
Cyber Twin Dragon | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Cyber Twin Dragon (LIGHT/Machine/Fusion Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 12/03/2020

Cyber Twin Dragon

Cyber Twin Dragon
Monster TypeMachine
Card typeFusion / Effect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Continuous Effect


"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"
A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Material Monsters. This card can make a second attack during each Battle Phase.

How to Get

PackCybernetic Rebellion [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Good stats.
  • Can attack twice per turn.


  • Can be costly to summon.
  • Uses specific fusion materials.


Cyber Stein

Cyber-stein can Special Summon Cyber Twin Dragon easily. However the high LP cost exceeds even your starting HP so you will need to use this in a deck that can quickly heal or with a skill that gives additional starting LP.

The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

You can Special Summon Cyber Dragon and then Normal Summon The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion. Use The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion’s effect to tribute himself and your Cyber Dragon to summon Cyber Twin Dragon.

The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion can also work with monsters that act as Cyber Dragon on the field.

Cyber Dragon Monsters

Here are some monsters that act as Cyber Dragon on the field. This makes it easier for you to Fusion Summon monsters that require Cyber Dragon as materials.

Fusion Spell

Future Fusion lets you Fusion Summon with monsters from the deck as materials but the Fusion monster will only be summoned 2 turns after Future Fusion's activation.
Cybernetic Fusion Support lets you use monsters from your hand, field, and graveyard as fusion materials no matter the fusion spell used. This goes well with Flash Fusion to immediately Fusion Summon during your Battle Phase.


No Excuses is a skill that puts Power Bond in your hand instead of conducting your normal draw. Use Power Bond when Fusion Summoning Cyber Twin Dragon to double its attack. But make sure you finish the duel then or you will risk taking a lot of damage.

[Skill] descriptionUser
No Excuses!
Can be used if your Life Points drop below 1000. Instead of doing a normal draw, "Power Bond" is added to your hand from outside of your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale


Cyber Dragon Deck



Summoning categories2 Fusion Materials / Requires only specific Effect Monsters as Fusion Materials / Requires monsters with the same name as Fusion Materials / Strict Fusion Summon
Attack categoriesMultiple attacker


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Without searchable Polymerization fusion is irrelevant in Duel Links
Can't believe they finally released this AND in main box?!!!

What was konami thinking!
Cyber Style about to be back in business
Incoming: 3x this 🔥, 3x Cyber Dragon, 3x King of Swamp, 3x Cosmic Cyclone p2w whales using the PCD skill. They clear your entire board and summon at least 2x of a 2800 that can attack twice. Game is broken, and this is all your fault if you asked for this 🔥 on surveys.
We want this as fast possible. Fast konami put to main box or structure whatever
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We want?
It's your dumb comment alone.
"Fast Konami?" Go back to Spain
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes we want and it already anouncement today gz
Here's to hoping that you are in the next main box, we'll find out after Kalin's event ends!
Why are there lots of idiots saying that this card is too OP for duel links now???

This card is not even comparable to AG Golem - Ultimate Pound which can attack over and over again as long as u can discard machine types from ur hand and it destroys ur opponent's monster while also having a piercing effect and a whooping 3000 attack/def

Not that I don't want this card to be in duel links tho

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
ultimate pound cant be special summoned
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because GameA commenters have inferior intelligence, you guys should try Reddit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Including you, of course.
Why is this not in the game already??
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Early 2022
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
August 2022
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
11th of june but dont tell anyone (if someone deletes this its confirmed)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's 12 june and i didn't see the mini box
dear Komoney, if u really care about Duel Links future never release this card ever
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
🔥 they should release it
<< Anonymous
some smuck Reply
Releases cards like Red-eyes fusion and enshi: Totally cool

Thinks about finally releasing cyber dragons: OMG IT'S TOO OP PLS NEVER RELEASE

The game's at the point where cyber dragon isn't even that good in most match ups. All this card does is give a second attack, it doesn't pierce or disable backrow like reactor dragon does. Not that op
<< Anonymous(some smuck)
Anonymous Reply
for all little kids crying and shaking if theyll get this or not - yes komoney will release this dont worry, so prepare your mom and her credit card so they can sack them
<< Anonymous
we only interested in credit cards no moms
The eNd is calling meta tiers's names!
Knowing what usually happen in DL, Konami will announce the release this card, people started to cry, and then.....this card ends up doing next to nothing in the meta.

Just like Merlantean, Blackwings, Metaphys, Black Rose Dragon.....

Meanwhile, stuff that are not hyped usually ends up as broken overpowered 🔥 in DL.

Fur Hire, Onslaught, SSA, Sylvan.....
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is exactly what is going to happen
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You clearly haven't dueled a competent/well-built Metaphys player/deck if you think they do next to nothing in meta. The deck obliterates most meta decks like Neos variants, REBD, BEWD, and burn decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe. I even saw a Metaphys player being defeated by an Amazoness AG player lol.

Metaphys, a deck that loves getting banished, is defeated by a deck whose play involves banishing opponent's monster.
Too stronk for current game

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