
How to beat/farm Transcendent Unknown Duelist

update 11/01/2020

Previous Event

Attribute Reptile Farm

Example Deck [Credits to DGame]

The Winged Dragon of RaGolden LadybugGolden LadybugGolden LadybugFirestorm ProminenceFirestorm Prominence
Firestorm ProminenceDestruction CycloneDestruction CycloneDestruction CycloneRaging EarthRaging Earth
Raging EarthDouble SummonCounter GateCounter GateCounter GateLegacy of Yata-Garasu
Legacy of Yata-GarasuSolemn Wishes----

Ra Barrier Farm

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaA Cat of Ill OmenA Cat of Ill OmenCrystal SeerCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Neo-Spacian Air HummingbirdNeo-Spacian Air HummingbirdNeo-Spacian Air HummingbirdWhite Magician PikeruWhite Magician PikeruWhite Magician Pikeru
Shooting Star Bow - CealMagic PlanterSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierSpirit BarrierAstral Barrier
Astral BarrierAstral Barrier----


  • Heal every turn with Neospacian Air Hummingbird and White Magician Pikeru.
  • To stall you will need Spirit Barrier, Astral Barrier, and at least 1 monster on the field.
  • A Cat of Ill Omen and Crystal Seer will help you get your stall setup.
  • Magic Planter helps draw into your deck but only use it on extra copies of your Continuous Traps.
  • During your final turn summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP to use as attack.

Ra Majin Farm

  • No Skill Necessary
Essential cards

Example Deck

The Winged Dragon of RaKazejinKazejinKazejinSanga of the ThunderSanga of the Thunder
Sanga of the ThunderSuijinSuijinSuijinGolden LadybugGolden Ladybug
Golden LadybugLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuLegacy of Yata-GarasuSolemn WishesJar of Greed
Jar of GreedJar of Greed----


  • Heal every turn with Golden Ladybug and Solemn Wishes.
  • These duels do not require you to tribute when summoning high-leveled monsters, so any of the Jins can be Normal Summoned to stall.
  • Keep attacking and destroying Unknown Duelist's monsters.
  • Thin your deck with Jar of Greed and Legacy of Yata-Garasu.
  • During your final turn, summon The Winged Dragon of Ra and give him your accumulated LP to use as attack.

Transcendent Unknown Duelist Decklist

Transcendent Unknown Drop Rewards


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how do these decks intend to make the final blow when she has a monster on the field?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You use the special skill you get on a 3k attack monster, like blue eyes white dragon, suddenly it becomes 9k atk and can beat the 8800 atk duza she has. Honestly I just have removal or enemy controller. 8800 atk, but only 1600 def
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's when she just have Set monsters that's the issue. Personally if I want to farm her with Ra, I'd add Big Bang Shot into the deck, for piercing and additional 400 ATK.
What's going on? Meteor won't drop for me. The only one I have is from the cumulative rewards.
<< Anonymous(Meteor)
skoll Reply
Same here 10 duza. Not a single meteor by now.
<< Anonymous(Meteor)
Anonymous Reply
What are you guys talking about I got 3 copies of meteor and I just started
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I only have the artifacts, rarely drops me a single constellar
Peguei tudo muito fácil
<< Anonymous
Rudy Reply
And you still didn't learn how ton spend your Gold...
Epic fail.
<< Anonymous(Rudy)
Anonymous Reply
How do you spend your gold?
Any guide on level 60?
Optimized ra famr 100% winrate 8900-9 k score
You could AUTO-DUAL her, if you stuff your deck with Op monster like Vampire Vamp, Darklord Desire, The Grand Jupiter. I would say Desperado, but you could get unlucky and die.
Here my Auto-Duel deck. 100% winrate alway 8000+ point
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
more monsters = more better
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
not really, it's programmed to plsy awfully so you have a greater chance of losing
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol awfully
<< Anonymous(Duel)
Anto D. Reply
I'm sorry,i dont understand. what the strategy of this deck?
Come posso batterla al livello 60
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Con qualsiasi deck, tanto ti danno 6000 punti bonus +1000 per la campagna
<< Anonymous
ValleCula Reply
Ti consiglio di usare "Pioggia Acida" per liberarti di Duza. Ho avuto abbastanza successo usando l'abilità "Heavy Starter" e 3 diversi mostri "Ingranaggio Antico" di Livello 5 o superiore; il resto del mazzo è dedicato solamente a Magie e Trappole che aumentino l'Attacco dei miei mostri.
Over 50 duels and not a single Meteor drop yet...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm in the same situation with Zubeneschamali.

I already have 3 Meteor, but no Zuben drop so far, my 2 copies came from the free one in the event and the EX Jewel shop.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got zuben quite fast in a few days but the meteor drop rate is low. My first meteor drop is from the lv10 with x3 multiplier and the second is from lv40. So keep farming guys
This event is a joke.
Let make 1 thing clear first, her 8800atk Duza can’t attack Lp directly. So you let her 2nd monster attack you, then you summon 3000 atk and buff it with Even skill to 9000. After that keep summon High Atk light attribute, and that’s GG.
100% win ratio with 1-2 turns. ~5000-~6000 score but the fastest way.
<< Anonymous(taki)
Anonymous Reply
That's a damn nice deck lol
just use subterror deck
1. Add some cards to shut down Duza
2. ???

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Comments (updated every hour)

Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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