
Scrap Dragon | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Scrap Dragon (EARTH/Dragon/Synchro Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 10/03/2020

Scrap Dragon

Scrap Dragon
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeSynchro / Effect
Card Effect TypeIgnition Effect / Trigger Effect
Supports ArchetypesScrap


1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can target 1 card you control and 1 card your opponent controls; destroy them. When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 non-Synchro "Scrap" monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

How to Get

PackValhalla Calling [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Good stats.
  • Generic Synchro materials
  • Has a removal effect.
  • Revives a Scrap monster.


  • Can be costly to summon.
  • Removal effect requires you to also destroy one of your cards.



Scrap monsters like to destroy themselves to trigger their effects so Scrap Dragon’s removal effect can gain you even more advantage. Additionally, a good way of summoning Scrap Dragon is by using Scrap Golem to revive Scrap Goblin.


Nephthys is another archetype that like to have their monsters destroyed with an effect. Most prominently Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys is able to revive itself and clear all Spell/Trap cards on the field after it was destroyed via a card effect.


Destroy Geartown with Scrap Dragon’s effect so you can summon a powerful Ancient Gear monster while clearing your opponent’s field.


Choosing a monster on your side of the field that cannot be destroyed via card effect as target will still allow you to destroy the opponent’s monster while keeping your own monster alive.

Widespread Dud

Activate Widespread Dud and select 2 of your opponent’s monsters. Use Scrap Dragon’s effect to destroy an opponent’s monster and Widespread Dud, which will cause Widespread Dud to destroy the 2 other selected monsters resulting in a monster zone wipe.




ActionsActivates from your Graveyard
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesDestroys your Monster Cards / Destroys your Spell Cards / Destroys your Trap Cards / Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards / Destroys your opponent's Spell Cards / Destroys your opponent's Trap Cards
Summoning categoriesSpecial Summons from your Graveyard


Not KoG
Scrap Dragon for a dream ticket.
Now I know PK of break sword inspired from what
So....where are the Scraps after we got this card?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply the Scrapyard? XD
I got pretty angry that they actually released a card that's so problematic but there are worse things out there. Scrap decks are interesting to use, as I'm lucky to have pulled most of their best cards early.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
its also stupid to call not broken cos the other is more broken.

"Yes. As long as there is at least 1 card more broken than everything else it means all the others are very balanced." lol i hope u were just being ironic and ur not that your logic the only 1 broken card can exist if there is any.makes no sense.not only 1 broken card can exist u d u mb f uc k.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
its like u say the person is not bad cos there is a more bad person.yeah here came the moral relativist fa g g ot.(you)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But he's right you know?
In the past Hitotsume no giant was the ultimate p2w boss monster. A normal monster level 4 with 1200 atk was so strong back then that it was considered more meta broken than Levianeer currently is in our meta.

Today all cards are more broken than Hitotsume giant, which made this previously meta breaking card balanced.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you compare Levianeer to a year 1999 vanilla of course the vanilla is balanced, it's a dumb argument because the difference, both in era and power, is too vast.

Better comparison would be something like Levianeer and Shiranui Sunsaga.
Spread into multiple boxes, still not top tier. That's what happened to Fabled. Scrap would be another one
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yea, spread out too much so by the time all the supports are in, people no longer care about the deck......
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you only say this because you don't work hard enough to get a decent salary and buy some cards.

try to act like a proper adult before whining and buy some cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
buy cards in a game which powercreeps and ri ps you off everywhere it can with banlists and powercreeps?no thanks.and if i dont do this im not you refer to this as a requirement of adults.what a joke u are.
You know what is funny? it's dragon type, so you can summon it, use itself to destroy something and use stardust shimmer to bring it back.
Will be playable

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Why would you give it to d d and not the chazz
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