
Red Dragon Archfiend | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Red Dragon Archfiend (DARK/Dragon/Synchro Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 17/03/2020

Red Dragon Archfiend

Red Dragon Archfiend
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeSynchro / Effect
Card Effect TypeTrigger Effect / Condition


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
After damage calculation, if this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls: Destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls. During your End Phase: Destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn. This card must be face-up on the field to activate and to resolve this effect.

How to Get

PackAbsolute Inferno [UR]
Kings Resonance [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Destroys all defense position monsters your opponent controls.
  • Good stats.


  • Destroys monsters you control that did not attack.
  • No protection effect.


Change to defense

Red Archfiend Dragon has the effect of destroying all defense position monsters your opponent controls when he attacks a defense position monster. To make full use of this effect use cards that change your opponent's battle position. Windstorm of Etaqua and Curse of Anubis are the most effective since they are able to change multiple monsters to defense position. Although make sure you activate Curse of Anubis before summoning Red Dragon Archfiend so that he does not get changed to defense position himself.

Alternate forms

Here are some upgraded versions of Red Dragon Archfiend which require him and a specific support card to summon a more powerful version of himself. There are also skills that support the summoning of these upgraded forms that work with decks specifically made to bring them out

[Skill] descriptionUser
Assault Exchange
Shuffle 1 "/Assault Mode" card from your hand into the Deck. Add 1 "Assault Mode Activate" from your deck to your hand, This skill can be used once per turn.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas
Majestic Light
Shuffle 1 Tuner monster from your hand into your deck to summon Majestic Dragon from your deck. This skill can be used once per turn.
Jack Atlas
Jack Atlas

Effect Destruction

The effect of destroying your own monsters could be used to your advantage. Sacred Phoenix of Nephytys will revive itself after being destroyed and clear the board of all Spell/Trap cards. Yubel monsters will summon their next form upon being destroyed. And finally archetypes like Fire Kings have a number of effects that benefit them when destroyed by card effects.





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Nice animation
my favorite card, i got so happy the day i got it
Here's my very fun recipe (Wayne is a must-have synchro imo).
You can also try to improve it in an OTK style based on 2 Lineage of destruction and 2 RDArchfiend.

Please post your versions here
<< Anonymous(BasedRishido)
Anonymous Reply
Wow, the Fiend Mega Cyber.
Good one
Valle the link to absolute inferno on this page is incorrect, it leads to the Ancient Gear structure deck.
Tartar sauce
Any idea how to make a deck base on red dragon archfiend for new player?
<< Anonymous(Tartar sauce )
BasedRishido Reply
maybe see my post above
<< Anonymous(Tartar sauce )
Anonymous Reply
Blue Eyes Cosmo, even though this build took you quite a money
Is there a reason RDA is unable to attack twice when equipped with Tyrant Wing? Tried a few times and it was the same result every time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Are you trying to attack directly? As it can only attack again vs monsters only. If you equip the fusion version then it can attack three times regardless if it attacks a monster or not.
Six Sam Red Dragon Archfiend isn't bad
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Chuy e oh
Anyone know how to synchro summon him? For some reason it's real hard to do so
<< Anonymous(Chuy e oh)
Anonymous Reply
Level 1 tuner + level 7 non-tuner
Level 2 tuner + level 6 non-tuner
Level 3 tuner + level 5 non-tuner
Level 4 tuner + level 4 non-tuner

Generic tuner/non-tuner, that is, not the ones that says they can only be used as synchro material for a specific synchro
I will wait for red nova dragon. Already disapointed with cyber twin dragon and cyber dragon. Always wait without become reality
I enjoy using this when there isn't any better.
Honestly though?
Where's Hot Red Dragon Archfiend?
As for Scarlight... I think that one is a bit too OP for duel links at this time.
For example...
Hey Trunade then summon Scarlight and you have a strong chance of winning.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think Hot Red won't be released until we get Stardust Spark Dragon.

Also, Hot Red is still rather OP for DL, it's a Mirror Force on 3000 ATK body that doesn't even need your opponent to attack first to nuke. Unless your opponent has Sphere Kuriboh on hand or play defensively, that's a free 3000 damage to your opponent, on a game with only 4000 LP.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can't really OTK with Hot Red though. Unless prior damage or burn damage added to the turn You can attack directly. Most other decks can OTK.
Plus there's E-Con.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Trust me, you definitely can easily OTK as long as you can turbo out Hot Red. Putting in an additional 1000 damage is not that hard.

Axe of Despair is just one example. Synchro Strike is another example.

E-Con....well, pretty much any deck can get messed up when E-Con shows up, it's not just Hot Red.
For some reason, I can't summon this card if the tuner and non-tuner are on separate sides of my field and there is a monster in between them. If that monster is destroyed, I can summon it. If the monsters are adjacent, I can usually summon it. I am always using the same tuner and non-tuner monster (Dark Resonator and Mist Archfiend). Is this a bug?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They must add up to 8.
Give us Crystal Wing and Windwitches!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then you better be willing to wait until Arc-V world.

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