
Toon Standoff: deck recipe

update 30/07/2019


Standard Version

Arcana Force XIV - TemperanceTwin-Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonDesperado Barrel DragonRed-Eyes Toon DragonRed-Eyes Toon Dragon
Red-Eyes Toon DragonToon Barrel DragonToon Barrel DragonToon Barrel DragonThe Black Stone of LegendThe Black Stone of Legend
The Black Stone of LegendToon KingdomToon Table of ContentsCup of AceCup of AceDemise of the Land
Demise of the LandDemise of the Land----
[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Destiny
When you toss a coin, the results will always be heads for the first 3 coin tosses. This Skill can only activate if you begin the duel with a deck that has 5 or more cards with different names that require coin tosses.
Sartorius Kumar
Sartorius Kumar

Budget Version

Red-Eyes WyvernDesperado Barrel DragonRed-Eyes Toon DragonRed-Eyes Toon DragonToon Barrel DragonToon Barrel Dragon
Toon Barrel DragonPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderPlanet PathfinderToon KingdomRed-Eyes Insight
Red-Eyes InsightRed-Eyes InsightToon Table of ContentsCup of AceCup of AceRed-Eyes Spirit
Red-Eyes SpiritRed-Eyes Spirit----
[Skill] descriptionUser
It's a Toon World
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell Toon World activated.
Maximillion Pegasus
Maximillion Pegasus

How to Play

The Black Stone of Legend

You can Tribute The Black Stone of Legend to Special Summon a Level 7 or lower “Red-Eyes” monster directly from your Deck. Normal Summon The Black Stone of Legend, Tribute it and Special Summon Red-Eyes Toon Dragon. Starting from your next turn, you will be able to add the Black Stone of Legend from the Graveyard back to your hand by shuffling a Level 7 or lower “Red-Eyes” monster in your Graveyard back into your Deck. Basically, even if your Red-Eyes Toon Dragon is destroyed, you can bring it back.

Red-Eyes Toon Dragon

Aside from being able to attack your opponent directly while you control Toon World, Red-Eyes Toon Dragon has another interesting ability. Once per turn, Red-Eyes Toon Dragon allows you to Special Summon another “Toon” monster from your hand ignoring its Summoning conditions. Use Red-Eyes Toon Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Toon Barrel Dragon.

Toon Barrel Dragon

Once per turn, Toon Barrel Dragon allows you to target a card on the field, toss a coin 3 times and then if at least 2 of the results are Heads, destroy it. Just like Red-Eyes Toon Dragon, Toon Barrel Dragon is able to attack your opponent directly, but both of them are unable to attack the turn they are Summoned.

Desperado Barrel Dragon

If a face-up DARK Machine monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can Special Summon Desperado Barrel Dragon from your hand. Basically. if anything happens to your Toon Barrel Dragon, Twin-Barrel Dragon or even to another Desperado Barrel Dragon, aside from being returned to the hand (Steelswarm Moth and Six Style - Dual Wield) or banished (Subterror Behemoth Umastryx), you can fall back on this Level 8 monster.

Once per turn, during the Battle Phase, Desperado Barrel Dragon allows you to toss a coin 3 times and then destroy face-up monsters on the field up to the number of Heads. Desperado Barrel Dragon’s effect does not target, which means that Red-Eyes Slash Dragon cannot negate it.

If Desperado Barrel Dragon is sent to the Graveyard, it allows you to add a Level 7 or lower monster from your Deck to your hand that has a coin-tossing effect. You can use this effect to search Arcana Force XIV - Temperance, Twin-Barrel Dragon or even Toon Barrel Dragon. Search Toon Barrel Dragon, activate The Black Stone of Legend’s effect from the Graveyard, shuffle Red-Eyes Toon Dragon back into your Deck, Normal Summon The Black Stone, Special Summon Red-Eyes Toon Dragon and then use its effect to Special Summon Toon Barrel Dragon.

Toon Kingdom

The Toon Kingdom will prevent all of your “Toon” monsters from being targeted by your opponent’s card effects and, at the cost of banishing one card from the top of your Deck face-down, it will also prevent them from being destroyed. You can search the Toon Kingdom via Planet Pathfinder or Toon Table of Contents or even play it directly from your Deck via Demise of the Land.

Additional Notes


Master of Destiny literally turns Cup of Ace into Pot of Greed, making up for the lack of consistency of the Deck and allowing you to draw into cards like Toon Barrel Dragon, which you want to have in your hand for Red-Eyes Toon Dragon, and Desperado Barrel Dragon itself.

While Toon World is on your side of the field, both Red-Eyes Toon Dragon and Toon Barrel Dragon are able to attack your opponent directly, putting them immediately on a timer. Having Toon World already on the field means that you don’t have to rely on drawing the Toon Kingdom or Toon Table of Contents and it also obviously means that, while it’s possible to remove the Continuous Spell from the field, it’s impossible to negate its activation via Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En or Silent Magician.


  • As I mentioned, this Deck does struggle with consistency from time to time. Running so many high-Level monsters that need specific cards in order to be played is likely the main cause behind this flaw.
  • Red-Eyes Toon Dragon, Toon Barrel Dragon, and Desperado Barrel Dragon don’t have enough to ATK to get over monsters like Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon, so you will have to rely entirely on the coin tosses in order to get rid of them.
  • If you activate Toon Barrel Dragon’s effect, you will exhaust all of your guaranteed coin tosses from Master of Destiny at once.


New deck wow
Interesting deck gamea using Demise of the land
<< Anonymous(Konek)
ValleCula Reply
I wanted to build something spicy

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