Searches for “Blaze Accelerator” Spell card from your Deck to your hand upon Normal Summoning or Special Summoning.
Average DEF stats.
When Volcanic Rocket is Normal Summoned, it can search 1 “Blaze Accelerator” or “Tri-Blaze Accelerator” from your deck or graveyard to your hand, depending which one you lack in your hand. You need to have Volcanic Doomfire in your hand, and you can straight up send Blaze Accelerator to the graveyard, activate Tri-Blaze Accelerator, send Tri-Blaze Accelerator to the graveyard to Special Summon Volcanic Doomfire. Volcanic Blaster is able to search for any “Volcanic” monster from your deck, when it is destroyed by battle.
You can further protect Volcanic Rocket with these list of cards that are frequently used in the meta. Furthermore, you can use Powerful Rebirth as an option to Special Summon Volcanic Rocket from the Graveyard back to the field with an additional 100 ATK increase.
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