
Unknown Duelist Roaming Event

Duel Links Unknown Duelist Roaming Event, rewards, how to defeat Unknown Duelist, and Unknown Duelist Roaming event guide.
update 22/03/2022

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Event Details

Period30 September 2019 - 8 October 2019

Superconscious Duel

Featured Cards

Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel [UR]

Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel
Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1600
Unknown Duelist Roaming Event [UR]
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Cubic" card from your Deck to the Graveyard. Once per turn, during either player's turn, if a monster was sent to your Graveyard this turn while you controlled this face-up card: You can make this card gain 200 ATK for each monster with a different name in your Graveyard, until the end of this turn.

Constellar Algiedi [SR]

Constellar Algiedi
Constellar Algiedi
LIGHT Spellcaster ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 1400
Unknown Duelist Roaming Event [SR]
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 "Constellar" monster from your hand.

Cubic Mandala [SR]

Cubic Mandala
Cubic Mandala
Continuous Trap
Unknown Duelist Roaming Event [SR]
If you control a "Cubic" monster: Activate this card by targeting any number of monsters that are in your opponent's Graveyard because they were destroyed and sent there this turn; Special Summon them to your opponent's field, but each becomes ATK 0 and has 1 Cubic Counter placed on it. (Monsters with a Cubic Counter cannot attack, also negate their effects.) While your opponent controls any of the monsters Summoned by this effect, negate any monster effects your opponent activates. When the last of these monsters leaves the field, destroy this card.

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I think this gal helped Kaiba to avoid 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, TRANSCEND GAME is a 2 chapter short story in manga form.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you, Sir!
I'll look it up.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The worst enemy of Kaiba is Kaiba.
The manga said it.

It's canon.
Check the last chapter of Babel City
<< Anonymous
Seto Kaiba Reply
Oh snap
I see that the last secret floor in duel quest have cubic mandala and duza so you must duel her 20 times to get it. The secret floor is basically the event mission
Carlos Yugo
The duelist leaves tomorrow and I still haven't got my hands on the cubic monster! What am I gonna do?:(
<< Anonymous(Carlos Yugo)
I feel ya Reply
I understand it bro....just a few more hrs and she will leave..nuuhh..
I think these card in this event for zexal world next year
<< Anonymous(Yang)
Anonymous Reply
for example bringing in more players and therefore more money for komoney
<< Anonymous
Yang Reply
I was talking about upsetting the competitive balancing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why not man
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah dude a comp shake up would be awesome not just a lot of the same.
I find it hilarious how not only the English description write Prana's name incorrectly (it's supposed to use "r", not "l"), but also, the description makes it as if she's part of a group that's a constant threat, when that's not the case at all (she works solo, and was quickly defeated by Kaiba)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Also, her words upon being defeated talks about lowering ATK, even though I'm very sure none of us are doing that lmao
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
wait. What words? I only see capitalized 'AAAAAHH!' at the end of duel when she was defeated.
<< Anonymous
Ivan Reply
She says that only to Mokuba.
<< Anonymous
WolfgangDS Reply
No, officially speaking, it's written correctly. It was changed to "Plana" to avoid religious connotations. You know how Americans are about non-Christian religions being mentioned at all, and Christianity being used in games that aren't designed to promote it.
I like his 🔥
Never dropped the trap card... Have 10 of each UR and SR but no cubic mandala
Seto Kaiba
nice reward
<< Anonymous(Seto Kaiba)
Anonymous Reply
What are those skills?
do you know what the odds are for Duza the Meteor Cubic Vessel? Fought her over 100 times now and didnt get one
<< Anonymous(LRZuKaTo)
Anonymous Reply
I think it’s just luck I have got 5 copies of it but still haven’t got a single ghost ship, but have at least one copy of the the other card drops as-well
Damn, her orgasm losing voice turn me on.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
her japanese voice sounds nice
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nice event

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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