
Dragon Master Knight: deck recipe [Dec 2019 Updated]

update 18/12/2019


This deck was made more for the fun and novelty of it, not to be competitive. However, it can excel at damage output if you manage to get past your opponent's defenses.

Example Deck

Standard Version

Black Luster SoldierBlack Luster SoldierBlack Luster SoldierKing of the SwampKing of the SwampKing of the Swamp
Keeper of Dragon MagicKeeper of Dragon MagicKeeper of Dragon MagicGoddess with the Third EyeGoddess with the Third EyeGoddess with the Third Eye
Gateway to ChaosDragon's MirrorDragon's MirrorDragon's MirrorPolymerizationPolymerization
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole----
Dragon Master KnightDragon Master KnightDragon Master KnightDragonecro Nethersoul DragonDark CavalryDark Cavalry

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Posthumous Army
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1000. All monsters on the field and monsters in both player's Graveyards become Zombie-Type monsters until the end of your opponent's turn.

How to Use (Previous Version)

Fusion Substitute

No one want to summon Dragon Master Knight using a properly summoned Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon as material. So what we need are monsters that can substitute fusion materials. Simply use the fusion substitute with Black Luster Soldier as fusion materials to make Dragon Master Knight.

This will also allow you to summon Red-Eyes Slash Dragon with the fusion Substitute acting as Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

Goddess with the Third Eyes is preferred over The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion because of her level. But using The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion does have its own benefit, namely tributing itself with with Black Luster Soldier to make Dragon Master Knight without a fusion spell.

Gateway to Chaos

Upon activation Gateway to Chaos searches Black Luster Soldier which is helpful since he is at the center of many of this deck's plays.

Every time a monster(s) is sent to the graveyard this card gains 1 counter. Gather 3 of these counters to search out your Ritual Spells. Fusion Summons and Ritual Summons are good for building up counters because you would usually send multiple monsters to the graveyard as materials, giving Gateway to Chaos multiple counters.

Search Polymerization

Both these monsters are excellent for searching Polymerization. Elemental HERO Blazeman searches Polymerization upon being summoned. Vision HERO - Vylon sends a HERO monster from deck to the graveyard upon summoning. You can then use Vyon's effect to banish that HERO monster to search Polymerization. King of the Swamp also searches Polymerization by discarding himself.

Coincidentally they are both HERO monsters and therefore Warrior-types which allow you to use them as materials for Red-Eyes Slash Dragon.

Dragon's Mirror

With your skill, Dragon's Mirror and Five-Headed Dragon will be added to your deck and extra deck respectively. Five-Headed Dragon is useless to this deck. Dragon's Mirror however is a great fusion card.

Get Black Luster Soldier and a fusion substitute on your field and/or in your graveyard to make Dragon Master Knight. Or a fusion substitute and Warrior-type monster to make Red-Eyes Slash Dragon.

You can easily put King of the Swamp into your graveyard as your fusion substitute by discarding him to search Polymerization.

Fusion Monsters

Fusion Summons are this deck's main gimmick. Dragon Master Knight is a just a really big beater. Red-Eyes Slash Dragon is the best monster in this deck and can consistently protect itself while still being a threatening presence on the field. Elemental HERO Gaia can be summoned as a beater if in case you cannot summon Dragon Master Knight, or in the rare instances that your opponent controls a monster Dragon Master Knight cannot beatdown.

Ritual Summon

Ritual monsters are the kind of a side strategy for this deck. Summon Black Luster Soldier to get materials in your graveyard for Dragon's Mirror. Black Luster Soldier himself is a good beater.
Your Ritual Spells can also be searched with Gateway to Chaos which does offer some, even if little, consistency.

Additional Notes


  • The deck is too combo reliant. The only card able to work on it's own is the single copy of Dragon's Mirror you get from your skill. This also results in it's second weakness.
  • Quickly drains it's own resources with the reliance on Fusion and Ritual Summons.
  • Lack of defenses. Only Red-Eyes Slash Dragon has proper protection effects.


I appreciate any fun deck. But I hate to admit that despite fun deck, this deck too expensive since you need 3 BLS, 3 Dragon's Mirror n 2 Dark Cavalry. I like affordable fun deck and I will give 10 score too if it's competitive.
<< Anonymous(Candend)
Anonymous Reply
A fun deck that wins 1 game every 30 duels and costs more than a good meta deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Fun deck is not meant to be used in PVP anyway.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It won't called fun deck if it was that competitive

Just like how you didn't expect too much by playing rogue against meta, but if somehow you defeat it, you feel satisfied for some reason.
Dark Cavalry definitely can be summoned by this deck. Fusion subs runs on 2 rules:

1. It can only replace named material.
2. It needs the other material to be correct.

Fusion sub + a Warrior, follows both rules.

Did people already forgot how they usually summon Buster Blader the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman? Fusion sub + any Dragon. Only reason it no longer work with Destruction Swordsman Fusion s because that fusion Spell specifically list BB. There's no such issue if you use regular Poly.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami actually clarifies the ruling on newer print of fusion substitute monsters.

Two that I can remember, Fusion Parasite and the latest print of King of the Swamp, outright says that the replaced material must be specifically named.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I never used Fusion Parasite, but the others. You proved my point. You're not using King Of The Swamps to switch out a Dark Magician for him and try to use KOTS plus a warrior. You would be using King Of The Swamp and a Dark Magician. And since "warrior" isn't a specified named excluding synchros with warrior in their name, you can't fusion summon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not DC at least but probably others
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you are the one didnt understand, the warrior part is also correct one, not only the dark magician part, it didnt matter it was spesicifically named or not it is still correct, you can use hex and warrior on the field to ss the dark cavalry, also you can fusion summon dadk cavalry using poly using fusion substitite and warrior on the hand or field.tested on duel link. case closed.
......So the Posthumous Army skill is only used for summoning Dragonecro?

I don't know if that's a waste or not, but well, I admit Dragonecro is a really good Fusion.
What if i dont have black luster soldier but have his alternate version
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck absolutely needs the original BLS, unfortunately.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The original BLS is needed, as it's the one you're not replacing. You're replacing BEUD, the harder material, with fusion sub.
Dark Calvary can come out. You have no Dark Magician and fusion substitute calls for one monster to be the correct one. That's not including Dragons since they're many you can use. As long as it's a Dark Magician then a fusion substitue, it will work.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Warrior* not dragons. My mistake
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Let me rephrase my statement wihout errors. You can't fusion summon Dark Calvary without a Dark Magician. Fusion substitute doesn't work that way so you can't use a warrior+fusion substitute. It needs to be a Dark Magician+Fusion substitute for you to fusion summon. So DC can be taken out this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just ran this with a Dark Cavalry deck in game. It works fine. Hex is "Dark Magician" with E. Hero Neos as the Warrior.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Since Dark Cavalry doesn't say must be fusion summoned you can even use dark hex's second effect to contact fuse into it.
a very fun deck not viable but fun ... also you better check your cards properly some are not possible especially dark calvary
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
That's what the Fusion Substitute cards are for.
You cannot summon dragon master knight with the light hex sealed fusion because it must be fusion summoned.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can, Hex is there as a fusion sub, not for the second effect.
Highly expensive and easily countered, but it must be very cool to use.
Mystic Quest
Dragon Master Knight!!!

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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