[Skill] description | User |
Turning Up the Heat At the beginning og the Duel, add 1 "Stargazer Magician" and 1 "Timegazer Magician" to your Deck. Then, if you have two or less "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" in your Deck, add 1 "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" to your Deck. In addition, if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains no monsters other than "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" Pendulum Monsters, or "Odd-Eyes" monsters, add a Pendulum Zone to your field. | Lvl 1 |
Swing Into Action: Pendulum Summon! At the beginning of the Duel, add a Pendulum Zone to your field. This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 12 or more Pendulum Monsters (Extra Deck does not count). | Lvl 13 |
Odd-Eyes Evolution Can be used once per turn by revealing 1 Pendulum Monster Card in your hand while you have no cards in your Pendulum Zones. Change 1 monster whose original name is "Odd-Eyes Dragon" to "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon". In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field. | Lvl 20 |
Dueltaining Recast Can be used if you control 3 Pendulum Monsters with different Levels. Add all monsters in your Monster Zone to your Extra Deck. Then, play "Performapal" Pendulum Monsters, "Magician" Pendulum Monsters, and "Odd-Eyes" Pendulum Monsters that can be Normal Summoned from your hand with a combined Level equal to the sum of the original Levels of the monsters you added to your Extra Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Extra Balloons Can be used once per turn. Select 1 "Wonder Balloons" on your field and place 1 Balloon Counter | Drop |
Fusion or Advent Can be used by returning 1 "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon" in your Pendulum Zone and 1 "Polymerization" or a Ritual Spell Card in your hand to your Deck. Depending on the card you have returned, you can add one of the following cards from outside of your Deck to your hand. Can be used once per Duel if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains 9 or more "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" Pendulum Monsters, or "Odd-Eyes" monsters (Extra Deck does not count). ● Polymerization: Odd-Eyes Fusion ● Ritual Spell Card: Odd-Eyes Advent | Drop |
Pendulum Gazers At the beginning of the Duel, add a Pendulum Zone to your field. In addition, the following effect can be used only once on turn 3 or onward if you have "Stargazer Magician" or "Timegazer Magician" in your Pendulum Zone. Add 1 face-up Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand. Until the end of the next turn, you cannot Summon the card added to your hand by this Skill or a card with the same name except for Pendulum Summoning, and you cannot activate their effects. Can be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains 9 or more "Performapal" monsters, "Magician" Pendulum Monsters, or "Odd-Eyes" Monsters (Extra Deck does not count). | Drop |
Pendulum Shuffle Can be used if you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones and 2 or more face-up Pendulum Monsters in your Extra Deck. Place all cards in your Pendulum Zones face-up on your Extra Deck and then place in your Pendulum Zones 2 random face-up Pendulum Monsters from your Extra Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Performapal Carnival The ATK of all "Performapal" monsters on your field is increased by 100 for each "Performapal" monster on your field. | Drop |
Smile World Add 1 "Smile World" to your hand from outside of your Deck. If you activate this Skill, you can only activate or use the effect of "Smile" Spell/Trap cards until the end of your opponent's next turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
[Skill] description | User |
King of the Underworld Begin the Duel with 1 "D/D/D Doom King Armageddon" in your Deck. In addition, if you have 2 "D/D" Pendulum Monster Cards in your Pendulum Zones, the following effect can be used once per Duel. Add 1 "D/D/D Doom King Armageddon" to your hand from your Deck/Extra Deck. Then, return 1 card in your hand to your Deck. If you begin the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck containing a total of 12 or more "D/D/D" monsters or "Dark Contract" Spell/Trap Cards, add Pendulum Zones to your field at the beginning of the Duel. | Lvl 1 |
Balance Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck. This Skill will not activate unless you have at least 6 of each type of card (Monster, Spell, and Trap) in your Deck. You cannot Special Summon or activate monster effects until the end of the Main Phase of your first turn. | Lvl 13 |
D.D. King All "D/D/D" monsters you control gain 500 ATK until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel. If you begin the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck containing a total of 12 or more "D/D/D" monsters or "Dark Contract" Spell/Trap Cards, add Pendulum Zones to your field at the beginning of the Duel. | Lvl 20 |
Amnesia of the Savants Negate the effects of D/D Savant Galilei and D/D Savant Kepler in your Pendulum Zones until the Main hase of your next turn. This skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Black and White Contract Can be used by sending 1 face-up "Dark Contract" card on your field to the Graveyard. Select 1 effect from the following and apply it to 1 "D/D" monster on your field. This Skill can be used twice per Duel if you begin the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contains no monsters other than "D/D" monsters. ● The selected monster will become a Tuner monster. ● The selected monster will become a Level 4 monster. ● The selected monster will become a Level 8 monster. | Drop |
Command of the Doom King At the beginning of the Duel, add Pendulum Zones to your field. The following effect can be used once per Duel. Select 1 D/D/D Doom King Armageddon from your hand and add it face-up to your Extra Deck. Then, select up to 1 "D/D" Pendulum Monster respectively from your Field/Deck and place it in your Pendulum Zone, but its effects are negated. At the beginning of your next turn, return all cards in your Pendulum Zones to your Deck. This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 6 or more "D/D/D" Pendulum Monsters including 1 or more D/D/D Doom King Armageddon. (Extra Deck is not included.) | Drop |
Contract Procrastination Can be used at the beginning of your turn if you have 1 or more "Dark Contract" cards on your field. Skip the Standby Phase on this turn. | Drop |
Return from Another Dimensions Can be used if you have 20 or more banished "D/D" monsters. Place 1 face-down Return from the Different Dimension from outside of your Deck. During the turn you use this Skill, you cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards. This Skill can be used once per Duel if you only have "D/D" monsters in your Deck/Extra Deck. | Drop |
End of the World Can be used once per Duel by revealing 1 "D/D/D Doom King Armageddon" in your hand to your opponent. Add 1 face-up "D/D/D" Pendulum Monster to your hand from your Extra Deck. Until the end of the next turn, you cannot Summon the card added to your hand by this Skill or cards with the same name except by Pendulum Summoning, and you cannot activate their effects. In addition, the following effect can be used once per turn on the turn you Pendulum Summon 3 D/D/D Doom King Armageddon at the same time from your hand. Destroy all monsters on the field except for D/D/D Doom King Armageddon. If you begin the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck containing a total of 12 or more "D/D/D" monsters or "Dark Contract" Spell/Trap Cards, add Pendulum Zones to your field at the beginning of the Duel. | Drop |
Reverse of the Underworld and D.D. Can be used once per Duel if the number of the "D/D" monsters in your Graveyard is the same as your banished "D/D" monsters. Banish all "D/D" monsters in your Graveyard when you use this Skill and return all your banished "D/D" monsters to the Graveyard. | Drop |
Emergency Contract Launderings Send 1 Contract Laundering or "Dark Contract" card to the Graveyard and destroy all face-up "Dark Contract" cards on your field. Then, increase your Life Points by the number of destroyed "Dark Contract" cards x 1000 points. | Drop |
Forbidden Contract Can be used if your Life Points are at 2000 or below. Change 1 face-up Dark Contract with the Swamp King on your field to Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King. Can be used once per Duel. | Lifetime Mission |
[Skill] description | User |
Fusioning Maestra At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Soprano the Melodious Songstress" and 1 "Crystal Rose" to your Deck. Then, add 1 "Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir" to your Extra Deck. In addition, the following effect can be used if you have "Crystal Rose" on your field. Return all of your banished, Fusion Monsters to your Extra Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Lvl 1 |
Draw Reserves Can only be used at the beginning of the Main Phase on your 1st turn. Return 3 cards from your hand to your Deck. You can draw 3 cards during your next Draw Phase. | Lvl 13 |
From Songstress to Maestra Send 1 face-up monster you control whose original name includes "Melodious" to your Graveyard. Then, play 1 "Melodious Maestra" monster from your Deck/Graveyard to your field whose original Level is higher than that of the monster sent to the Graveyard. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contains no monsters other than "Melodious" monsters. Can be used once per Duel. | Lvl 20 |
Duel Recital The ATK of all "Melodious" monsters on your field is increased by 100 for each "Melodious" monster on your field. | Drop |
Slow Tempo Can be used on your turn if you took battle damage on the previous turn. The first monster Summoned by your opponent cannot attack during your opponent's next turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Pendulum Recovery Increase your Life Points by x500 the number of Pendulum Summoned monsters during the turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Pendulum Extra Reset Return all face-up Pendulum Monsters in your Extra Deck to your Deck. Change all face-up Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Pendulum Monsters in your Extra Deck face-down. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Resonating Diva Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and play 1 face-up "Fortissimo" from outside of your Deck. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contains no monsters other than "Melodious" monsters. Can be used once per Duel. | Drop |
[Skill] description | User |
Heavystrong Style At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei" to your Deck. Can be used once per Duel if you control 2 or more monsters in Defense Position and their total amount of DEF is 3500 or above. Add 1 "Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei" from your Graveyard to your hand. Then, if you do not control a monster whose original DEF is 3500 or more, return 1 card in your hand to your Deck. | Lvl 1 |
Defense Burst Can only be used up until your 3rd turn, and only once. Select 1 monster you control. It gains 500 DEF until the end of your opponent's turn. At the start of your next turn, this monster's DEF will become 0. | Lvl 13 |
Heavystrong Strategy Can be used once per turn if you have no Spell/Trap Cards in your Graveyard. Change all EARTH Machine-Type monsters you control to face-up Defense Position. Then, the DEF of monsters you control is increased by 200 for each monster in face-up Defense Position you control. This Skill can only be used twice per Duel. | Lvl 20 |
Benkei the Guardian Select 1 "Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei" you control that is equipped with a "Superheavy Samurai Soul" card. This monster will not be destroyed in battle during your opponent's next turn and your opponent cannot select a monster other than this monster as an attack target. You cannot declare an attack on the turn you use this Skill. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck that does not contain Spell/Trap Cards. This Skill can be used only once per Duel. | Drop |
Gong Won't Move! Can be used once per turn if you control a monster in Defense Position. Increase the DEF of all monsters you control by 500 until the end of your opponent's turn. You cannot declare an attack on the turn you use this Skill. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck that does not contain Spell/Trap Cards. This Skill can be used only twice per Duel. | Drop |
Style Evolution Select 1 Level 4 or lower "Superheavy Samurai" monster in face-up Defense Position that you control. It becomes a Tuner Monster. If you do not Synchro Summon a monster during the turn you use this Skill, all monsters in Defense Position you control will be sent to your Graveyard. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck that does not contain Spell/Trap Cards. This Skill can be used only once per Duel. | Drop |
[Skill] description | User |
Super Star of Abyss Actor At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Abyss Actor - Superstar" and 1 "Abyss Script - Opening Ceremony" to your Deck. Can be used once per Duel if your Extra Deck contains 3 or more face-up "Abyss Actor" monsters including 1 or more "Abyss Actor - Superstar." Add 1 "Abyss Actor - Superstar" to your hand from your Deck or Extra Deck. Then, return 1 card in your hand to your Deck. In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you began the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more DARK Pendulum Monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.) | Lvl 1 |
Pendulum Extra Charge Can be used when you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones. Select one of them and add it face-up to its original owner's Extra Deck. You cannot Special Summon any monsters other than by Pendulum Summoning the turn you activate this Skill. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Lvl 13 |
Neo Sylvio Can be used once per Duel if you control a monster that was Tribute Summoned. Change 1 Spell/Trap Card in your hand to a different card. - Spell Card: Frost Blast of the Monarchs - Trap Card: The Monarchs Awaken | Lvl 20 |
Attack Burst Can only be used up until your 3rd turn, and only once. Select 1 monster you control. It gains 500 ATK. At the end of the turn, this monster's ATK will become 0. | Drop |
Blowing Up Yosen Select 1 "Yosen Training Grounds" you control and place Yosen Counter(s) on it equal to the number of "Yosenju" monsters on your field. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you began the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more "Yosenju" monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.) | Drop |
Neo New Sylvio At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Yosenju Shinchu L", and 1 "Yosenju Shinchu R" to the bottom of your Deck. In addition, the following effect can be used once per Duel after your Life Points decrease by 2000. Return 1 "Yosenju" card in your hand to your Deck and add 1 "Yosenju Oroshi Channeling" to your hand from outside of your Deck. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck that contains at least 9 "Yosenju" cards. (Extra Deck does not count.) | Drop |
Pendulum Draft Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 2000. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Add 1 face-up Pendulum Monster from your Extra Deck to your hand. Until the end of the next turn, you cannot Summon the card added to your hand by this Skill or cards with the same name except by Pendulum Summoning, and you cannot activate their effects. | Drop |
Pendulum Booster If you have 2 cards in your Pendulum Zones, during your turn only, the ATK of all your monsters are increased by 50 multiplied by the number of highest Pendulum Scale of Pendulum Monster Cards in your Pendulum Zones. | Drop |
Waiting for Abyss Actors Add up to 2 "Abyss Actor" monsters in your hand to your Extra Deck face-up. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you began the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more DARK Pendulum Monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.), | Drop |
Sylvios Showstopping Performance Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 1500. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. Instead of conducting a Normal Draw, draw an "Abyss Actor" or "Yosenju" monster of your choice. In addition, add a Pendulum Zone to your field if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 9 or more "Abyss Actor" Pendulum Monsters or "Yosenju" monsters. (Extra Deck does not count.) | Drop |
[Skill] description | User |
Fang of Rebellion: Dark Rebellion At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil" to your Deck and add 1 "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" to your Extra Deck. In addition, the following effect can be activated if the only monster you control is 1 "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" and your opponent controls a monster with higher ATK. Select Up to 2 cards in your hand and attach them to your "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" as Xyz Materials. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Lvl 1 |
Phantom Strategy Send 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Then, add 1 "Phantom Knights Fog Blade" the very bottom of your Deck from outside of your Deck. During the turn you activate this Skill, you cannot Special Summon Rank 4 or above monsters unless are DARK Warior-Type or DARK Dragon-Type monsters. This Skill can be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains no monsters other than DARK Warrior-Type monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Lvl 20 |
Phantom Knights Resurrected Can be used if your Life Points are at 2500 or below. Return up to 2 cards from your hand to your Deck. Then, select that same number of "The Phantom Knights" Trap Card (s) in Graveyard that are treated as monsters when activated. Any card you select is treated as having its effect activated and is played to your Monster Zone as a monster. ("The Phantom Knights of Mist Claws" is treated as a Level 4 monster.) This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that follows the conditions below. ● Your Deck contains no cards other than "The Phantom Knights" monsters or "Phantom Knights" Spell / Trap Cards. ● Your Extra Deck contains no monsters other than "The Phantom Knights" monsters or "Xyz Dragon" monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Phantom Trade Send 1 "Phantom Knights" Spell / Trap Card from your hand to the Graveyard and add 1 "The Phantom Knights" monster from your Graveyard to your hand. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that includes at least 1 monster and contains no mnonsters other than "The Phantom Knights" monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Phantom Regenerate Select up to 2 "Phantom Knights" Spell / Trap Cards in your Graveyard and then attach them to 1 "Xyz Dragon" monster on your field as Xyz Material (s). This Skill can only be used once per Duel. | Drop |
Trap Monsters The ATK / DEF of Trap Cards on your field that are treated as monsters increases by 300. | Drop |
The Phantom Knights Order Can be used on tum 2 and onward. Select up to 2 "The Phantom Knights" monsters on your field that have a Level. When Xyz Summoning a monster using these "The Phantom Knights" monsters as Xyz Materials during this turn, you can use them as Level 2-4 monsters. This Skll can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel. | Event Reward |
[Skill] description |
The Most Unbearable Monster At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 "Frightfur Bear" to your Extra Deck. The following effect can be used before your normal draw after your Life Points decrease by 1500. Instead of conducting your normal draw, randomly add 1 "Edge Imp Sabres," "Fluffal Bear," "Polymerization," or "Frightfur Fusion" to your hand from outside of your Deck. During the turn this Skill is used, you cannot Special Summon any monsters except "Frightfur" Fusion Monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. |
Edge Imp Assist Each of the following effects can be used once per Duel. ● Send 1 "Edge Imp" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Change 1 "Polymerization" in your hand to "Frightfur Fusion." ● Send 1 "Edge Imp" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. Send 1 "Edge Imp" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. |
Bear Parade Each of the following effects can be used once per turn and once per Duel by selecting 1 "Frightfur Bear" you control. ● Select 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard and equip it to this card as an Equip Card. The card equipped counts as having been equipped by the effect of this "Frightfur Bear." ● During this turn, the selected monster gains an additional attack for each card it has equipped. |
Creatures of Calamity Can be used on turn 3 and onward. Reveal 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck and then send up to 2 Fusion Materials with different names that are listed on its card to your Graveyard. During the turn you use this Skill, you cannot Normal or Special Summon any monsters except "Frightfur" monsters, nor activate the monster effects of monsters other than Fusion Monsters. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. |
Fusion Restock Can be used if you control a Fusion Monster. You can return to the bottom of your Deck 1 "Polymerization" Spell Card or "Fusion" Spell Card that is banished or in your Graveyard. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. |
Try To Counter My Moves Select 1 "Frightfur" Fusion Monster that you control. It gains 500 ATK until the end of the turn. Monsters your opponent controls gain 500 ATK during your opponent's next turn. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. |
Factory Operation! Can be used before your normal draw if you have 3 or more Fusion Monsters with different names in your Graveyard. Instead of conducting your normal draw, play 1 face-up "Frightfur Factory" from outside of your Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel. |
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