
White Night Dragon | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of White Night Dragon (WATER/Dragon/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 12/09/2017

White Night Dragon

White Night Dragon
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeQuick Effect / Trigger Effect


During either player's turn, when a Spell/Trap Card that targets this card is activated: Negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. When another face-up monster you control is targeted for an attack: You can send 1 Spell/Trap Card you control to the Graveyard; change the attack target to this card.

How to Get

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  • Great ATK and DEF stats.
  • Negates Spell/Trap activation that targets this card, and destroy it.
  • Can be used multiple times during either Player’s turn.
  • Can send 1 Spell/Trap you control to the Graveyard, to change your opponent’s monster attack target to this monster.


  • Requires 2 Tributes to Tribute summon.
  • Attack redirection effect requires cost to use, can also be situational.
  • Negation ability will also negate your own Spell/Trap card if you target it.


Speed summon

The traditional way of speed summoning a level 7 or higher Dragon-type monster is to use Kidmodo Dragon’s effect by sending it to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon White Night Dragon from your Hand. Mausoleum of the Emperor allows you to pay 2000 Life Points to Normal Summon White Night Dragon, at the same time it acts as a Spell fodder should you need to change your opponent’s monster’s attacking target to White Night Dragon. Big Wave Small Wave can easily summon White Night Dragon from your hand, by destroying all face-up WATER monsters you control. Dragon's Rebirth if you are using a Dragon monsters only deck, and it can special summon from the grave.

Additional supports

Using Hardened Armed Dragon as 1 of the Tributes to Tribute summon White Night Dragon will grant your White Night Dragon immunity to card effects’ destruction. You can use Big Bang Shot to equip to your opponent’s monster, and if that monster attacks your monsters other than White Night Dragon, you can send Big Bang Shot to the Graveyard to banish that equipped monster. If you are playing White Night Dragon in a WATER themed deck, you can opt to use Moray of Greed as draw power tech.




ActionsSends from your hand to your Graveyard / Sends from hand to Graveyard for cost
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesNegates the activation of Spell Cards / Negates the activation of Trap Cards
Attack categoriesManage attack targets


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I use with Arkbrave Dragon.
I've made a decent build with White Night Dragon.
Still vulnerable to Order to Charge , how could it be? Some random bot did to me.
<< Anonymous(ZSpeaR)
Anonymous Reply
Order to Charge works like Super Rush Headlong in that the effect that destroys opponent's monster doesn't target.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Or rather, it's SRH that works like OtC since OtC came first XD

But I figure people would be more familiar with SRH.
Does Alexis have a summoning animation for this mofo?
<< Anonymous(?????)
Anonymous Reply
No but she saying Blue eyes White Night dragon for japanese language.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Blue-Ice White Night Dragon
It looks like fun. Even if it turns out that is all it will be for. I think I'm going to try to get it eventually.
I'm pretty sure the card is bugged. Opponent attacks me with it, i use enchanted jav, card gets negated. Wtf? Doesn't have the word target on the card like massivemorph does.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Enchanted Javelin targets. It's just too old to say that. (Actually, looking at Wikia, it would appear it DOES have a text stating that. Weird, even the official DB doesn't have that text listed.)
I am just puzzled how to make this card good in duel links it use to be my favorite card back in tcg when I was still a kid just a bit nostalgic... Trying the SSA variant but seems like Citadel Whale outshine him in that deck :') sad for this buddy to be honest.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I stand corrected the card is good with SSA but it made me remake the entire deck. Its actually quite fun. It has its own merit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
can u post the deck?
I just remembered how I hate the TCG branch for removing the "Blue Ice" part from the front of this card's OCG name when translating this card

Not only this card is clearly supposed to be a BEWD reference, but also, removing the "Blue Ice" part makes it confusing why a "White Night Dragon" is an ice dragon -_-
<< Anonymous
Lkaiba Reply
I have to agree and disagree on that last remark
White night is a term for winter so a white night dragon would more than likely be a ice/snow dragon
I attacked with this card and my opponent activated a quickplay spell card and banished it. Doesn't the text say that it negates any spell/trap that targets it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You don't even know what card your opponent activated and you expect us to give you answer?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you're talking about Spellbook of Fate that card doesn't target.
How come when I play this, and trap cards activate and still destroy it? That doesn't make any kind of sense considering it is supposed to nullifying the effects of any trap/magic cards targeting it....unless cards like wall of D, mirror wall etc that target everything still affects it too? That's annoying...
<< Anonymous
Aquablast Reply
That's right, cards that target everything is considered not targeting at all. Basically, a card is only targeting when the card actually says "target". This card honestly isn't as good as it sounds... but at least you'll still be safe from stuff like Tribute to the Doom and Enemy Controller.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
WoD and Mirror Wall don't target anything which is why WND won't stop them. If the monster's text said that it can't be affected by trap/spell effects, only then would it be immune to those effects. Notice how Enemy Controller's effect uses the word "target". WND would be able to negate it.
<< Anonymous
Aquablast Reply
Btw, I think Counter Trap cards will also work against this card. Honestly I'm not too great at ruling, but if I'm not mistaken, no cards except Counter Trap cards can be played once a Counter Trap is activated. Something about Counter Traps having the highest "spell speed" in a chain, so watch out for those cards.
<< Anonymous(Aquablast)
Anonymous Reply
The fact that White Night Dragon can't chain to Counter Traps is pretty much entirely irrelevant anyway. There's no player-obtainable Counter Traps in Duel Links that can actually target it. Not sure if any other than Negate Attack exist in the TCG/OCG for that matter.
I just open 5 box and what i got.. 1 sr and 1 ur
Borrowing the Amazoness deck and tweaking it a bit has lead to me having the most fun I've had in months with this game.Thank you to the poster
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
oops totally wrong page lmfao xD

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