
Sartorius Kumar

update 09/07/2019

Updated Information

  • Exclusive Duel Rewards and Skill Updated


Sartorius was once a simple fortune teller until he was possessed by the Light of Destruction. He then became a powerful duelist bent on destroying the world through any means necessary, using his powers as a fortune teller to predict his opponent's moves. He was returned to normal after being defeated by the combined efforts of Jaden and Aster, and later helped them later in the series.

Sartorius Kumar's skills

Leaked Skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Path of the Fool
After starting hands are dealt, 1 Arcana Force 0 - The Fool is added to your opponent’s Deck. While Arcana Force 0 - The Fool is face-up on your opponent’s side of the field, your coin tosses land on heads.
Ruler of Light / Ruler of Dark
Choose 1 of the following: - Select 1 Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler in your hand. It becomes Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler. - Select 1 Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler in your hand. It becomes Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler. This Skill can only be used once per turn.

Exclusive skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Reversal of Fate
Select 1 "Arcana Force" monster you control. That monster's effect is now treated as the opposite coin toss result. This Skill can only be used twice per Duel.
Lvl 4
Draw Sense: Light
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Light attribute monster.
Lvl 13
Light Barrier
Set the Field Spell "Light Barrier" at the beginning of your first Turn.
Lvl 20
Right Side Up!
When you toss a coin for an "Arcana Force" monsters' effect, the result will always be heads.
Master of Destiny
When you toss a coin, the results will always be heads for the first 3 coin tosses. This Skill can only activate if you begin the duel with a deck that has 5 or more cards with different names that require coin tosses.
Arcana Swap
At the beginning of the Duel, shuffle any number of "Arcana Force" monsters from your hand into the Deck. Then, draw that same number of cards.
Three Lord Pillars
If your Deck contains "The Spiritual Lord" and "The Sky Lord," you will start the Duel with "The Material Lord" Set on the side of your field. "The Spiritual Lord" and "The Sky Lord" will be placed at the bottom of your Deck.
Event Reward

Common drop skills

Level-Up Rewards

What are Level Rewards?

Level reward is what you can obtain by leveling up characters, including gems, cards, skills, extra deck slots.

2Gem x10
3Reversal of FateReversal of Fate
4Skill: Reversal of Fate
5Deck Slot (Sartorius Kumar)
6Gem x15
7Arcana Force IV - The EmperorArcana Force IV - The Emperor
8Deck Slot (Sartorius Kumar)
9Gem x25
10Light BarrierLight Barrier
11Arcana Force IV - The EmperorArcana Force IV - The Emperor
12Gem x35
13Skill: Draw Sense: Light
14Arcana CallArcana Call
15Gem x50
16Reversal of FateReversal of Fate
17Gem x60
18Arcana CallArcana Call
19Gem x75
20Skill: Light Barrier
21Light BarrierLight Barrier
22Gem x100
23Arcana Force VII - The ChariotArcana Force VII - The Chariot
24Gem x120
25Arcana CallArcana Call
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Sartorius Kumar)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Reversal of FateReversal of Fate
31Gold x100,000
32Gem x200
33Arcana Force IV - The EmperorArcana Force IV - The Emperor
34Gem x250
35Arcana Force VII - The ChariotArcana Force VII - The Chariot
36UR Jewel x1
37Gem x200
38Light BarrierLight Barrier
39Gem x250
40Arcana Force VII - The ChariotArcana Force VII - The Chariot
41Deck Slot (Sartorius Kumar)
42gems x100
43gems x200
44gems x250
45Fiend ComedianFiend Comedian

Duel Rewards

What are Duel Rewards?

Reward cards are card that You can get as reward for gaining a victory over Legendary Duelists.

Sartorius Kumar's Exclusive Duel Rewards [July 2019]

Sartorius Kumar's Exclusive Duel Rewards [March 2019]

Starter Deck

What is a Starter Deck?

A starter deck is the default set of cards of a certain character which you will automatically get once you obtain that character.

Sartorius Kumar's Starter Deck

Arcana Force EX - The Light RulerLunar Queen ElzaimLunar Queen ElzaimLunar Queen ElzaimThe Judgement HandThe Judgement Hand
Dokuroizo the Grim ReaperDokuroizo the Grim ReaperDokuroizo the Grim ReaperEmbryonic BeastEmbryonic BeastEmbryonic Beast
Candle of FateCandle of FateCandle of FateHappy LoverHappy LoverHappy Lover
Cup of AceCup of Ace----


Sartorius uses an Arkana Force deck based on tarot cards, gaining effects depending on which side the coin lands with one positive and one negative. His ace monstersare Arcana Force EX - The Light Ruler and Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler, very powerful monsters with positive effects regardless of whether you flip heads or tails.


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Hard facts about the game gets deleted all the time but discussions about 🔥, drugs and racism get to stay for more than a month. Love them mods.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the bed-hopping thot stories too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because who pay the mods here is Komoney, not the United Nations Human Rights Committee

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
As a 🔥 who does drugs and owns slaves I say Amen mods
Can we still get rewards by dueling with him like arcana cards by bearing legendary duelist
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Are you on drugs?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Prescription drugs my dear sir
Sarotorius is a Romanian Gypsy
Sartorius "Kumar"? I'm pretty sure I've read that name somewhere else years ago, in some kinda of weird new age movement. It looked like a cult.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Kumar means Gamble in Turkish
<< Anonymous
Anonymous. Reply
kumar means "indian garbage" in hindi.
Ironically all indians should be named kumar.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
Anonymous Reply
^ now thats some hard facts
<< Anonymous(Anonymous.)
Anon Reply
That attitude of yours is so non-racist and non-toxic. Btw 'kumar' means 'son' or 'child' in Sanskrit. And judging by your attitude you should be called 'Bhosdikumar', that means 'son of an angel'.
🔥 this guys fans
<< Anonymous(Yubel)
Anonymous Reply
Psychic Hannibal Lecter is cool.
Why can't this guy get plastic surgery rather than 🔥ing fate
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So that people like you can have the same ugly face
fock this character give us marik!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥 the first reply we want mark
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥 the first reply we want mark
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Look at the spam and hate from the fanbase lmao
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Were you actually expecting a reasonable reply from the marik fangirls
Well it’s become abundantly clear that none of you are capable of having a civilized conversation without personally attacking someone in the process (and avoiding talking about the deck entirely). The immaturity here is laughable, but I should’ve expected as much from people who devote so much of their lives and money to a digital children’s card game. This channel is supposed to be about discussing the deck, not randomly attacking those who oppose your opinion.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Satorius fans 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And they’re pedos
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

Sartorius is older than most of the characters lol
At what level does Satorius appear in the gate?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
not yet, he doesnt appear at the gate atm
Thank god that this piece of crap event is gone cause it huge waste of my time.

Reply with a negative comment if your dad left you.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I agree cuz the the event was so trash like yubel.
Little fun fact this guy in the anime sub his voice actor is DIO!!!!

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I’m a certified medical shaman from the Swedish Rain Forest. My specialty is symptomatic co...
And I just ate a pine and an apple
This is Pingu’s hot little sister, right?
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