
Vylon: deck recipe

Duel Links Vylon deck, Vylon in the meta, how to use Vylon cards.
update 22/05/2018


Vylon decks generally relies on its Equip cards to bolster their ATK power, and doing so, you may require much protection and a way to remove your opponent’s backrow protection before you go into attack. The strength of the deck mainly relies on Vylon Charger being Equipped with Vylon Material Spell card (this card can search for another copy of itself should it was removed from the Field to the Graveyard), in turn it will increase all your Vylon monsters’ ATK on the Field to have a competitive ATK stats

Example Deck

Updated Version

Expensive Ver

Vylon ChargerVylon ChargerVylon HeptVylon HeptVylon HeptVylon Pentachloro
Vylon SoldierVylon SoldierTies of the BrethrenTies of the BrethrenTies of the BrethrenHey, Trunade!
Hey, Trunade!Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongVylon MaterialVylon Material
Vylon MaterialTreacherous Trap Hole----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Your starting hand will reflect the card balance of your deck.
Paradox Brothers
Paradox Brothers

Mid Expensive Ver

Vylon ChargerVylon ChargerVylon HeptVylon HeptVylon HeptVylon Pentachloro
Vylon PentachloroVylon SoldierVylon SoldierVylon SoldierHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!
Super Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerVylon Material
Vylon MaterialVylon Material----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler

Previous Version

Vylon HeptVylon HeptVylon HeptVylon SoldierVylon SoldierVylon Soldier
Vylon PentachloroVylon PentachloroVylon PentachloroMetallizing Parasite - LunatiteMetallizing Parasite - SoltiteEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerSuper Rush HeadlongSuper Rush HeadlongFrontline BaseFrontline BaseMirror Wall
Mirror WallRoll Out!----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Vellian Crowler
Vellian Crowler

How to Use

Generally you may want to start with any of Vylon Hept / Vylon Charger / Vylon Soldier on the Field, with some protection and ideally Vylon Material equipped to it. Vylon Pentachloro is a very good Equip card to be used on any of your Vylon monsters, but preferably Vylon Charger, so that when it destroys your opponent’s monsters, it also allows you to destroy 1 more card your opponent controls. It will also protect your equipped Vylon monsters if that monster would be destroyed by battle. The only troublesome part is you need to normal summon Vylon Pentachloro which will appear to be quite slow in the current meta. If you face opponents that uses heavy backrow decks, you may want to consider drawing into Hey, Trunade! First before attempting to attack.

Vylon Charger

This is the main ATK booster for all your Vylon Monsters. Ideally it should be equipped with Vylon Material and/or Vylon Pentachloro in order for the ATK boost to take effect. You should consider protecting it with Enemy Controller or Super Rush Headlong.

Vylon Hept & Vylon Soldier

Main beaters of the deck. You will rarely use Vylon Hept’s effect in the current meta, while you may still find yourself in situations where you need to switch opponent’s monsters position with Vylon Soldier.

Vylon Pentachloro & Vylon Material

The Equip cards of the deck. Vylon Pentachloro allows the Equipped monster to destroy another card your opponent controls (can be any card) when that Equipped monster destroys your opponent’s monster via battle. It also functions as protection should your Equipped monster would be destroyed via battle. Under certain circumstances, you may also unequip Vylon Pentachloro, and use Enemy Controller to Tribute it and take control of your opponent’s monster. Vylon Material is a good ATK increase Equip card, which also has the effect of searching another copy of itself from your Deck should it be sent from the Field to the Graveyard.

Super Rush Headlong & Treacherous Trap Hole

Additional Notes


Ties of the Brethren version of the deck allows you to swarm your Field with all 3 Vylon monsters at the expense of your LP. After that you still very much reliant on your backrow to protect your Vylon monsters.

Other Useful Cards

Vylon Ohm
Vylon Ohm
Mainly used to recycle Equip Spell card from your Graveyard, to your hand.
Release Restraint Wave
Release Restraint Wave
Although very useful to eliminate your opponent’s set Spell/Trap, you will be destroying 1 of your Vylon Material cards as a cost (which you can search for another copy from your Deck via its effect). Can substitute with Hey, Trunade! If you do not have that card.
Anti-Magic Arrows
Anti-Magic Arrows
Can be replaced with Hey, Trunade!, but prevents you from using Quick-Play spells during your Battle Phase.
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
You may consider using this card to disable your opponent’s strong monsters, and allow you to attack with Vylon monster equipped with Vylon Pentachloro, in order to destroy another card your opponent controls.


Why not use parallel twister/ double cyclone with recycling equip spells and dead ties?
Power Tool Dragon deck
Budget-Expensive (Mid-Expensive) / Expensive

I like how the example deck includes no Vylon Equip Spell at all xD

(Then again, the Unions are kinda better)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The previous example deck is wtf because the Metallizing parasite monsters are level 7, and doesn't go with Frontline Base. The updated versions are way better and makes more sense.
I already have a signature build (top secret ^_^) but Im gonna make these guys just to test them out & have em as an apprentice to my signature build.
I love how these guys are (1) a Holy theme (2) Inexpensive so it works with them being humble & (3) Could be powerful if made correctly & if you know what your doing
How is this expensive lol?
Looks fun tho, I'll definitely give it a try
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The example build is expensive.
<< Anonymous
akubane Reply
the build is quite cheap. rush is a sr from a mini-box, you can get a wall for your dream ticket. would mean you only need to hunt for the 2 rush and the 2nd wall.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And you don't even need Mirror Wall, you can use cards like Windstorm of Etaqua and Wall of Disruption as replacements.

Heck I think 1 Frontline Base is fine, the second copy can be replaced with Luminous Spark instead for additional ATK.

Vylon Material is also another card to consider, as it is the only Vylon equip spell we have that adds ATK.
So... the only way to deal with monsters of ATK 1800 or more, is with the spells e traps?
The 🔥 storm that omega will bring is gonna funny to watch.
Finnaly a true F2P deck. Every monsters are N rarity. lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Like aromages was the most expensive.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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