
Suijin Amulet: deck recipe

update 21/01/2017

Example deck

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Mythic Depths]
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Umi" activated.

Deck rating

PVP9.0 / 10
PVE9.0 / 10
Auto DuelPoor
Deck GradeReratively low
→ See deck database for what each measure mean


Key cards of this deck, Suijin and Sea Lord's Amulet, are low rarity, so you can collect some copies of them easily by opening Age of Discovery pack.


If you cannot summon Suijin right after a duel starts, it is difficult to win.

How to use the deck

Tribute set a Suijin!

By tributing two Lamb Tokens, Set a Suijin. You cannot perform a summon/flip summon/special summon right after activate Stray Lambs but still can set a monster.

Do Big Wave Small Wave and Tribute Doll work?

Yes they do. But note that If Suijin on your side of the field is special summoned by using cards like Big Wave Small Wave and Tribute Doll, you cannot activate Overwhelm. You have to have a level 7 or higher tribute summoned monster to use it.

Offset monster removals

Once you summon a Suijin, attack with the monster and defend it from being destroyed by Trap cards or monster effects using Overwhelm and Sea Lord's Amulet. If your opponent controls Wonder Balloons, destroy it using Twister.

Other useful skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.


I won an Econ with this deck in the KCcup.
Just a week and a half after I started playing this game

Here's my newife water deck
I play a slightly different version of this deck, using Piercing Moray, Sun Needle Fish, and High Tide Gyojin. It has pretty good synergy to power through most meta decks if you can adapt spells/traps to useful ones.

The bread and butter of this combo is the effect of Suijin and Amulet together effectively creating a highly resilient monster that can survive 1 lethal hit and cannot be affected by card effects (ie Yomi, 4 Star Ladybug, etc).

So if you want to make this deck your own, think about how you want to play it. Do you want a fast start? How about adding Big Wave Small Wave and using the Balance skill. Or maybe you want consistency, so you forgo big wave small wave and put in a black pendant, riryoku, sphere kuriboh, etc.

Basically, if you copypasta this deck and say its 🔥e, you're 🔥e.
<< Anonymous(Duh)
Cyclo Reply
Ladybug affects only lvl 4's...
Khorn II
What about using small wave big wave? I found out that it really helps getting out stuff
<< Anonymous(Khorn II)
Anonymous Reply
high attack monster aren't useful anymore, so many spells/traps/monsters can destroy it now. don't even need to try it to know it's gonna get destroyed PVP
Umm is this deck REALLY 9.0 rating? This has a similar build to daedalus but I'm pretty sure this is inferior to daedalus. Why it's rated same as daedalus?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
9.0 out of 100. Pure garb.
Isn't Sea Lord's Amulet and Overwhelm an overkill?
This deck is absolutely horrible. Just tried running it for a little while, got to gold 1 after about a 50% win rate. And now I'm just getting stomped by every single other meta deck there is. Don't use this, it isn't 9.0 for pvp, should be probably somewhere around 5-6 because it's entirely rng based, and for some reason the rng is horrible. And even then, you get countered by so many other simple things. This deck needs to be updated to be not so high on the list. It's horrible for pvp.
<< Anonymous
GameA1 Reply
Really sorry about such inconvenience. Since this deck was built when the 2nd booster is released, it will be updated as you said.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Would really love an updated version for this deck soon then.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck requires quite a lot of skill to run correctly and make the necessary adaptations to the deck list above. I have made platinum in 2 days (from gold 1) with approx 75% win rate using it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What would those adaptions be latest comment?
To be fair any monster removal card can counter this deck. Like mystic box for example.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sea Lord's Amulet should prevent spells like that, but I'm concerned that you need all the right pieces at the same time for this deck to work.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
cont. and SLA doesn't prevent control spells like enemy controller asaik... you'll need magic jammer for that
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
cont. again: or you could make sure to 🔥 all enemy monsters as they are summoned to make sure that enemy controller cannot be used (EC requires a tribute)
Also if your opponent use a card that return the card to your hand your screwed. Like hand hane for example. I still haven't found a way to counter that. I loss many of the battle because of that and as well when your opponent take control of your monster and using it as tribute monster. Yes I'm talking about enemy controller.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Doesn't Overwhelm negate effects of monsters like hane-hane? And to counter spells like enemy controller, you could use twister or magic jammer. But I'm not sure how this deck can beat decks with stronger monsters like Blue Eyes without stalling.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have no clue. I haven't test it out yet. If it does then this deck is super op. Since you can easily summon suji with stray lamb and with overwhelm and sea out you're invincible Ofc overwhelm only works if you tribute summon and not special summon, my deck consist of daedalus and suji so I use mainly big wave to summon suji.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Continued - ofc there's a way of defeating this deck for example if your opponent uses mask of accursed or dispel and chuck away your life or any spells cards(there's ton of those) that inflict direct damaged to your lp and water balloons to lower suji atk. I won't have enough twister/magic jammer to destroy them all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Idk any of spell cards atm that let you changes the level of an monster which make overwhelm card unless. I only know 1 which is a cost down but that lower levels from your hand.
I've been using this deck, I noticed this is a stall deck. You basically wait out your opponent until one of you is out of cards. When that happened you better hope you have more cards than your opponent does. I noticed this especially when facing blue eye white dragon ritual deck. Your opponent will either use mirror wall, reinforcement, wonder balloon, mask of accursed or a card that would take over the control of your monster. If you attack you have the risk of losing the battle. If you can try adding needle fish, is a good card to have. It lower your opponent monster attack and it can come very handy.
Man, Yomi Ship is a pain to get
awesome deck bro.keep up the good work

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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