
Fairy: deck recipe

This page notes Low Level Fairy Deck profile, including essential cards and the best character and skill to use the deck.
update 21/01/2017




  • Starting hand may not always be in your favor despite having the 'Balance' skill.

  • Fairly weak against decks that uses normal monsters. For example, the Rex Raptor decks.

  • Blast Held by Tribute destroys this deck.

Example deck

Dunames Dark WitchDunames Dark WitchDunames Dark WitchThe Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - VenusAngel O7
Angel O7Freya, Spirit of VictoryFreya, Spirit of VictoryMystical Shine BallMystical Shine BallMystical Shine Ball
Order to ChargeOrder to ChargeTwisterCourt of JusticeCourt of JusticeCards from the Sky
Riryoku FieldTrap Jammer--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Note: Other characters can acquire the "Balance" skill. Legendary Duelists drop it.

How to use the deck

Summoning Angel O7

The key card for this deck is Angel O7. There are 2 ways in which Angel O7 can be summoned:

Useful cards

Limit Impulse
Limit Impulse
A handy trap card, easy to use and very reliable in order to fast summon ANGEL 07.
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
A very versatile card with two great effects. Can be used defensively and offensively.
Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
This card is the most flexible card that can fit in each and every deck.
Cost Down
Cost Down
Useful to fast summon your tribute monster ANGEL 07.
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange
A great card, can remove one monster on your opponents side of the field plus summoning a high starred monster.
Kaiser Sea Horse
Kaiser Sea Horse
A great 4-starred monster that can be used as two tribute when summoning ANGEL 07.

Useful skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.


Hot New Top
Im using spellcaster deck for tea, with a twist of gravekeeper's in it.
Include yami field spell, gravekeeper's oracle, magician of black chaos, dark magician and girl.
My deck is so good but im still losing only because of Yami Yugiiiiiii ugh
<< Anonymous(RakimJ)
Anonymous Reply
lol I think this deck is losing to more than yami yugi 1rst drop to 20 cards you are trying to do to many things with this deck you only have one freya and no court of justice way to many equip cards and why Cerberus if your looking for spellcasters to help vs Yami there are way better choices honestly you should scrap this deck and rethink it over you are missing the whole point of a fairy deck
<< Anonymous(RakimJ)
Anonymous Reply
I think I will win in 3 turns with my machine deck.. It is not a good deck sir, sorry
<< Anonymous(RakimJ)
Anonymous Reply
It's not good at all.
<< Anonymous(RakimJ)
Anonymous Reply
26 cards....

not even in a fusion deck
Fairy deck needs tuning going for the freyas & court justices now will take advice
<< Anonymous(Rumpelstiltskin )
Anonymous Reply
if u want to use freya + court of justice combo, u need 2-3 freya , 2-3 court. maybe some watapon with rai mei combo ,
not many people use this card or fairy types in general .its pretty funny to see people get confused when they cant attack freya
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah definately it gets them everyone haha
How do you guys think about this one?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Looks cool! Thanks for sharing. I really want to make a good Fairy deck ~
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I tried to put enrise also in this deck but I get to use it once every 20 matches so i just took it out
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
maybe put The Agent of Creation - Venus and Mystic Shineball combo
or Rai-Mei with Watapon combo
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
u need more monsters to use Court of Justice maybe 3 Freya and some Watapons
Viplove singh
Freya cannot activity its affect because of the angel 7 so there no such combo of Freya and angel 7.
<< Anonymous(Viplove singh)
Anonymous Reply
Freya's effect acts like Continuous, so I think it should still work.
<< Anonymous(Viplove singh)
Anonymous Reply
angel 07 need to be tribut summoned to get the effect, normally u special summon angel 07 with freya and court of justice
<< Anonymous(Viplove singh)
Rumpelstiltskin Reply
It works angel07 works for opponents not yourself
Fyi, freya does and additional 400 attack not 500. There is a mistake in this explanation of the deck.
<< Anonymous(Imico)
Rumpelstiltskin Reply
She goes up to 500 Atk probably meant that
wheres airknight?
I would throw in Light effigy since it is a Fairy type. This way you can special summon it and use as a Tribute for Blue eyes white dragon.
<< Anonymous(Milliardo )
Anonymous Reply
Light EFFIGY only for Normal Monster
<< Anonymous(Milliardo )
Anonymous Reply
blue eyes is normal too dumb ^
<< Anonymous(Milliardo )
Anonymous Reply
Adding blue-eyes makes it inconsistent
No enrise?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Do you see any fiends in the deck?
I prefer:
3x Dunames
2x Parshath
3x Zolga
2x Freya
2x Court of Justice
2x Twister
The rest being anti-meta cards of your choice.
I prefer:
3x Dunames
2x Parshath
3x Zolga
2x Freya
2x Court of Justice
2x Twister
The rest being anti-meta cards of your choice.

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