader) makes a decent deck.
It's pretty cheap
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 3)
blyat Reply
No. It's either for rich kids or lucky bastard like you
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 3)
Anonymous Reply
It's still expensive for everyone else,you just got lucky
This deck is pay to lose, lol.
Funny as hell when I’m play CA against this deck and my opponent negs their entire hand just to have their destruction negated by my ritual spells.
Already have 2 snipe and 2 volcanic skull,is it worthed to build this deck?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
U need 3 snipe and 3 volcanic rocket. Otherwise it's garbage and not worth at all
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ok, if i have 3 volcanic rocket and 3 snipe, is it worthed?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I see what you did there, my Anon. Savage.. hehehehe

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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