
Dark Signer Kalin Kessler

This page notes Dark Signer Kalin Kessler's skills, level-up rewards, starter deck, and cards and skills you can get by winning a duel against Dark Signer Kalin Kessler.
update 22/04/2022

Description in the game

As a Dark Signer, Kalin has the Mark of the Giant. In "happier" times, Kalin teamed up with Yusei and Jack to form the Enforcers - the most powerful Dueling team in the Satellite. When he was captured by Sector Security, he mistakenly blamed Yusei for his imprisonment. With his zero-card handless combo, Kalin used "Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" to punish Yusei for his misdeeds

Signature Cards

Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu Deck

Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu
DARK Fiend ★10
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Dark Signer Kalin Kessler's Starter Deck [UR]
There can only be 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot target this card for attacks. This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK.

Hundred Eyes Dragon

Hundred Eyes Dragon
Hundred Eyes Dragon
DARK Dragon ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Raid Duel - The Flame of Vengeance: Ccapac Apu! [UR]
1 DARK Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Fiend-Type monsters
Once per turn: You can banish 1 Level 6 or lower DARK Effect Monster from your Graveyard; until the End Phase, this card's name becomes that banished monster's, and replace this effect with that banished monster's original effects. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: Add 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster from your Deck to your hand.

Related Decks

Infernity Deck

How to Unlock Dark Signer Kalin Kessler

Trigger Event

Reach stage 6 in Yu-Gi-Oh! (5D's) World.

Dark Signer Kalin Kessler's Unlock Mission

Complete all Character Unlock MissionsBlue Key x50
Successfully perform 2 Synchro Summon(s) in one Duel against Dark Signer Kalin Kessler at level 30 while playing as Yusei Fudo.SR Jewel x3
Use a Trap Card 4 time(s) in one Duel against Dark Signer Kalin Kessler.Gold x8,000
Inflict 3800 or more points of effect damage in Duels against Dark Signer Kalin Kessler.Gold x8,000
Summon Stardust Dragon 1 time(s) while playing as Yusei Fudo, in a Duel against Dark Signer Kalin Kessler at level 30.Gold x8,000
Achieve 1 Comeback Victory(ies) in Duels against Dark Signer Kalin Kessler at level 30 using Jack Atlas.Gold x8,000

Kalin's Skills

Leaked Skills

[Skill] description
Avenger & Doom Dragon
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Infernity Avenger" to your deck, and 1 "Infernity Doom Dragon" to your Extra deck.

NPC Skills

[NPC Skill] descriptionHow to get
Flames of Vengeance
Win the Duel on your 5th Draw Phase.
NPC Skill
Offering to the Immortals
Play 2 "Ceremonial Tokens." Then, add 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster to your hand.
NPC Skill
Dark Synchro Preparations
Play Dark Synchro Materials.
NPC Skill

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Dark Tuning 100
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Infernity Avenger" to your deck, and 1 "Hundred Eyes Dragon" to your Extra deck.
Lvl 4
Seal of the Immortal
Until your opponent's next end phase, "Earthbound" monsters you control are not destroyed by their effects. This skill can be used once per Duel.
Lvl 13
Wave-Motion Inferno
If you have no cards in your hand, all of your "Infernity" monsters gains 400 ATK.
Lvl 20
Handless Combo 100
Begin the Duel with 0 starting hand and 1 "Hundred Eyes Dragon" on your side of the field.
Immortals Offering
Reveal 1 to 3 "Earthbound Immortal" monsters in your hand. Then, play "Ceremonial Token" equal to the number of cards you revealed. You cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters, except "Earthbound Immortal" monsters, on the turn you use this Skill. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Immortals Charity
Can be used if you control an "Earthbound Immortal" monster. Set 1 "Earthbound Whirlwind," "Earthbound Wave," or "Roar of the Earthbound" from outside your Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
One-Card Wonder
Your starting hand becomes 1 card. During the Duel, draw 2 cards in your Draw Phase.
Infernity Inferno
Can be used on your 2nd turn. Discard up to 2 cards from your hand. Then, send "Infernity" monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard equal to the number of cards you discarded.

Common Skills

Level-up Rewards

2Gems x10
3Memory CrusherMemory Crusher
4Skill: Dark Tuning 100
5Deck Slot (Dark Signer Kalin Kessler)
6Gem x15
7Infernity DwarfInfernity Dwarf
8Deck Slot (Dark Signer Kalin Kessler)
9Gem x25
10Memory CrusherMemory Crusher
11Earthbound RevivalEarthbound Revival
12Gem x35
13Skill: Seal of the Immortal
14Infernity DwarfInfernity Dwarf
15Gem x50
16Infernity AvengerInfernity Avenger
17Gem x60
18Memory CrusherMemory Crusher
19Gem x75
20Skill: Wave-Motion Inferno
21Earthbound RevivalEarthbound Revival
22Gem x100
23Infernity DwarfInfernity Dwarf
24Gem x120
25Infernity GuardianInfernity Guardian
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Dark Signer Kalin Kessler)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Earthbound RevivalEarthbound Revival
31Gold x100,000
32Gems x200
33Infernity BreakInfernity Break
34Gems x250
35Infernity NecromancerInfernity Necromancer
36UR Jewel x1
37Gems x200
38Infernity NecromancerInfernity Necromancer
39Gems x250
40Infernity BreakInfernity Break

Duel Rewards

Raid Duel - The Flame of Vengeance: Ccapac Apu! Event Rewards

Roaming Event

Starter Deck

Dark Signer Kalin Kessler's Starter Deck

Earthbound Immortal Ccapac ApuMabarrelDark King of the AbyssDark King of the AbyssDark King of the AbyssThe Shadow Who Controls the Dark
The Shadow Who Controls the DarkThe Shadow Who Controls the DarkClaw ReacherClaw ReacherClaw ReacherMadjinn Gunn
Madjinn GunnMadjinn GunnMeda BatMeda BatMeda BatYami

Previous Event

Kalin Kessler's Roaming Event

Raid Duel - The Flame of Vengeance: Ccapac Apu! Event


Hot New Top
infernity is broken
Maybe he will comeback in october or in november
They are not going to release infernity launcher x3 because it's TOO BROKEN guys
I think his event was too long
great EVent
His event was a bit difficult, but it generated a LOT of traffic through the internet. Many people didn't know how to farm him.
<< Anonymous(great EVent)
Anonymous Reply
many people struggled hard
Glad they didn't release Infernity Archfiend, it's kinda broken
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Archfiend is kinda long as they don't also release Launcher.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Launcher and Infernity won't be added to this game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
because they are BROKEN
Infernity too op, no wonder why Launcher is limited in the TCG afaik
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Launcher is BROKEN
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They won't release those cards bro
Palkia Dots
(Just my opinion, please don’t 🔥 me) I don’t understand why Kalin gets so much hate. He’s my third favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! villain (#2 Rex Godwin, #1 Revolver/Varis.)
<< Anonymous(Palkia Dots )
Anonymous Reply
His voice in the english dub is very whinny, and he’s pretty basic as a villain that would probably be in the bottom tier of yugioh characters if it weren’t for the redemption arc he had centered around him in the next season
Stop posting CRAP love spell spam.
Seriously, no one is interested. I dunno why the owner of this website keeps posting it.
I wish they release his infernity synchro, infernity doom dragon.
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
perhaps next mainbox :)
how to unlock him
<< Anonymous(Slacker)
Anonymous Reply
The event page should give a time later today that you must beat the Earthbound after. 9 hours from now.
<< Anonymous
Slacker Reply
Okay, thank you for the help ^^
<< Anonymous(Slacker)
Just A Duelist Reply
You need to beat the earthbound immortal from July 1st and beyond
<< Anonymous(Slacker)
Es Reply
You need to do an assisted Duel. When you get +320000 damage points acquired. Then you unlock him
What's a good deck to try and farm some skills for Kalin since Infernity is a no go and building a Deck around Ccapaca Apu
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For PVP - Any deck that doesn't rely heavily on skill would do.

For farming LD - Use any farming deck against Rex (He is the easiest to farm)

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